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Proofreading and error correction词法错误句法错误语篇错误1.冠词2.名词词法错误3.代词4.介词及固定搭配5.形容词和副词的比较结构6.情态动词7.用词混淆1、三类常见冠词错误、三类常见冠词错误?a. 冠词误用b. 冠词冗余c. 冠词缺失出现频率较高!a. 冠词误用?09年真题?The previous section has shown how quicklya rhyme passes from one schoolchild to thenext andillustratesthefurtherdifferencebetween school lore and nursery lore.?the further difference a further differenceb. 冠词冗余2010真题?Similarly, we have no reason to doubt thatthe Eskimo language could be as preciseandsubtleonthesubjectofmotormanufacture or cricket if these topics formedthe part of the Eskimos life.?The去掉the?Language the languagec. 冠词缺失?2007年真题?We may say that the cries of pain or chortlesofamusementarelargelyreflexactions,instinctive to large extent, whereas languageproper does not consist of signs but of thesethat have to be learnt and that are whollyconventional.?to large extentto a large extent2. 名词的数名词的数paper-papers?safe-safes?glass-glasses?wood-woods?work-works?father-in-law-fathers-in-law近年,出现频率较低?2004 年真题?Congressionalinvestigationsneverthelessrepresentone importanttool availabletolawmakersto inform the citizenryand toarouse public interests in national issues.?interests-interest3、两类常见代词错误、两类常见代词错误a. 代词误用?b. 代词冗余出现频率较高出现频率较高?a. 代词误用代词误用?2009?In nursery lore a verse, learnt in early childhood,is not usually passed on again when the littlelistener has grown up, and has children of theirown, or even grandchildren. The period betweenlearning a nursery rhyme and transmitting it maybe something from twenty to seventy years.?their-his (2013-7)?something-anything (2013-8)b. 代词冗余代词冗余?2006?We take it for granted the two most commonforms of transmission-by means of soundsproduced by our vocal organs (speech) or byvisual signs (writing).?it 删除4、 介词及固定搭配介词及固定搭配a. 介词误用?b. 介词冗余?c. 介词缺失出现频率极高!出现频率极高!?a. 介词误用介词误用2008?Others favored the adoption of Greek, though,as one man put it, things would certainly besimpler for Americans if they stuck on to Englishand made the British learn Greek. At the end, aseveryone knows, the two countries adopted thepractical and satisfactory solution of carrying thesame language as before.?at-in(in the end)a. 介词误用介词误用?2006?The English speakers has in his disposal avocabulary and a set of grammatical ruleswhichenableshimtocommunicatehisthoughts and feelings, in a variety of styles,to the other English speakers.?in-at(at ones disposal)a. 介词误用介词误用?2005?And until they were stopped by the antitrustauthorities, the Ivy League schools colluded(密谋) to limit competition for the best students, byagreeing not to award scholarship on the basisof merit rather than purely of need-just likebusiness firms agreeing not to give discounts ontheir best customer.?on-to(give discounts to)?2012-5b. 介词冗余介词冗余?2010?The English language will be just as rich intermsfordifferentkindsofsnowiftheenvironments in which English was habituallyused made such distinctions as important.?as 删除(made such distinctions important)?2011I knew that I had a facility with words and a power of facing in unpleasant facts, 去掉in; face 面对face up 勇敢地面对?c. 介词缺失介词缺失?2010?That is, every language appears to be wellequipped as any other to say the things theirspeakers want to say.?be 后面加as?2012-15、形容词和副词的比较结构、形容词和副词的比较结构主要为比较级和最高级误用主要为比较级和最高级误用?出现频率较高出现频率较高?2006?His vocabulary, in particular, both that whichheusesactivelyandthatwhichherecognizes, increases in size as he grows oldas a result of education and experience.?old-older?2003From the 1940s through the early 1960s,Americans married at a high rate and at ayounger age than their Europe counterparts.high-higher6、情态动词、情态动词?Insocialsituations,theclassicIntentionMovement is “the chair-grasp” (抓板凳) .Host and guest have been talking for sometime, but now the host has an appointment tokeep and can get away.can-must7、用词混淆、用词混淆?a. 