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单元知识检测单元知识检测教材回扣教材回扣.用本单元所学短语完成句子用本单元所学短语完成句子1.He achieved his ambition 1.He achieved his ambition ( (用用办法办法) diligence.) diligence.2.2. ( (大多数大多数) people own a dog for companionship.) people own a dog for companionship.3.You can 3.You can ( (和和合作合作)another class member )another class member if you want.if you want.答案答案: :1.by means of1.by means of2.The majority of2.The majority of3.team up with 3.team up with 4.Im 4.Im ( (申请申请) a part-time job at a foreign company) a part-time job at a foreign company in my city during the summer vacation. in my city during the summer vacation.5.Gazing up into his eyes,she seemed to 5.Gazing up into his eyes,she seemed to ( (吸收吸收, ,理解理解) ) all he said. all he said.答案答案: :4.applying for4.applying for5.take in5.take in.课文缩写填空课文缩写填空 C Ca al li if fo or rn ni ia a i is s t th he e t th hi ir rd d l la ar rg ge es st t s st ta at te e i in n t th he e U US SA A b bu ut t h ha as s t th he e l la ar rg ge es st t p po op pu ul la at ti io on n. .1 1. . ( (a at tt tr ra ac ct t) ) p pe eo op pl le e f fr ro om m a al ll l o ov ve er r t th he e w wo or rl ld d, ,i it t i is s t th he e m mo os st t m mu ul lt ti ic cu ul lt tu ur ra al l s st ta at te e i in n t th he e U US SA A. .T Th he e c cu us st to om ms s a an nd d l la an ng gu ua ag ge es s o of f t th he e i im mm mi ig gr ra an nt ts s l li iv ve e 2 2. . i in n t th he ei ir r n ne ew w h ho om me e. .N No o o on ne e r re ea al ll ly y k kn no ow ws s w wh ha at t t ti im me e t th he e f fi ir rs st t s se et tt tl le er rs s a ar rr ri iv ve ed d i in n 3 3. . w we e n no ow w k kn no ow w a as s C Ca al li if fo or rn ni ia a. .T Th he e s sc ci ie en nt ti is st ts s b be el li ie ev ve e t th ha at t t th he e N Na at ti iv ve e A Am me er ri ic ca an ns s r re ea ac ch he ed d A Am me er ri ic ca a b by y4 4. . ( (m me ea an n) ) o of f a a l la an nd d b br ri id dg ge e. .I In n t th he e 1 18 8t th h c ce en nt tu ur ry y, ,C Ca al li if fo or rn ni ia a w wa as s r ru ul le ed d b by y t th he e f fi ir rs st t S Sp pa an ni is sh h t to o C Ca al li if fo or rn ni ia a, ,t th he e 5 5. .( (m ma aj jo or r) ) o of f t th he em m w we er re e r re el li ig gi io ou us s m me en n. .T Th hi is s i is s6.6. over over 40% 40% of of Californians Californians regard regard Spanish Spanish as as a a first first or or second second language.In language.In 1848,gold 1848,gold 7.7. (discover) (discover) in in California California and and the the dream dream of of becoming becoming rich rich quickly quickly attracted attracted people people from from all all over over the the world.In world.In fact,few fact,few achieved achieved their their dreams,but dreams,but most most remained remained in in California California 8.8. (make) (make) a a life life for for themselves.In themselves.In more more recent recent decades,California decades,California has has become become home home to to more more people people from from Asia.It Asia.It 9.9. (believe) (believe) that that before before long long the the mix mix of of nationalities nationalities will will be be so so great great that that there there will will be be no no distinct major 10.distinct major 10.(race) or cultural groups.(race) or cultural groups.答答案案: :1.Having 1.Having attractedattracted2.on2.on3.what3.what4.means4.means5.majority5.majority6.why6.why7.was 7.was discovereddiscovered8.to make8.to make9.is believed9.is believed10.racial10.racial语境活用语境活用.单句语法填空单句语法填空1.“You have a wonderful daughter,”she said,1.“You have a wonderful daughter,”she said, (apparent) in(apparent) in tears. tears.2.I wish to be considered as an 2.I wish to be considered as an (apply) for the position.(apply) for the position.3.He was sent to his room as a 3.He was sent to his room as a (punish).(punish).4.Helens face gave no 4.Helens face gave no (indicate) of what she was (indicate) of what she was thinking. thinking.答案答案: :1.apparently1.apparently2.applicant2.applicant 3.punishment3.punishment4.indication 4.indication 5 5. .T Th he e l li im mi it ts s o of f a a p pe er rs so on ns s i in nt te el ll li ig ge en nc ce e, ,g ge en ne er ra al ll ly y s sp pe ea ak ki in ng g, ,a ar re e fixed at birth,but fixed at birth,but he reaches these limits will depend onhe reaches these limits will depend on his environment. his environment.6.Id like to start my own businessthats 6.Id like to start my own businessthats Id do if IId do if I had the money. had the money.7.It never 7.It never (occur) to me that I had seen her before (occur) to me that I had seen her before somewhere. somewhere.