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UNIT 1Life is a learning curveUnit 1 Life is a learning curveOpening upListening to the worldSpeaking for communicationFurther practice in listeningWrapping upLearning objectivesFun timetalk about learning / teaching methods4Learning objectivestalk about learning experiences1listen for signal words for listing2give and respond to advice3Opening upRead the following quotes about learning. Do you agree with them? Why or why not?We learn by doing. AristotleI partly agree with the quote because it is not the only way of learning: We gain first-hand experience by interacting with the environment ; We gain second-hand experience by reading booksOpening upRead the following quotes about learning. Do you agree with them? Why or why not?A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Albert EinsteinYes. It is dangerous for a person who knows a little about something thinks he knows it all.Opening upRead the following quotes about learning. Do you agree with them? Why or why not?The best way to learn is to teach. AnonymousYes. Going through the process of trying to explain something to others will help you understand, absorb and consolidate what you have learned.Listening to the worldSharingListeningViewingListening to the worldSharing1 Watch a podcast for its general idea.The podcast is mainly about the things people are learning at the moment and the most difficult thing they have ever learned.2Watch Part 1 and fill in the blanks.1)new things2)At the moment3)quite difficultListening to the world3Watch Part 2 and check the true statements.Sharing1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8HListening to the world4Watch Part 3 and fill in the blanks.SharingAA:The most difficult thing 1) _is Mandarin Chinese. I did it in evening classes a few years ago and I 2) _ it really, really difficult.I have ever learnedfoundBB:Probably capoeira, which is a Brazilian dance, martial art, fight thing. Its 3) _of all these things. And yes, that was very difficult because there were lots of unusual 4)_ to learn.a combinationbody movementsListening to the world4Watch Part 3 and fill in the blanks.SharingCC: 5) _was the most difficult thing.Learning to driveDD: Well, I learned some Sanskrit, and thats got um, 6)_ two more than Latin. Its quite difficult 7)_.nine casesby most standardsListening to the world3Watch Part 3 and fill in the blanks.SharingEI think I found 8)_ very hard at school.FrenchFUm, I learned to play the trumpet at school. That was pretty difficult. Er and maybe learning to drive. I 9)_ learning to drive.hatedAdditional NotescapoeiraA Brazilian folk dance created by descendants of slaves from Angola. It combines elements of dance, music, and martial arts, known for quick and complex moves using power, speed, and leverage for leg sweeps.Listening to the worldSharing3 Watch Part 3 and fill in the blanks.Additional NotesSanskritone of the oldest, and also the most famous and culturally important Indic languages. It was used by the refined and cultured members of ancient Indian society, and continues to be used today in religion and certain types of high discourse. Sanskrit is of tremendous importance for Hindus because many Hindu religious texts are written in it. Listening to the worldListening to the world5 Work in pairs and discuss the question.1 What are you learning at the moment? Do you enjoy learning it? Why? I am learning yoga at the moment. I enjoy it because it helps improve my flexibility, strength and balance.2 Whats the most difficult thing youve ever learned? Why? The most difficult thing for me is learning to drive, because I was overwhelmed with all the things I was asked to do at the same time. SharingListening to the world5 Work in pairs and discuss the question.3 What do you enjoy learning most? Why? SharingI enjoy learning how to use new technology, because new technology makes my life convenient and comfortable.Listening to the worldSharingListeningViewingListening to the world1Discuss the questions.ListeningBEFORE you listen First of all, I had a limited vocabulary. Secondly, I had difficulty understanding authentic listening materials.1 What difficulties have you encountered while learning English?Listening to the world1Discuss the questions.ListeningBEFORE you listen I was advised to carry around a notebook. I was also advised to watch English movies with English subtitles.2 What advice did you receive as to how to deal with these difficulties?Listening to the world1Discuss the questions.ListeningBEFORE you listen I read a lot of English newspapers and magazines. I tried to listen to the news, listen to podcasts, and watch English television and movies as much as possible.3 How did you finally overcome these difficulties?Listening to the worldListeningListening skillsAdditional TipsListening for signal words for listing Listen for the total number of items at the beginning Listen for words and expressions that signal the beginning, following and end of the listingu e.g. the last, the final, lastly, and finallyl Listing items with equal valueu e.g. to begin with, to start with, furthermore, moreover, in addition, besides, whats more, the last but not the least, lastly, finallyListening to the worldListeningListening skillsAdditional TipsListening for signal words for listinglWords and expressions indicating importanceu expressions: above all, the most important / obvious / noteworthyuAdjectives: main, vital, significant, chief, central, principal, primary, major, distinctive, and