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Section A 2a-2d-What do you want to be when you grow up?-I want to be a/an-How are you going to do that?-Im going topractice basketballpractice basketballevery dayevery daypractice singingpractice singingpilotpilotexercise exercise every dayevery daystudy hardstudy hardsingerdoctorbasketball player1c-What do you want to be when you grow up?-I want to be a/an-How are you going to do that?-Im going todancedanceevery dayevery daystudy math study math hard hardactoractortake acting take acting lessonslessonsstudy computer study computer sciencescienceengineercomputer programmerdancer1c-What does she/he want to be when she /he grows up?-She/He wants to be a/an-How is she/he going to do that?-She/He is going todancedanceevery dayevery daystudy math study math hard hardactoractortake acting take acting lessonslessonsstudy computer study computer sciencescienceengineercomputer programmerdancer1cGuess: What is Cheng Han going to be when he grows up?a college student大学生大学生a teacher an actorWhatCheng Han is going to be a teacher.WhereHowWhenHe is going to move搬去搬去 to Shanghai.He is going to learn how to teach children.He is going to finish high school and college first.Listening(2a: P.42)Contents: He is going to be a teacher when he grows up. How is he going to do that? He_When is he going to become a teacher? He_.Where is he going to move? He _. Beginning :Cheng Han is a middle school student. is going to learn how to teach children. is going to finish high school and college firstis going to move to ShanghaiEnding:What about your dream job?A: What do you want to be when you grow up?B: I want to be a teacher.A: Why?B: Because it is interesting.A: How are you going to do that?B: Im going to learn how to teach children.Im a usual boy. But I have a dream.Im going to be a famous actor whenI grow up. 我只是一个普通男孩我只是一个普通男孩, 但我有但我有自己的梦想自己的梦想: 长大后做一名演员。长大后做一名演员。明星讲述明星讲述 http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/So I learn Chinese Kungfu very hard. 所以我刻苦的学习功夫。所以我刻苦的学习功夫。http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/I never give up. 我从不放弃。我从不放弃。http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/At last, I become a very famous actor. 我终于成为了一位著名演员。我终于成为了一位著名演员。 http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/Wang BaoqiangWork hard, You can make your dream come true!努力吧努力吧, 你可以梦想成真!你可以梦想成真!寄语:寄语:http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/2d1. What is Ken doing? _2.What does Ken want to be? _3. How is Ken going to become a writer? _4. Does Andy want to be a doctor? _ Hes reading a book The Old Man and the SeaThe Old Man and the Sea.Hes going to keep on writing stories.No, she doesnt . She is not sure about that.Role-play the conversation.He wants to be a writer. What are you reading, Ken?. The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. Role-play the conversation.1. The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. 海明威的海明威的老人与海老人与海。 此处介词此处介词by为为“由由所著所著”之意。之意。再如:再如:a short story by Lu Xun (鲁迅的鲁迅的一部短篇小说一部短篇小说),the music by Mozart(莫扎特写的音乐莫扎特写的音乐),paintings by Van Gogh(梵高的绘画梵高的绘画)等。等。2. Then you can be anything you want! 那么你就能当上你想做的人了。那么你就能当上你想做的人了。 此句的基本意思是此句的基本意思是you can be anything,不定代词,不定代词anything指代未来指代未来所从事的某一职业,所从事的某一职业,you want用来修用来修饰饰anything。写出下列单词。写出下列单词。1. My father is good at computer science. He works as a computer _ (程序程序师).2. The boy likes planes very much and he wants to be a _(飞行行员) in the future.3. Mary is a beautiful _(小提琴手小提琴手) from America.4. Pedros dream is to be a famous _ (工程工程师) in the future.programmerpilotviolinistengineer一一.重点单词:重点单词: grow v. 生长生长, 成长成长 grow up 成长成长 ,长大,长大 programmer 程序师程序师 computer programmer 电脑程序师电脑程序师 computer science 计算机科学计算机科学 move to New York 搬去纽约搬去纽约 act v.表演表演 engineer n. 工程师工程师 pilot n. 飞行员飞行员Conclusion 总结总结1grow up 长大;成熟;成长长大;成熟;成长e.g. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up. 当她长大后,她想当一名老师。当她长大后,她想当一名老师。violinist n. 小提琴手小提琴手violin (小提琴小提琴) + ist (职业职业) violinist e.g. Her dream is to be a violinist. 她的梦想是当一名小提琴家。她的梦想是当一名小提琴家。driver n. 司机;驾驶员司机;驾驶员drive (驾驶驾驶) + (e)r driver 驾驶员驾驶员e.g. My uncle works as a bus driver in Beijing. 我叔叔是北京的一名公交车司机。我叔叔是北京的一名公交车司机。cook n. 厨师;厨师; v. 烹饪;煮烹饪;煮 e.g. I often help my mom cook dinner. 我经常帮妈妈做晚饭。我经常帮妈妈做晚饭。二二. 重点句型:重点句型:1. What are you going to be when you grow up? 长大后你想干什么长大后你想干什么? - I am going to be an engineer. 我想成为我想成为一名工程师一名工程师.2. How are you going to do that? 你打算怎你打算怎么去做么去做? - I am going to study math really hard. 我打算很努力地去学习数学我打算很努力地去学习数学. be(am/is/are) + going to +动原动原 Conclusion 总结总结2Conclusion 总结总结31. be ( is, am, are) going to be +a/an + 职业职业打算成为打算成为2. be ( is, am, are) going to do sth. 打算做打算做.检测:检测:1.他长大后打算成为一名工程师。他长大后打算成为一名工程师。2.他们打算每天练习打篮球。他们打算每天练习打篮球。 He is going to be an engineer when he grows up. They are going to practice basketball every day.三三. 重点短语:重点短语:My plan for lifeIm going to beWhere there is a will, there is a way.我希望她长大后成为一名我希望她长大后成为一名篮球运动员,打算通过每天篮球运动员,打算通过每天努力练习篮球来实现。请参努力练习篮球来实现。请参照照P41 1c 及及Grammar Focus,(提示(提示: 注意动词形注意动词形式)式)Ann Ann 是你最好的朋友,她是你最好的朋友,她希望她长大后成为一名工程希望她长大后成为一名工程师,打算通过努力学习数学师,打算通过努力学习数学来实现,并且打算在结束了来实现,并且打算在结束了中学和大学时开始。请参照中学和大学时开始。请参照P41 1c 及及Grammar Focus,和你的同位谈论一下和你的同位谈论一下Ann。(提示(提示: 注意动词形式)注意动词形式) 自助餐达标案(我的财富自助餐达标案(我的财富值是值是 分)分)Hold fast to dreams. They will come true one day!紧紧抓住梦想,总有一天紧紧抓住梦想,总有一天梦想会成真。梦想会成真。
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