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Unit 5Do you have a soccer ball?第一第一课时课时Section A (1a2d)一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。1I _a basketball. Lets play together(一起一起)2This is a _ball. Its black and white.3Wheres my _(篮球球)? Its under the bed.4Are you _(迟到到) for class this morning?5Do you _(去去) to school every day? havesoccerbasketballlatego二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6I have two tennis _(ball).7I _(not have) a baseball.8Please help _(we) find the keys.9 (do) your brother have a book? 10Mike _(have) a soccer ball.ballsdont haveusDoeshas三、单项选择。三、单项选择。( )11.My jacket is on the bed. Can you help me _ it? OK, Dad. Aget Bknow Cask Dthink( )12.Do you _ a notebook?Yes.Its in my bag.Alose Bhave Cknow DmeetAB( )13.Kate _two green pencils, but I dont _ one.Ahave; has Bhas; haveChave; have Dhas; has( )14.Annas sister _ an English dictionary.Adont has Bdont haveCdoesnt has Ddoesnt haveBD( )15.Does she have a basketball?_. She has a soccer ball.AYes, she doesnt BNo, she doesCYes, she does DNo, she doesntD四、补全对话。四、补全对话。根根据据对对话话内内容容,从从方方框框内内所所给给的的选选项项中中选选出出能能填填入入空空白白处处的的最最佳佳选选项项。选选项中有两项为多余项。项中有两项为多余项。A:Hi, boys. 16._B:Tennis is difficult for me. 17._A:That sounds good. 18._B:I dont have pingpong bats. But I think Peter has. DFBC:Yes, I have two pingpong bats. A:Great. 19._C:They are in my classroom. B:20._A:OK. Lets go. CAALets get them.BBut do you have pingpong bats?CWhere are they?DLets play tennis.EWhat are these?FWhat about playing pingpong?GDo you have a tennis ball?五、阅读理解。五、阅读理解。My name is Frank. Im a student. My parents are English teachers. I have no brothers or sisters. I have an uncle. He is my fathers brother. His name is John Smith. He has a great sports collection(收收藏藏). He has four tennis balls, two pingpong bats and three baseball bats. Look! His tennis balls are under the chair. His pingpong bats are on the table. He plays pingpong every day. But I dont play pingpong. Its boring(无无聊聊的的). I have three soccer balls. They are under the bed. And I play soccer every day.( )21.Franks _ are English teachers.Asisters Bbrothers Cparents Duncles( )22._ has a great sports collection.AJohn BFrank CFranks father DFranks mother CA( )23.Mr. Smiths pingpong bats are _Aunder the bed Bon the bed Con the table Dunder the table ( )24.Frank thinks pingpong is a _ sport.Afun Bboring Crelaxing Dgood CB( )25.Which of the following is TRUE(正确的正确的)?AMr. Smiths tennis balls are on the chair. BMr. Smith has four baseball bats.CFrank plays soccer every day.DFrank has five soccer balls. C
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