the est forms of adjectivesListening to the world2 Listen to a radio program and rearrange the following expressions.ListeningWHILE you listene-c-a-g-d-h-b-fListening to the world3Listen to the radio program again and complete the table.ListeningWHILE you listen1) speak2) saying the wrong thing3) practice speaking / talking to himself4) making mistakes5) native speakers6) pronunciation7) listening skills8) listening and readingListening to the world4Fill in the blanks.ListeningWHILE you listen1 Embarrassed; hear2 anything you like; going for the weekend3 Voice; pronunciation4 how it sounds; the news; English television5 on the internet6 sound like; native speakerListening to the world5 Read the website message below and think of three things Tomasz can do to improve his English.ListeningAfter you listenchatting with native speakers of Englishwatching English movies with English subtitlesvisiting English websites to read the newsListening to the world6 Read the replies and discuss. Which items have you thought of? Which ideas do you think are the most useful ones?ListeningAfter you listenIve thought of and even tried all of them. I think reading news websites, watching English movies and talking to someone who speaks English are the most useful ideas.Visiting English websites is a good way to improve my reading skills.Watching English movies helps me improve listening skills.Chatting with people helps improve my spoken English greatly.Listening to the worldSharingListeningViewingListening to the world1Read the program information below and check the true statements.ViewingBEFORE your view 1 In 1932, all adults in Scotland did an intelligence test. 2 Many of the same people do the test again nearly 70 years later 3 The program can tell us how to live longer.Every 11-year-oldAbout the type of people who live the longestListening to the world2 Read the statements. Then watch the video clip and underline the correct alternative.ViewingWHILE your view 1 The results of the 1932 test were 2 the same as they were in 1932 3 the exam they have done 4 wellListening to the world3 Read the statements and the answer choices. Then watch the video clip again and choose the best answers.ViewingWHILE your view 1 D 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 DListening to the worldViewing4 Discuss the questions.AFTER your view1 What do you think of the view “Intelligence must be bred, not trained”? I think the view is biased Now research has shown that both nature and nurture play a role in intelligence.This view states that intelligence is determined by a persons genes and psychological attributes.The nurture view states that intelligence is formed from personal experience and developed through education and exposure to the world.Listening to the worldViewing4 Discuss the questions.AFTER your view2 In your opinion, what factors affect intelligence? I think intelligence is determined by genes and environmental factors such as nutrition, education, family background, living standards, parenting style, etc.Listening to the worldViewing4 Discuss the questions.AFTER your view3 How does your intelligence change as you get older? Why? I think my intelligence grows progressively as I get older by interacting with the natural environment and various kinds of people around us.Speaking for communicationRole-play1 Read the statements. Then listen to a conversation and check the true statements. 1 Both of the speakers agree that studying with friends is more motivating. 2 The woman thinks that talking to someone while reading notes helps her concentrate. 3 Eating a lot before an exam always makes the speakers feel sleepy in the exam. 4 The woman always try to sleep for eight hours the night before an exam.Speaking for communicationRole-play2Read the table. Then listen to the conversation and write G for giving advice and R for responding to advice in the right column. 1 G 2 R 3 G 4 R 5 G 6 R 7 RAdditional TipsGiving and responding to adviceGiving and responding to advice in an appropriate way are useful and important speaking skills. Speaking for communicationRole-playSpeaking skillsExpressions for giving advice Why dont you? My( main/personal) recommendation/suggestion/ is/would be If that happened to me/ If I were in your place/ if I were you/ In that case, Id recommendDo you think it is a good idea?The sooner youthe better.might work/ would probably work/is worth a try.If you ask me/ The way I see it, it probably would have been better(not) to haveAdditional TipsSpeaking for communicationRole-playSpeaking skillsExpressions for responding to advice Thank you, Ill take that into consideration. Thanks. That sounds good/interesting. I hadnt thought of that before. Thank you so much for offering that advice.Thank you for the advice. Ill tryMaybe youre right.Thanks for saying that.Speaking for communicationRole-play3Look at the pictures and read the conversations below. Then fill in the blanks using the words in brackets.1 you should eat; a good2 should not spend; Youre3 Why dont; am not sure thats4 its a good; suppose toSpeaking for communicationRole-play5 Role-play the situations.Situation 1What should I do about my son?B: How was your weekend?A: I spent the whole weekend tiredB: Why dont you ask your son to give you a hand?A: He needs to study B: I think you should let him do some housework.A: You are right. But misses lessonsB: I think you should have a talk with him.A: I agree with you. He went out B: If I were