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Barry Huang song A song B big small A B bigger than 1.Ball A is _ _ Ball B. 2.Ball B is _ _ Ball A. smaller than tall short 1.Liu Xiang is _ _ Yao Ming. shorter than taller than 2.Yao Ming is _ _ Liu Xiang. 快速阅读短文,并划出含比较级的句子。 Jeff Green is quieter than most kids. He studies harder than any other student in class. Hes shy so its not easy for him to make friends. He thinks friends are like books you dont need a lot of them as long as theyre good. His best friend Yuan Li is quiet, too. They enjoy studying together. 形容词、副词的构成: 原形原形 比较级比较级 tall tall er (一般在词尾一般在词尾 + er ) fast faster nice nicer (以不发音的字母以不发音的字母 e 结尾的结尾的 + r ) thin thin ner (重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写辅音字母再字母时,先双写辅音字母再 + er) early earl ier (以辅音字母以辅音字母 + y 结尾,变结尾,变 y 为为 i + er ) outgoing more outgoing (多音节词和部分双音节词前加多音节词和部分双音节词前加more) good/well better (不规则变化) ? 比较级的用法比较级的用法 一、两者进行比较一、两者进行比较, ,表示表示“一方比另一方一方比另一方更更” 1. A + be + 形容词比较级形容词比较级 + than + B 例:我比你更外向。例:我比你更外向。(more outgoing) I am more outgoing than you. 2. A + 实义动词实义动词 + 副词比较级副词比较级 + than + B 例:例: Tom比比Jack 跑得更快。跑得更快。(faster) Tom runs faster than Jack. 二、两者进行比较二、两者进行比较, ,表示表示“一方与另一方与另一方一样一方一样” 1. A + be + as + 形容词原形形容词原形 + as + B 例:例: Jack 与与Mike一样滑稽(一样滑稽(funny)。)。 Jack is as funny as Mike. 例:例: Claire与与Sue 起得一样早。起得一样早。(early) Claire gets up as early as Sue. 2. A + 实义动词实义动词 + as 副词原形副词原形 + as + B 三、两者比较两者比较,表示表示“一方不如另一方一方不如另一方” 1. A + be not + as 形容词原形形容词原形 + as + B 例:例: Jack不如不如Mike一样滑稽。一样滑稽。 Jack isnt as funny as Mike. 例:例: Claire不如不如Sue起得早。起得早。 Claire doesnt get up as early as Sue. 四、两者比较两者比较,表示表示“一方不如另一方一方不如另一方” 3.A + be + less +多音节形容词原形多音节形容词原形 + than+ B 例:她不如她妹妹漂亮。例:她不如她妹妹漂亮。(beautiful) She is less beautiful than her sister. 四、程度副词副词a little、a lot、much、even、still、any等可修饰比较级。等可修饰比较级。 例:姚明比我高得多。例:姚明比我高得多。(taller) Yao Ming is a lot taller than me. 五、五、表示两者之间选择表示两者之间选择“哪一个更哪一个更.” Which/Who +谓语动词谓语动词+形容词形容词/副词副词比较级,比较级,A or B? 例:谁更严肃,Tom还是Tim?(more serious) Who is more serious, Tom or Tim? 六、表示“越来越.” 比较级+and+比较级 例:这男孩越来越聪明了。 The boy is smarter and smarter. 七、表示“越来越.” 多音节用多音节用more and more+形容词形容词/副词副词原级原级 例:Lucy变得越来越美丽了。(get beautiful) Lucy is getting more and more beautiful. 八、表示八、表示“越越.就越就越.”时。时。 the+比较级比较级,the+比较级比较级 例:越多越好。 The more, The better. 九、表示九、表示“两者之间最两者之间最.的一个的一个(of the two)” 用用 “ the+比较级比较级” 例:两支笔中,我喜欢更长的那支。 I Like the longer pen of the two. 根据句子意思完成下列句子。 1、这房子是非常大的。 big The room is_very _ _ 2、我和Mike一样高。 as as I am _ tall _ Mike. 3、英语不如中文有趣。 isnt as as English _ _interesting _Chinese. less than =English is _interesting _Chinese. 4、Lily比她哥哥高。 taller than Lily is _ _ her brother. 5、Lily比她哥哥高得多。 much Lily is _ taller than her brother. 6、谁更好,李明还是王涛? better Who is _ , Li Ming or Wang Tao? 7、天气正变得越来越热。 hotter hotter It s getting _and_ 8、这女孩越来越美丽 more and more The girl is getting _ _ _ beautiful. 9、我们越多在一起,就越快乐. more The _ we are together,the happier _ we are. 10、Mary 是两个中较高的一个. the taller Marry is_ _ of the two. 11、我的课本比Marry的新. Marrys newer My book is_ than _. Fill in the blanks. 1. My hair is _ (long) than my longer sisters. 2. I am _ (tall) than you. taller 3. She is _ _ (outgoing) more outgoing than me. 4. Lily is _ (heavy) than Lucy. heavier And Lucy is _ (thin) than Lily. thinner 5. I have _ (short) hair than Tina. shorter 6. Tom is _ _ (hard-more hard-working working) than Tim. Say something about your past and now. Example: I was shorter and more outgoing But now, I am taller and
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