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1.(Yali:1.). The science of medicine, _ progress has been very rapid recently, is perhaps the most important of all the sciences.A. in which B. with which C. to which D. from which2.(Guangdong 26.) In their country August 31 is a national holiday, _ everyone dances in the streets.A. which B. as C. when D. because典型错题重现典型错题重现progress in sth / make progress with sth a national holiday3.(Tianjing : 14). There is much chance _ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.A.that B. which C. until D. if 4.(Fujian: 22). Look out ! Dont get too close to the house _ roof is under repair.A. whose B. which C. of which D. that chanceThere is much chance . Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.The houses roof is under repair. 定语丛句重难点突破定语丛句重难点突破 介词介词+关系代词关系代词when, where ; which用法混淆用法混淆与同位语丛句混淆与同位语丛句混淆whose用法不明用法不明 “的的”巩固练习巩固练习介词介词 + 关系代词关系代词 + 句子句子This is the pot I boiled the milk. This is the pot I boiled the milk in. Yesterday we had a meeting, _ we discussed many problems. 介词的确定方法:介词的确定方法:1. 根据先行词来确定根据先行词来确定in which(which / that)in we discussed many problems at the meetingat whichThe person _I complained is the manager.The dog, _ he used to be afraid, is her favorite animal now. 2. 根据从句中的谓语根据从句中的谓语动词或形容词来确定动词或形容词来确定to whomI complained to the person.of which He used to be afraid of the dog.3. 根据从句所表达的意思来确定根据从句所表达的意思来确定Water, _ man cant live, is really important. without whichMan cant live without water.05 Hunan: Franks dream was to have his own shop _ to produce the workings of his own hands.A. that B. in which C. by which D. how 介词介词 + 关系代词关系代词 + 不定式不定式Classical sentence : Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present. (SB3 unit 10)Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which she could buy Jim a present.模拟翻译模拟翻译她搜寻了整个房子,找到了一只所谓的扫帚打扫尘封的她搜寻了整个房子,找到了一只所谓的扫帚打扫尘封的家具。家具。 She searched the house and found what is so-called broom with which to clean the dirt-covered furniture.with which she could clean the dirt-covered furniture. /She could clean the dirt- covered furniture with the broomHe is the best man _ (和他讨论这件事的人和他讨论这件事的人) with whom to discuss the matter.06 ShangHaichun: You can find whatever you need at the shopping center ,_ is always busy at the weekend.A . that B. where C. what D. which06Anhui: Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer _ it was 20 years ago, _ it was so poorly equipped.A.what, when B. that , which C. what , which D. which, that when, where ; which用法混淆用法混淆经验总结经验总结当先行词是表当先行词是表时间时间和表和表地点地点的的 词时,一定要词时,一定要注意注意分析从句的结构分析从句的结构,如果,如果缺少主语或宾语缺少主语或宾语时,关系词应该用时,关系词应该用 which 或或 that, 缺少时间缺少时间状语或地点状语状语或地点状语时,时,才才能用能用 when 或或 where 特别是在非限制性定语丛句中,我们往往容特别是在非限制性定语丛句中,我们往往容易上当试比较:易上当试比较: You will remember the happy days _ we spent together .You will remember the happy days_ we stayed / lived together. 06 Chongqing: Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class _ he had to meet his uncle at the airport.A. why . B. that C. where D. because与同位语丛句混淆与同位语丛句混淆his reasonhe had to meet his uncle at the airport.试比较:试比较:I cant believe the reason _ he was late for school. I cant believe the reason _ he explained to me.why / for which(that/ which )试分析试分析:a.The news that our team has won the game is true. b. The news that he told me yesterday is true. c. The mother made a promise that pleased all her children. d. I made a promise that if anyone set me free , I would make him very rich同位语丛句同位语丛句定语丛句定语丛句定语丛句定语丛句同位语丛句同位语丛句that不能省不能省that能省能省The newsThe newsa promisea promisethat不能省不能省that不能省不能省结论结论:2. 