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Unit 4 Body language 人教版英语(必修4 Reading)主讲教师:耿 宁工作单位:西安市高陵县第三中学Try my Best!Try my Best!Never Give Up!Never Give Up!Believe myself!Believe myself!Lets enjoy the song “Grateful Heart” 感恩的心感恩的心.And please pay attention to their charming gestures. Lead- in & Warming upBody Language is a set of _, _ and _ . People use to make themselves understood.What is body language ?gesturesbody movementsfacial expressions姿势姿势;手势手势肢体动作肢体动作面部表情面部表情1.Try to learn the different cultures in different countries.2.Get to know how to use the key words, phrases and sentence patterns through cooperative study.3.Try to be cooperative and strengthen thesense of teamwork to solve the difficult problems.Learning aimsFeedbacks Feedbacks Shining points:1. All of you handed in the papers on time.2. Most of you did a good job in Task1.No.1 3. Some of you have good handwriting in you guiding papers, such as Zhangxi,Leinina.Problems1.Some of you couldnt correct the mistakes in the sentences. (Task3: 4,5)2.You couldnt flexibly put what you had learnt into practice. (Task2: 7,8)3.You ignored the author and his schoolmate. (Task1: 1)Self-studyTask1 Skimming and scanning.1. How many people are mentioned in the passage? Who are they? 2. What is the main idea of the text? People from different countries _ with others in _ ways .communicatecommunicatedifferentdifferent I. What to discuss: Task 2 & Task 3 Special attention should be paid to: different body languages in different countries II. How to discuss: 1. First in pairs, then in groups. 2. Make sure you know how to analyze the sentences correctly. . Requirements: Discuss carefully,seriously and efficiently. Cooperative studyRequirements :Speakers: aloud, bravely, clearly and to the pointOthers: careful to listen, active to think and bold to ask 题题号号Task21-4Task25-8Task31-6展展示示G4C1G5C1G6C1点点评评 G1B2 G2B2 G3B2 Written presentationTask2. fill in the following the form. NameNationalityActionsIChinaFirst stand, watching and listening, then introduce guests. When introducing yourself to Ahmed Aziz, you_a bit when he is very close.Tony Garcia _ _Julia Smith, touches her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek.Julia SmithBritain Julia Smith is surprised at Mr Garcias action and put up her hands, as if_. move backmove backColombiaColombiaapproachesapproachesIn In defencedefenceGeorge Cook. _Reaches his hand out to Akira NagataAkira Nagata. JapanBows to Mr CookAhmed Aziz._Moves very close to me when introduced, _ to ask questions and nods at girls.Darlene CoulonFranceShakes hands and _.CanadaCanadaJordanJordancomes closercomes closerkisses each other twice kisses each other twice on each cheekon each cheekTask3 Oral Presentation (T) or (F).1.( )Another student and I would meet this years international students, taking them to the canteen first.2.( )The first person to arrive was Julia Smith from Colombia, followed by Tony Garcia.3.( )After Tony kissed Julia, she stepped back appearing happy and gave him a hug.4.( )It is a French custom that they shake hands and kiss each other twice on the nose.5.( )Men from Middle eastern will often stand close to other men to talk and usually touch women. 6.( )All members of a culture behave in the same way. F FF FF FF FF FF FTask4.Read the passage again and then answer the following questions.(1). Why did I and another student come to the airport?A. We went there to take our flight. B. We were there to pick up our friends.C. We went there to visit the airport. D. Representing our school, we went there to meet the international students.(2) Why were the people coming to China?A. They came to China to visit Beijing University. B. They came to meet their relatives.C. They came there to study at Beijing University. D. They came to go on a trip.D DC CTask4(3) Why was Julia Smith surprised?A. Because she saw Tonys action. B. Because she saw we were waiting for her at the airport.C. Because she saw so many people at the airport.D. No reason was mentioned in the text.(4) What do French people often do when they meet people they know?A.They always bow. B. They always shake hands with others.C. They always nod at others. D. They shake hands and kiss them twice on the cheek.A AD DTask5. Summary I was sent to the Airport to meet some _ students. The first one to arrive was Mr. Garcia from Columbia closely _by Julia Smith. I _them to each other and I was surprised to see their actions. I guessed there was probably a major _. Finally, they both _. So people from different cultures may _ others in different ways. English people usually do not stand very close to others or touch _. People from Spain, Italy and South American countries approach others and are more _ to touch them. Most People around the world _hands when they meet while Japanese prefer to bow. People from Muslim countries stand quite close to other men to talk but will usually not touch_. In a word, body language differs in different cultures.internationalinternationalfollowedfollowedintroducedintroducedmisunderstandingmisunderstandingapologizedapologizedgreetgreetstrangersstrangerslikelylikelyshakeshakewomenwomen One of the students will be invited to come to the front and act by using body languages. The others try to guess what she means.How can you express the followings using gestures?1.Go away !2. Please keep quiet !3.It is very hot today !4.come here!5.Sorry, I cant hear you!6.I love you!7.You are very good!8.Hello!9.Hello,everyone!10.I am sorry!11.Good morning!12.Good noon!13.Thank you!14.It doesnt matter!Differentwaystomeethandshakealovinghugakissonthecheeknose-kisstwopalmstogetherbowingComments from our subject monitorWhat can you learn from this class?Body language is very important in our daily life, and it may vary from different cultures. When we are visiting other countries, we should respect and follow their customs. That is to say, _.Teachers remarksTeachers remarks1 Learn the new words by heart2 Read the text after class and collect some information about body language in different cultures on the internet.高陵县第三中学录制高陵县第三中学录制二二一五年一五年五五月月十九十九日日If you are happyListen to the song. Sing it together and do the body language.高陵县第三中学录制高陵县第三中学录制二二一五年一五年五五月月十九十九日日Do you know the meaning of the following gestures ?Stop! Come here. You are very good./ Well done! Its ok.Bye-bye. Many thanks!Many thanks!
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