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Unit3 My school calendar B Lets talkLets tryseasonsspringsummerautumnwinterI like winter, because I really like winter vacation.Which season do you like best?When is your birthday?Its in _.January February March April May JuneJanuary August September October November December. When, when, when is your birthday?Its in, its in, its in _.January February March April May JuneJanuary August September October November DecemberHe will have a birthday party.Listen and answerWhich season does Oliver like?Why?Autumn.Because he really likes the colours.Where will they go this year?They will _.go to the Great WallWhen is the trip this year?When will they go this year?They will go _.in OctoberWhen is the trip this year?Why will they go in October?Because they usually _ .When is the trip this year?When is the trip this year?A: When is Mothers Day? B: Its in May.A: What will you do for your mum on Mothers Day?B: Ill _. cook for my mothermake a cardsing to hersay ”Thank you”write her a lettertell her a storyplay the pipa for herWhat about you?A: Ill _. I will _. _ will _.A: _ is my _ _.I really like the _.B: I like _, too. We usually _ in autumn.A: _! When is _ _?B: Its _. Well _.A: _! I love _! Homework 1听音模仿听音模仿课本本27和和28页3遍。遍。 2背背诵课文。文。 3抄四默一重点句子。抄四默一重点句子。
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