同位语从句前面的名词只能是同位语从句前面的名词只能是idea, fact, news, hope, belief, suggestion, proposal, word, thought, doubt, truth, possibility, promise, order等等表示抽象意义的名词表示抽象意义的名词。而定语从句的先行词。而定语从句的先行词可以是可以是名词、代词、主句的一部分或整个主句。名词、代词、主句的一部分或整个主句。1. 引导词引导词that引导引导定语定语从句时,在从句中一般从句时,在从句中一般作作主语或宾语(指物时还可以用主语或宾语(指物时还可以用which代替)代替),并,并且作宾语时常常省略。且作宾语时常常省略。That在同位语从句中仅起在同位语从句中仅起连接作用,连接作用,不充当任何成份,并且不能省略,也不充当任何成份,并且不能省略,也不能用不能用which来代替。来代替。 e. We are looking into the question whether he is worth trusting.f. I have no idea what has happened to him.g. That question whether we need it has not been considered.同位语丛句同位语丛句同位语丛句同位语丛句同位语丛句同位语丛句结论结论3: how, whether, what可以引导同位语从句,可以引导同位语从句,但不能但不能引导定语从句。引导定语从句。which, that, when, where , why , who, whose既既可以引导定语丛句又可以引导同位语丛句可以引导定语丛句又可以引导同位语丛句Our language class include a lot about the culture of the country _ language we are studying .A.Which B. whose C. Whatever D .whicheverwhose用法不明用法不明 “的的”The countrys language we are studying. We are studying the countrys language. whose language=the language of which / of which the language1.Asian- Americans, _ population is increasing rapidly, will become an important minority in the USA.A.whose B. who C. its D. their2.Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods , from _ effects the people are still suffering.A.which B. whose C. those D. what3.The people , _ had been damaged by the flood , were given help by the Red Cross.A.all of their homes B. all their homes C. whose all homes D. all of whose homesConsolidated exercises 4.- The boy is gaining weight recently. - Im afraid so. He always has a great deal more chocolate and sweets , for example, _ is necessary.A. that. B. which C. what D. than()5. Jim passed the driving test, _ surprised everybody in the office. (05浙江卷)浙江卷) AwhichBthat Cthis Dit 6. Luckily, wed brought a road map without _ we would have lost our way. (04北京春)北京春) A. itB. that C. thisD. which more7. I saw a woman running toward me in the dark, before I could recognize who she was , she had run back in the direction _ she had come.A . of which B. by which C. in which D. from which8. - its thirty years since we last met.- But I still remember the story , believe it or not , _ we got lost on a rainy night.A.which B. that C. what D. when9. In an hour , we can travel to places , _ would have taken our ancestors days to reach.A. where B. when C. which D. what 10.Danny left word with my secretary _ he would call again in the afternoon.A. who B. that C. as D. which11.The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months ,_ the sailing time was 226 days.A. of which B. during whichC. from which D. for which12. I shall never forget those days _ I lived in the army with the soldiers, _ has a great effect on my life.A.that , which B. when, which C. when ,that D. which , that 定语丛句的应用定语丛句的应用作文作文:高三感言高三感言 时光飞逝时光飞逝, 转眼间我们已经跨进高三几十天了转眼间我们已经跨进高三几十天了, 在这期间在这期间我们克服了各种各样的困难我们克服了各种各样的困难, 包括最炎包括最炎热的夏天热的夏天.因为我们都有一个坚定因为我们都有一个坚定信念信念, 那就是那就是我我们都将考取大学们都将考取大学. 同时我们不能让父母失望同时我们不能让父母失望,他们他们最大最大的的愿望是送我们上大学愿望是送我们上大学.在以后的日子里在以后的日子里, 不不管我们将遇到什么困难管我们将遇到什么困难,我们都必须坚持下去决不我们都必须坚持下去决不放弃放弃.因为我们相信因为我们相信,谁谁笑到最后笑到最后笑得最好笑得最好!要求:至少用三个不同的定语丛句要求:至少用三个不同的定语丛句 How time flies. Nearly one month of senior 3 has gone, during which time we have overcome all kinds of difficulties including the hottest summer, because all of us have a firm belief that we will get good results and will be admitted into a good university . Meanwhile , we cant disappoint our parents whose greatest wish is to send us to a university. In the following days , no matter what difficulties we will meet, we should keep up and never give up. Because we believe he who laughs last laughs best.
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