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Listening to music is one of my hobbies.Seeing is believing.Joan suggested asking her father for his opinion. He made a poor living by selling newspapers on the train. His job is teaching physics in a local middle school. The reading room of our school library is big enough to hold 800 people.表语表语宾语宾语定语定语主语主语练习册练习册P43练习册练习册P43 (1)动名词与不定式作主语的区别动名词与不定式作主语的区别:Sweeping the floor every day is the cleaners job. To sweep the floor today is my job. doing 表示经常做的事表示经常做的事; to do表示一次表示一次做的事做的事玩火是危险的。玩火是危险的。 (泛指玩火)(泛指玩火) 即时完成任务是不可能的即时完成任务是不可能的.(指一具体动作指一具体动作) Playing with fire is dangerous。 To finish the work in time is impossible.常见的带形式主语常见的带形式主语it的句型:的句型:1. It is no good/ no use/useless_.2. It is a waste of time/money_3. It is worthwhile _4. (It is) nice _ (meeting? to meet ?)you.to do/doing sth.练习册练习册P43 (1); P15(1)doing sth.to do/ doing sth.1.不定式与动名词作表语的区别不定式与动名词作表语的区别: My job is teaching English. My job today is to sweep the floor. 练习册练习册P43- 2doing表示抽象的一般或泛指的动作表示抽象的一般或泛指的动作 ; to do表表示具体某次动作,特别是将来的动作示具体某次动作,特别是将来的动作 = Teaching English is my job . =To sweep the floor is my job today.表示职业表示职业 表示一次具体的任务表示一次具体的任务 1.常见的接动名词作宾语的及物动词有:常见的接动名词作宾语的及物动词有:finish, enjoy, mind, practise, suggest, imagine, advise, admit, avoid, delay, appreciate, consider, dislike, miss, keep, excuse, allow, permit, prevent, escape, understand, appreciate, risk, put off, give up, feel like, cant help, insist on , 练习册练习册P43 (3);P15-3Do you mind my/me/Tom(s) smoking? 你介意我你介意我/汤姆抽烟吗?汤姆抽烟吗?介绍一个口诀介绍一个口诀l考虑建议盼原谅考虑建议盼原谅l承认推迟没得想承认推迟没得想l避免错过继续练避免错过继续练l否认完成停欣赏否认完成停欣赏l不禁介意准逃亡不禁介意准逃亡l想象冒险又放弃想象冒险又放弃lconsider, propose/suggest/advise, look forward to, excuse/pardonladmit, delay/put off, fancylavoid, miss, keep/keep on, practiceldeny, finish, stop, enjoy, appreciatelcant help, mind, allow/permit, escapelimagine ,risk, give upl既可接动名词又可接不定式区别甚微的动词有既可接动名词又可接不定式区别甚微的动词有: start, begin, continue, like, hate, prefer, love, propose等等,l(在在attempt和和 intend 之后,动词不定式更为之后,动词不定式更为常见常见)l(sth. needs doing= needs to be done)l接动名词与不定式都可以接动名词与不定式都可以, 但含义有区别的动但含义有区别的动词有词有: remember, forget, regret, try, mean, stop, go on, cant help等等.l口诀口诀: 一记二忘三遗憾一记二忘三遗憾; 四试五图六停止四试五图六停止练习册练习册P15- 3(3/4)Try to do练一练练一练1 He forgot_ (take) an umbrella with him, so he got wet all over.2 Hes forgot_ (stay) with me for half a month, which has made me upset. I regret _ (spend) so much money on arranging his stay.3 The teacher said, “ I regret_ (tell) you that you have failed again.to takestayingspendingto tellTry to do练一练练一练4 Remember_ (lock) the door before you leave.5 I still remember her _ (throw) her arms around me saying “You can make it!” 6 The doctor asked me to try_ (take) a holiday and see if it worked.7 The teacher asked us to try _(make) our dream come true.to lockthrowinglisteningto makeTry to do练一练练一练8 I am sorry, I didnt mean_ (hurt) you.9 Losing an opportunity means _ (refuse) access to success.10 We went on_ (practice) until the teacher asked us to stop.11 They went on_ (do) Exercise 2after they had done Exercise 1. to hurtrefusing practicingto do动名词做介宾动名词做介宾:1. 