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Module 1Module 1INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONReading and vocabularyReading and vocabularylaugh mouth joke like badly language done creatingComplete the quotations with the words.1. The English have no respect for their _, and will not teach their children to speak it. They spell it so _ that no man can teach himself what it sounds like. It is impossible for an Englishman to open his _ without making another Englishman hate him.languagebadlymouthWhat the quotations mean.English is no taught well in England. The spelling system is so variable that you cannot work out how to say something from reading it. English people judge each other on their accent.2. Life isnt about finding yourself. Life is about _ yourself.3. If you are going to tell people the truth, youd better make them _. Otherwise, theyll kill you.creatinglaughWhat the quotations mean.In life, we are not looking for someone which already exists, we are learning how to make ourselves into someone.4. My way of joking is to tell the truth. Its the funniest _ in the world. 5. Nothing is ever _ in this world until men are prepared to kill one another if it is not done.6. Take care to get what you like or you will have to _ what you get.jokedonelikeWhat the quotations mean.4. Truth is more entertaining than jokes which are supposed to be funny.5. You need a really good reason to start doing something important.6. If you dont make an effort to get what you want, you will have to put up with what you get.Bernard ShawBernard ShawRead through the words in the box and the introduction to Bernard Shaw, then answer the questions.1.What does a dramatist do?2.What kinds of things does a socialist believe?Writes plays.Education, no class system, equal rights for everyone.Amusing, popular and educational.3. What kind of plays did Shaw write?Can you introduce Bernard Shaw in your own words to us?Fast reading(Part 1)Activity 1Read and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 71.Why is the play called Pygmalion?2.What does Higgins want to do with Eliza?Because it is based on a Greek myth of the same name.To make her into a lady.She changes from being an uneducated flower-seller into a charming young woman who is accepted in polite society.3. How does Eliza change?5. Does Higgins believe that coming from a high social class gives you a better character? Why? / Why not?No, he doesnt. Because he believes all people are equal.6. How does Higgins treat Eliza?7. How does Eliza win his respect?As an object.By insisting that he respect her.Reading(Part 1)Activity 2Find these words and phrases in the passages and choose the correct meanings.1. a king carves a statue This means _. A. pays for B. makes2.The statue comes to life This means _. A. looks very alive B. becomes aliveBB3. tries to make a lady out of an uneducated girl This means _. A. a woman who belongs to the higher classes of society B. a real woman 4. to behave in a refined way This means _. A. in a polite and educated way B. intelligentlyAA5. Higgins introduces Eliza to polite society . This means _. A people who are polite B. people in the highestBFast reading(Part 2)Activity 1Read and answer questions 4.4. Does the extract in Part 2 come from the beginning, the middle or the end of the play? Say why you think so.The beginning.Fast reading(Part 2)Activity 26. he treats me as if I was dirt. This means _. A. as if I was completely unimportant B. he thinks I am dirty7. I wont give more than a shilling. This is probably _. A. a small amount of money B. a large amount of moneyAA8. What about the ambassadors party? An ambassador is _. A. a man with an important position in society B. A man with an unimportant position in society 9. Ill pass her off as anything. This means_. A. to make people believe she is very different from what she really is B. people will pass her without noticing herAAComplete the passage with a, you, good and / or other necessary words.Pickering, Higginss friend, is very different from the professor. He seems a (n) (1) _ man, who (2) _ feel is interested in Eliza as (3) _ person, unlike Higgins. The audience soon realizes that its no (4) _ expecting Higgins to care for Eliza. Higgins is always telling goodyouagoodEliza what to do “ (5) _ do this, (6) _ do that”, whereas Pickering, who is a (n) (7) _ person, is more gentle and understanding. It is (8) _ that Pickering is there to teach Eliza, by his example, real manners. He is such (9) _ kind man that he even gives Eliza and her new husband money to start (10) _ flower shop.dont /youyou/dontgoodagooda
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