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Lesson 4Where Did You Go?实验小学实验小学 刘瑞刘瑞火眼金睛火眼金睛Jenny and Li Ming often buy some things at the store.They usually teach each other a sport.Danny always thinks he can catch the ball, but he cant.This morning Jenny and Li Ming bought some things at the store.This afternoon, They taught each other a sport. Danny thought he could hit the ball, but he hurt his hand.提示语:I had fun in my winter holiday. I had fun in my winter holiday. I went to the I went to the (store/library/gym/park (store/library/gym/park ) )I I ( bought some things / read books / ( bought some things / read books / played ping-pong/played with my friends played ping-pong/played with my friends) )Lesson4:Where Did You Go?bought taught thought playedWhere did you go?I went toWhat did you do?I
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