you, Id talk with him as soon as possible.A: You are right.Speaking for communicationRole-play4 Role-play the situations.Situation 2My flatmate is driving me crazy!B: Many expensive clothes Has she got lots of money?A: She borrowed money from me B: Has she paid you back?A: No B: I think you really need to have it back?A: I think so, but how ?B: Have you tried asking her to sell the clothes she never wears?A: Thats a good idea. Speaking for communicationRole-play4 Role-play the situations.Situation 3Should I help my friend find a girlfriend?A: Bob is getting even fatter.B: I think he should go to the gymA: Right. Also, Bob buys takeaway meals.B: Then perhaps he should try to change his diet.A: Good idea. Bob likes watching TV.B: I really think he should change his way of living.A: Exactly. I think he probably should change his job.B: Thats a good idea. Speaking for communicationGroup discussion1 Read Passages for information.Get ideasLearning by listeningStarting youngHomeschoolingSpeaking for communicationGroup discussion2 Take notes in the tableDiscuss and organize ideasMethodsDifferencesLikesDislikesLearning by listening No textbooks, tests, exams. Learn by music. Learn gardening and how to concentrate. Dont have to learn to read and write at an early age. No tests or exams. Learn by music. Dont have to learn to read and write at an early age. Have to go to special music and body movement classes to learn to concentrate.Speaking for communicationGroup discussion2 Take notes in the tableDiscuss and organize ideasMethodsDifferencesLikesDislikesStarting young begin to learn music as young as possible. Even two-year-olds can play difficult music. practice for hours every day and give a performance every week.Even two-year-olds can play difficult music.practice for hours every day and give a performance every week.Speaking for communicationGroup discussion2 Take notes in the tableDiscuss and organize ideasMethodsDifferencesLikesDislikesHome schooling Dont have to go to school or follow school rules. Choose subjects they like. Choose when to work. Choose subjects they like. Choose when to work. Dont have to go to school, so have little chance to socialize with peers.Speaking for communicationGroup discussion3 Decide together the best and worst methods.Discuss and organize ideasBestWorstMethod: homeschoolingReason: freedom of choosing subjects they want to study; freedom of choosing to work when they feel like it; beneficial for their physical and mental developmentMethod: starting youngReason: too much for small children; practice for hours every day; give a performance once a week; a stressful life in a competitive environment; have potential harmful effectsSpeaking for communicationGroup discussion4 Present your ideas to the class. Present ideasThe method we enjoy most is homeschooling because children enjoy the freedom of choosing which subjects they want to study and choosing to work when they feel like it. And we believe a relaxing and intellectually-stimulating environment is beneficial for the physical and mental development of children. The method we dislike most is starting young because the children have to practice for hours every day and give a performance once a week. We think children at such a young age should not be forced to experience such a stressful life in a competitive environment, which may have potential harmful effects on their future development.Further practice in listeningShort conversations1 Q: What can we learn from the conversation? B The woman should seek help from the writing center.2 Q: Why does the woman choose to learn French? D She thinks speaking French is a must for cultured people.3 Q: What did the man do last night? D He attended a speech.4 Q: What made Melissa unhappy? C That she lost her chance to enter the contest.5 Q: What does the man think of the womans opinion? A It is one-sided.Further practice in listeningLong conversation1 Q: How is the woman doing in the mans class? C She often fails to turn in her homework on time.2 Q: What does the woman think of learning Spanish? D It presents difficulty for her.3 Q: What do we know from this conversation about the man? A He has a good personal relationship with the woman.4 Q: What is the woman most likely to do after talking with the man? C Work harder in her Spanish class.Further practice in listeningPassage 11 Q: What do you know about the speakers Spanish learning experience in high school? D She showed dissatisfaction with the slow pace of her class.2 Q: What made the speaker feel more frustrated while learning Spanish in high school? A She had to learn the material that she already knew.3 Q: What did the speaker say about her study of Spanish literature in college? C It proved to be an unbalanced way to learn the language.4 Q: Which experience benefited the speaker most in terms of her use of Spanish? D She taught Spanish speakers how to speak English.Further practice in listeningPassage 2 1) alternative 2) numerous 3) traditional 4) academic 5) countryside 6) athletes 7) take advantage of 8) Secondary 9) in a collective effort10) serve asWrapping upUse the following self-assessment checklist to check what you have learned in this unit.SkillsOKNeeds workI can talk about my learning experiences. I can listen for signal words for listing. I can give and respond to advice.I can discuss learning / teaching methods.Fun timeEnjoy Ellen DeGeneres Commencement Speech at Tulane University .
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