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第三课时(Grammar Focus3c)单元同步语法精讲精练一般过去时的特殊疑问句类型含有be动词的特殊疑问句含有实义动词的特殊疑问句结构形式当疑问词在句中作主语时,用“疑问词was/were其他?”或“疑问词动词过去式其他?”。eg:Who was your English teacher last year?去年谁是你的英语老师?Miss Yang.杨老师。Who watched the basketball game?谁看了篮球比赛?Tom did.汤姆看了。【注意】对主语提问,后面语序应为陈述句语序。当疑问词作宾语或状语时,用“疑问词was/were主语其他?”或“疑问词did主语动词原形其他?”。eg:When was he in Shanghai?他何时在上海的?Yesterday morning.昨天上午。Who did you go there with?你和谁去那儿?Tom.汤姆。【注意】在否定句和疑问句中,如果出现了助动词did,后面的谓语动词应还原为原形。疑问词对某人做过什么事提问时,常用疑问词what;对过去事情发生的时间提问时,用when;对过去事情发生的地点提问时,用where;对人物提问时,用who;对原因提问时,用why;对方式及过去事情的情况提问时,用how。 一、用what,how,who,when,where填空。1 helped you yesterday?David did.2 was your school trip?It was great.3 did they do on the farm?They fed cows.4 was he in Beijing?Yesterday.5 did they go?They went to the park.WhoHowWhatWhenWhere二、按要求完成下列句子。6Tina stayed at_home last night.(对画线部分提问) Tina last night?7They went_to_the_movies last Saturday.(对画线部分提问) they last Saturday?8The weather there was windy(对画线部分提问) the weather there?9Ann went to the mountain by_car(对画线部分提问) Ann to the mountain?10She went there with her_friend(对画线部分提问) she there with? Where didstayWhat diddoHow wasHow didgoWho didgo本课时其他知识点精讲精练away副词,意为“远离;离开”。其常见短语有:run/go away跑/走开;far away远离;在远处;right away立刻;马上;put away把收拾好;far away from离远(away可省略)mouse名词,意为“老鼠”,其复数为mice。baby名词,意为“婴儿”,其复数形式为babies,也可作形容词,意为“幼小的”。shout at.大声叫嚷(表示因生气等对某人吼叫)1Lucy can speak five (语言)2Tim has a big family.He has three (baby) sisters.3There are two (mouse) under the table.4Dont (跑开),I want to talk to you.languagesbabymicerun away
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