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StarterUnit 3What color is it?单元同步阅读专练一、完形填空。Grace :Goodafternoon ,James!James :Good_1_!Grace :_2_areyou?James :Fine,_3_Grace :I knowyou_4_intheNBA.James :Yes.Grace :Whatsthis_5_English?James :It isa _6_Grace :Canyou_7_it?James :Yes ,B-A-S-K-E-T-B-A-L-L,basketball (篮球)Grace :_8_isit?James :It is_9_andblack.Grace :Isit yourbasketball?James :No,itsIrvings.Look !_10_ isIrving.Canyougive(给) thisbasketball toIrving?Grace :OK.( )1.A.morningBBafternoonCevening( )2.A.What B How CWhoB( )3.A.thanks B hello C pleaseA( )4.A.is B am C areC( )5.A.at B to CinC( )6.A.jacket B cup C basketballC( )7.A.spell B say C seeA( )8.A.What B What color C HowB( )9.A.purple B brown C blueB( )10.A.That B I CMyA二、阅读理解。A今天是开学的日子,第一天上学的同学们都准备了些什么物品呢?让我们一起来看看他们的书包吧!This is Alice.What s in Alice s (艾丽斯的)schoolbag ?A yellow penA blue rulerA green cupAn orangeThis is Cindy. What s in Cindy s schoolbag ?A purple penA red cupA keyA CDThis is Frank. What s in Frank s schoolbag ?A green jacketA black penAn English bookA map11.Alices pen is _A Ayellow Bblue C redC12You can see a _ in Cindys schoolbag.Aruler Bjacket C key13_ has ( 有) a map.AAFrank B Cindy C Alice14Everyone ( 每个人) has a _B Abook B pen C CD15_ are green.CAAlices cup and Franks mapBCindys pen and Franks jacketCAlices cup and Franks jacketB(原创题)Miss Li:Good morning ,students ( 同学们)!Students :Good morning ,teacher ( 老师)!Miss Li:Look at the letter !Whats this?Zhang Min :Its V .Miss Li:What color is it?Zhang Min :Its yellow.Miss Li:Whats_this_in_English?Zhang Min :Its a ruler.Miss Li:Spell it,please.Zhang Min :R-U-L-E-R.Miss Li:Good !What color is it?Zhang Min :_Miss Li:Spell “red”,please.Zhang Min :R-E-D.Miss Li:Great !Sit down ( 坐下),please.根据对话内容,完成下列任务。任务一:判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。( )16.Miss Li is an English teacher.T( )17.The letter “V” is red.F任务二:从对话中找出good 的同义词。18_great任务三:在横线上填写一句完整的话。Its red.19_任务四:把画线句子翻译成汉语。这个用英语怎么说?20_
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