在一些短语中介词省略在一些短语中介词省略: have no difficulty (in) doing sth.prevent sb. (from) doing sth.spend time (in) doing sth.excuse sb. (for) doing sth.练习册练习册P43-(3) 2. 一些短语中的一些短语中的to是介词是介词:be used to, stick to, look forward to, get down to, object to, pay attention to, come close to, lead to, admit to;preferto;devoteto, go back to3.有有1个介词值得一提个介词值得一提but1. I have nothing to do but wait here.2. I can do nothing but wait here.3 .I cannot but wait here. 不得不不得不, 不能不不能不4. I cannot choose but wait here. 不得不不得不,只好只好5. I can not help but wait here. 不得不不得不6. I have no choice but to wait here.l动名词说明被修饰名词的用途,通常可以动名词说明被修饰名词的用途,通常可以改为改为for短语。短语。l阅览室阅览室 reading room = the room for readingl阅读材料阅读材料l购物袋购物袋 l手术台;手术台;l洗衣机洗衣机reading materialsa shopping bagan operating tablea washing machine练习册练习册P43- (4) 练习册练习册P43- (4)试比较:试比较:Sleeping baby Sleeping carworking peopleworking conditionflying birdflying suit现在分词现在分词=The baby who is sleeping动名词动名词=The car for sleeping现在分词现在分词=The people who are working动名词动名词=The condition for working现在分词现在分词=The bird which is flying动名词动名词=The suit for flyingl 饮用水饮用水 drinking water l手杖手杖 a walking stick l写字台写字台 a writing desk l印刷机印刷机 a printing machine练习册练习册P43- (4)Ex.9.P 27. Rewrite the following sentences using the Gerunds.1. Its bad for you to watch too much TV. Watching too much TV is bad for you. 2. Mary collects stamps. Thats her hobby. Collecting stamps is Marys hobby. or Marys hobby is collecting stamps.3. He suggested that we should ask the boss for his opinion first. He suggested asking the boss for his opinion first. 4. He rushed to the school. He didnt have breakfast. He rushed to the school without having breakfast.5. Dont talk to her. Its no use. She never listens. Its no use talking to her. She never listens.Exercisesl1. All the staff in our company are considering _ to the city centre for the fashion show.(上海上海2007春春) A. to goB. going C. to have gone D. having gone l2. You cant imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm. (辽宁辽宁2007) A. walked B. walk C. to walk D. walkingBDExercises l3. It is difficult to imagine his _ into Beijing University. A. admit B. admitting C. admitted D. being admittedl 4. There is something wrong with my car. It needs _. A. being repaired B. being repairing C. to repair D. to be repairedDDExercisesl5. The dictionary is expensive but it is worth _. A. buying B. being bought C. to be bought D. boughtl6. You cant escape _. A. punishing B. punished C. to be punished D. being punishedDAl7. He didnt feel like _ (work) so he suggested _(spend) the day in the garden. A. to work, spending B. working, to spend C. to work, to spend D. working, spendingl11. I never forget _ Beijing for the first time. A. visiting B. to visitDA Homeworkl1. P278、10l2. P701、2、3、4l3. 练习册练习册P45- 语法专练语法专练l4.预习预习Lesson 3; Do Ex.2、6 (p28-29)l下午听力带周报下午听力带周报34期期5、6版版l明早测默写明早测默写NCE47 刚才的发言,如刚才的发言,如有不当之处请多指有不当之处请多指正。谢谢大家!正。谢谢大家!24
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