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初中英初中英语There be There be 句型句型Tell you aTell you a storystoryOnce upon a time,there Once upon a time,there was a mountain.was a mountain.从前有座山。There was a temple There was a temple on the mountain.on the mountain.山上有座庙。There was an old monk There was an old monk in the temple.in the temple.庙里有个老和尚。里有个老和尚。The oldThe old monk was monk was telling the little monk telling the little monk a story.a story.老和尚正在给小和尚讲故事。Once upon a time,there was a Once upon a time,there was a mountain.mountain.从前有座山。There was a temple on the mountain.There was a temple on the mountain.山上有座庙。There was an old monk in the There was an old monk in the temple.temple.庙里有个老和尚。There be 句型:1.定义:某地/某时有某物/某人。2.结构:There be+某物/某人+介词短语(某地/某时)。 be动词需体现时态和单复数There be句型一般现在时:There is/are+某物/某人+介词短语(某地/某时).For example:There is a book on the desk.There are some students on the playground.There was/were+某物/某人+介词短语(某地/某时)For example:There was a heavy rain last night.There were many trees on the hill.There be句型一般过去时:1.There will be+某物/某人+介词短语(某地/某时).2.There is/are going to be+某物/某人+介词短语(某地/某时).For example:There will be a football match next Sunday.There are going to be some tall buildings in this city.There be句型一般将来时:There be+not+某物/某人+介词短语(某地/某时).For example:There is not/isnt a book on the desk.There were not/werent many trees on the hill.There be句型否定形式:Be there+某物/某人+介词短语(某地/某时)?肯定回答:Yes,there be.否定回答:No, there be+not.For example:Are there any students on the playground?Yes,there are.No,there are not/arent.There be句型一般疑问句及回答:be动词的单复数由最靠近它的主语的单复数决定。For example:There a pen and some pencils in the pencil-box.There some pencils and a pen in the pencil-box.There be句型遵循就近原则:is isareareWhere Where there isthere is a will, a will,there isthere is a way. a way.Thank you for listening!Thank you for listening!
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