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杭州市胜利实验学校杭州市胜利实验学校俞勤俞勤规则的动词过去式中规则的动词过去式中ed的发音小结的发音小结1Read and FeelwashcleantalkjumpwatchfixlaughliveclimbplanReadReadwashcleantalkjumpwatchfixlaughliveclimbplanFeelwashcleantalkplanjumpwatchfixlaughliveclimbvoiced consonant(浊辅音音)unvoiced consonant(清清辅音音)VS2livedlaughedReadDraw a in the box if ed is pronounced sound. Tick () the box if ed is pronounced sound.talkedwashedcleanedwatchedclimbedfilledfilledtalkedwashedcleanedwatchedclimbedDraw a in the box if ed is pronounced sound. Tick () the box if ed is pronounced sound.filledtalkedwashedcleanedwatchedclimbed3startedneedededneedneedededstartstartedDad handed mum some fruit, but the fruit was bad. Mum ate it and didnt feel well. So we stayed in the hotel. Dad and I wanted to make her happy. We dressed up and acted a funny play. Robin played the part of a dog. He was so cute. Max liked him so much. He jumped on him and licked him. Of course, Robin didnt like it. We laughed and laughed. Read and underline the words with the same ending sound as in “needed” or “started”.4Brain Stormstayedplayed5SummaryDo you know?1lived, played2laughed3started, neededDad handed mum some fruit, but the fruit was bad. Mum ate it and didnt feel well. So we stayed in the hotel. Dad and I wanted to make her happy. We dressed up and acted a funny play. Robin played the part of a dog. He was so cute. Max liked him so much. He jumped on him and licked him. Of course, Robin didnt like it. We laughed and laughed. Read this passage , and pay attention to all the -ed ending sounds.Practice makes perfect!livedactedplayedvisitedcleanedlaughedjumpedcriedaddedwashedThe End!
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