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Learning Objectives: 1. Know the form and recognize the past participle in a sentence;2. Understand the element (成分成分) of the past participle in a sentence;3. Use participles to join and translate sentences;4. Write a short passage with the past participle.Step1. Leading-in1. Guessing game: Find something to match the riddles(猜谜)(猜谜) (1) when heated, Ill turn into gas,what am I?water(2) If taken half, I will leave nothing, what number am I?Eight (8)(3)Made of gold, I often live on the womans finger,what am I?ringWhat can you find?(1). When heated, water turns into gas(2). If taken half, 8 will leave nothing(3). Made of gold, rings often live on the womans finger过去分词过去分词句子主语和这些过去分句子主语和这些过去分词的关系?(词的关系?(主动主动/被动被动)被动被动 3. Check the homework(1)Discussion: Which sentence do you prefer and why?A. He was dressed in a white uniform. He looked more like a cook than a doctor. B. Dressed in a white uniform, he looked more like a cook than a doctor.A. The novel was written by Mo Yan. It is very popular. B. The novel written by Mo Yan is very popular.(2). Underline the Past participle in the SentencesTo get kids motivated to learn, I think we should not treat every child in the same way.( 宾补)宾补) The question discussed yesterday is very important.( 定语定语 )_Born on March 7th 1915, Allan Stewart, of Australian nationality, became the oldest man to obtain a masters degree over the world in 2006.(状语)(状语) (2012广东基础写作广东基础写作)Hearing what she said, we were all deeply moved. (表语)(表语)There is no doubt that what a cleaner does is much harder compared with any other jobs in the society.(状语(状语(2013年广东读写)年广东读写) _ Step 2: Practice1. Combine the sentences using the Past Participle.(1) The scenic spot is located in Guangdong Province. It attracts millions of tourists around the world every year. (2) Daisy sat by the window. She was lost in thought.(3) The girl was hurt badly in the earthquake. She was sent to the hospital immediately.(4) Daisy wants to help the animals. The animals are endangered.(5) My English is poor. Others couldnt understand me. (1) Located in Guangdong Province, the scenic spot attracts millions of tourists around the world every year.(2) Daisy sat by the window, lost in thought.(3)Hurt badly in the earthquake, the girl was sent to the hospital immediately.(4) Daisy wants to help the endangered animals.(5) I couldnt make myself understood because of my poor English.2. Translate the following sentences(1) John 是一款智能机器人是一款智能机器人 ,诞生于诞生于2015年年5月月10日。日。(2) 这这是一款被设计为消耗太阳能,绿色环保的是一款被设计为消耗太阳能,绿色环保的汽车。(汽车。( design ,environmental friendly)(3)(3)一旦被看见,它将永远不会被遗忘。一旦被看见,它将永远不会被遗忘。 (4)(4)听到她说的话,我们都深深感动了。听到她说的话,我们都深深感动了。2. Translate the following sentences(1)Born on May 5 2015, John is an intelligent robot.(2) This car , designed to consume solar energy, is environmental friendly.(3) Once seen, it can never be forgotten.(4) Hearing what she said, we were all deeply moved.Step 3 Conclusion Lets make a conclusion about the characteristics of the Past Participle 过去分词的特点:过去分词的特点:(1)形式(构成):形式(构成):_(2) 在句子中可以充当在句子中可以充当_, _、_、_。(3)过去分词与逻辑主语之间的过去分词与逻辑主语之间的关系:关系:_done定语定语状语状语表语表语宾补宾补被动被动Step 4 Consolidation- Make up a story Look at the pictures and the key words and then make up a story using the Past Participle if necessary.encourage,a real hag 受到父母的鼓励,受到父母的鼓励,KikiKiki下定决心成下定决心成为一名真正的魔为一名真正的魔女离开家乡去寻女离开家乡去寻找属于自己的城找属于自己的城市市Encouraged to become a real hag by her parents, Kiki decided to leave her hometown to look for a new world.follow , set out一只黑猫一只黑猫跟随着她,跟随着她,她出发了。她出发了。Followed by a black cat, she set out.attract, surprise,look at一个小镇上的人们被这个飞着的女孩吸引,都非常惊讶地看着她。Attracted by this flying girl on a broom, the people in a small town looked at her surprisedly.后来,她遇到了一个男孩,她告诉他她是被一个有魔力的扫帚带到这里的。meet, magical,broom Later, she met a boy .She told him that she had arrived here taken by a magical broom.男孩被她的梦想所打动,决定跟她一起去寻找新世界。move, decide, look for Moved by her dream, he decided to look for a new world with her. Encouraged to become a real hag by her parents, Kiki decided to leave her hometown to look for a new world. Followed by a black cat, she set out. Attracted by this flying girl on a broom, the people in a small town looked at her surprisedly. Later, she met a boy .She told him that she had arrived here taken by a magical broom. Moved by her dream, he decided to look for a new world with her.Step5Writing假设你在一家公司工作假设你在一家公司工作, 你的公司新近设计了一你的公司新近设计了一款智款智能机器人能机器人Tony,请你写一份介绍请你写一份介绍Tony的短文。的短文。基本信息基本信息: 1. Tony Brown 是是2012年年2月月26日诞生日诞生 是一款是一款家用机器人家用机器人;2. 外表帅气。一旦被看见,就不会被忘记。外表帅气。一旦被看见,就不会被忘记。产品优点产品优点: 1.会做家务;会做家务;2.能唱歌跳舞;能唱歌跳舞;3. 被设计为消耗太阳能,环保。被设计为消耗太阳能,环保。【写作要求】【写作要求】100字左右(使用至少字左右(使用至少二个过去分词)。二个过去分词)。【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯构连贯OnepossibleversionBornonFeb26,2012,TonyBrownisanintelligentrobotworkingathome.Heisahandsomerobotwithtwobigblueeyesandbrownhair.Duetohisattractiveappearance,hewillnotbeforgotten,onceseen.TonyBrowncandolotsofhousework.Suchas:cleaningthefloor,cookingaswellaslookingafterthebabiesandtheold,Whichdoesgreatconveniencetous.Whatsmore,notonlycanhesing,butalsohecandanceswell,whichcangreatlyamusethepeoplearoundhim.Interestingly,Tonycaneventeachustodance,too.Moreimportantly,Tony,designedtoconsumesolarenergy,isanenvironmentalfriendlyrobot,fromwhomwecanbenefitalot.Homework1Revisetheelementsofthepastparticipleinthesentences2Finishwritingthecompositiononthepapersheet.
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