答案答案: :5.whether5.whether6.what6.what7.occurred 7.occurred 8.The 8.The (major) of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.(major) of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.9.This is a two-year course taught 9.This is a two-year course taught means of lectures.means of lectures.10.Look at everything you still have and be 10.Look at everything you still have and be (thank) for all(thank) for all of the good in your life. of the good in your life.答案答案: :8.majority8.majority9.by9.by10.thankful 10.thankful 答答案案: :1.1.将将whateverwhatever改改为为whoeverwhoever2.2.将将inin改改为为byby3.occurred3.occurred后后加加toto4.4.将将apparentlyapparently改为改为apparent apparent .单句语法改错单句语法改错1.The gold medal will be awarded to whatever wins the first place in1.The gold medal will be awarded to whatever wins the first place in the bicycle race.( the bicycle race.(20182018天津卷天津卷) )2.We express our thoughts in means of words and body language.2.We express our thoughts in means of words and body language.3.The possibility never occurred me that I would win the first in 3.The possibility never occurred me that I would win the first in exams. exams.4.Its apparently to all of us that the boy is very clever.4.Its apparently to all of us that the boy is very clever.5.I need a new passport so I will have to have my photograph taking.5.I need a new passport so I will have to have my photograph taking.(2018(2018天津卷天津卷) )6.I felt very strange to travel without any luggages.6.I felt very strange to travel without any luggages.7.An accident occurred in the street,which was because a traffic jam7.An accident occurred in the street,which was because a traffic jam came about. came about.答答案案: :5.5.将将takingtaking改改为为takentaken6.6.将将luggagesluggages改改为为luggageluggage7.7.将将becausebecause改改为为why why 8.A great many of houses were knocked down by the earthquake.8.A great many of houses were knocked down by the earthquake.9.Having punished by his boss,he was in a very bad mood.9.Having punished by his boss,he was in a very bad mood.1 10 0. .T To o t te ea am m u up p t th he e b bi ig g c co om mp pa an ny y i is s t th he e o on nl ly y m me ea an ns s o of f s so ol lv vi in ng g t th he e problem. problem.答案答案: :8.8.去掉去掉ofof9.punished9.punished前加前加beenbeen10.up10.up后加后加withwith微写作微写作1.1.众所周知众所周知, ,自从自从19781978年改革以来年改革以来, ,中国经历了移民潮。中国经历了移民潮。答答案案: :1.As 1.As we we all all know,China know,China has has experienced experienced immigration immigration movements movements since the reform in 1978.since the reform in 1978.( (借助过渡性词语或句子就能把借助过渡性词语或句子就能把5 5个句子连接成一篇小短文个句子连接成一篇小短文) ) 2.2.据报道成千上万的农民从农村涌向城市。据报道成千上万的农民从农村涌向城市。答答 案案 : :2.It 2.It is is reported reported that that thousands thousands of of farmers farmers from from the the countryside crowd into the cities.countryside crowd into the cities.3.The majority of them can make a life in the cities despite great 3.The majority of them can make a life in the cities despite great hardship.hardship. 3.3.尽管辛苦尽管辛苦, ,他们中的多数人都能适应城市生活。他们中的多数人都能适应城市生活。 4.4.有些农民甚至申请到了城市居民权有些农民甚至申请到了城市居民权, ,享受和当地人一样的权利。享受和当地人一样的权利。5 5. .他他们们通通过过努努力力工工作作为为城城市市的的繁繁荣荣做做出出了了贡贡献献, ,如如今今自自己己也也过过上上了了幸幸福福的的 生活。生活。答答案案: :4.Some 4.Some farmers farmers even even have have applied applied for for the the right right to to live live in in the the city and enjoy the same rights as the local.city and enjoy the same rights as the local.5.They 5.They have have made made great great contributions contributions to to the the boom boom of of the the cities cities by by means of working hard and now live a happy life.means of working hard and now live a happy life. 连句成篇连句成篇: : As As we we all all know,China know,China has has experienced experienced immigration immigration movements movements since since the the reform reform in in 1978.It 1978.It is is reported reported that that thousands thousands of of farmers farmers from from the the countryside countryside crowd crowd into into the the cities,the cities,the majority majority of of whomwhom can can make make a a life life in in the the cities cities despite despite great great hardship.hardship.WhatWhats s more,more,some some farmers farmers even even have have applied applied for for the the right right to to live live in in the the city city and and enjoy enjoy the the same same rights rights as as the the local.They local.They have have made made great great contributions contributions to to the the boom boom of of the the cities cities by by means means of of working working hard hard and and now now live live a a happy happy life.life.
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