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Lesson 9: The U.S.教学目标教学目标知识目标知识目标 1.了解美国的国旗(了解美国的国旗(flag),语言(),语言(language),), 首都首都(capital city),著名建筑(),著名建筑(famous place)以及地理位置。)以及地理位置。 2.能写出你对美国的了解(用英语)能写出你对美国的了解(用英语)能力目标能力目标 能写出你对美国的了解(用英语)能写出你对美国的了解(用英语)重难点重难点 能写出你对美国的了解(用英语)如:能写出你对美国的了解(用英语)如: the flag of the U.S. the capital city of the U.S. 等等The flag of the U.S. has stars and stripes.Its red, white and blue.the flag of the U.S.美国的国旗the U.S.=the United States/straIp/In the U.S., they speak Englishspeak English说英语Heres the capital city of the U.S. Its Washington, D.C.the capital city首都/ kQPIt(E)L/This is the White House. The president of the U.S. lives in the White House. the White House白宫/prezId(E)nt/What is this?Its the Statue of Liberty. Its in New York.the Statue of Liberty自由女神像/stQtju:/ / lIbEtI /This is a map of the U.S. What country is west of the U.S.?I know! Its China.What country is north of the U.S.?I know! Its Canada.This is a map of ( )( )is the capital city of the U.S.Its flag has ( )and ( )the U.SWashington,D.C.stars stripesThis is the ( )White HouseThis is the ( )Statue of LibertyIts in ( )New YorkThey speak ( ).Englishthe White House1.Whats it in English?2.Where is it?3.Who lives in the White House?Presentationthe Statue of Liberty1.Whats it in English?2.Where is it?a map of the U.S.the flag of the U.S.the White Housethe Statue of Liberty1.Whats this in English?2.2. What country is west of the U.S.?3.3. What country is north of the U.S.?4.4. What language do they speak?5.5. What is the capital city of the U.S.?A map of the U.S.China.Canada.English.Washington D.C.Look and answerA task: Say something about the U.S.I know about the U.S.CountryLanguage (语言语言) Capital city Location (位置位置)FlagFamous buildings(著名建筑著名建筑) the U.S. English Washington D.C. east of China south of Canada red, white and blue stars and stripes the White House the Statue of LibertyTell something about the U.S.I know about the U.S.This is . They speak The capital city of the U.S. is The U.S. is of China and of Canada.The flag of the U.S. is It has and I know two famous buildings in the U.S. They are I know about the U.S. This is the U.S. They speak English.The capital city of the U.S. is Washington D.C.The U.S. is east of China and south of Canada.The flag of the U.S. is red, white and blue. It has stars and stripes.I know two famous buildings in the U.S. They are the White House and the Statue of Liberty.Homework1.你对美国有哪些认识和了解,请根据所学内容写出你对美国有哪些认识和了解,请根据所学内容写出来,不少于来,不少于60词。词。There is no royal road to learning.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。 Thank you for listening!
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