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科普版三年级上册Lesson 2第2课时Free talk Whats on the desk? Some cups.Whats on the bed?A box. Whats in it? Guess!Lets learn-Whats on the desk?-_.Lets talk模仿例子,根据图片进模仿例子,根据图片进行对话:行对话:Whats _?_.on the bedA dollLets talk模仿例子,根据图片进模仿例子,根据图片进行对话:行对话:Whats _?_.in the boxA watchLets talk模仿例子,根据图片进模仿例子,根据图片进行对话:行对话:Whats _?_.in the roomA tableLets chantsupper:_lunch:_跟同学们一起大跟同学们一起大声唱一唱!声唱一唱!Dad gives us duck for supperMum gives us buns for lunch.Dad likes to have duck.Mum likes to have buns.wordswatch:_ supper:_table:_ lunch:_ 拼读并记忆单词Summary本节课主要学习了:单词:watch supper table lunch句子:Whats on/in? A(An)/Somehomework给下列句子排排队。( )Whats in it? ( )Guess!( )A box ( )A doll?( )Whats on the bed?( )Sorry,I cant guess it ( )No.
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