词义混淆b. 词性混用c. 其他混淆?a. 词义混淆词义混淆2010The Eskimos, it is said, can speak aboutsnow with further more precision and subtletythanwe can in English,but thisis notbecause the Eskimos language (one of thosesometimes mis-called primitive) is inherently.further-much或者去掉?b. 词性混用词性混用2003From the 1940s through the early 1960s,Americans married at a high rate and at ayounger age than their Europe counterparts.Europe - European?c. 其他混淆其他混淆2010This example does not come to light a defectinEnglish,ashowofunexpected“primitiveness”.come-bring (bring to light 发现、揭露)Proofreading and error correction词法错误句法错误语篇错误1、时态和语态2、 主谓一致句法错误3、 定语从句和名词性从句4、 非谓语动词5、 It-句型6、 虚拟语气7、 倒装1、时态和语态、时态和语态?出现频率不高2002We begin the “natural” learning of pronunciationlong before we start learning to read or write,and in our early years we went on unconsciouslyimitatingand practicingthepronunciationofthose around us for many more hours per everyday than we ever have to spend learning evenour difficult English spelling.went-go2012-42、主谓一致、主谓一致?出现频率不高2006the English speaker has in his disposal avocabulary and a set of grammatical ruleswhichenableshimtocommunicatehisthoughts and feelings, in a variety of styles, othe other English speakers.enables-enable2013-73、定语从句和名词性从句、定语从句和名词性从句一个常考常新的考点注意点:?1)定语从句分限定性和非限定性两种?2)关于that 和which 的区别?2008At the same time the United States split offfromBritain,forexample,therewereproposalsthatindependenceshouldbelinguisticallyacceptedbytheuseofadifferent language from those of Britain.time 后面加上when?2007We may say that the cries of pain or chortlesofamusementarelargelyreflexactions,instinctive to large extent, whereas languageproper does not consist of signs but of thesethat have to be learnt and that are whollyconventional.these-those?2005Theriseintuitionmayreflectthefacteconomic uncertainty increases the demandfor education.fact 后面加that4、非谓语动词、非谓语动词?非谓语动词的三种形式:to do 不定式doing 动名词done 分词考试出现频率极高?主要错误:?1. 句子中出现两个谓语?2. 动名词与不定式误用?3. 分词的误用?接不定式做宾语的动词:agree, advise, care, choose,consent,decide,determine,desire,expect,fail,happen,hesitate,hope,learn,manage,offer,prepare,pretend,promise, propose, refuse, resolve, want, wish等?接动名词做宾语的动词:admit, appreciate,avoid,complete, consider, deny, detest, dislike, endure, enjoy, envy,escape, excuse, fancy, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, go on,cant help, imagine, insist on, involve, keep, keep on, leave off,mention, mind, miss, postpone, praise, practise, put off, quit,recollect, report, resent, resist, risk, stand, stop, suggest, think,understand等。?2007From what has been said, it must be clearthatnoonecanmakeverypositivestatements about how language originated.There is no material in any language todayandintheearliestrecordsofancientlanguage show us language in a new andemerging state.show-showing?2006Each of us shares with the community inwhich we live a store of words and meaningsas well as agreeing conventions as to theway in which words should be arranged toconvey a particular message.agreeing-agreed5、It-句型句型?2010There may or may not be appropriate to talkabout primitive peoples or cultures, but thatis another matter.There-ItGrammar errors?1. A smile can be observed, described, and reliably identify, and it can also be elicited and manipulated under experimental conditions.2. A musical genius, John Cage is noted for his highly unconventional ideas, and he respected for his unusual compositions and performances.3. Chocolate is prepared by a complex process of cleaning, blend and roasting cocoa beans, which must be ground and mixed with sugar.4. Several million points on the human body registers either cold, heat, pain, or touch.5. In the 1800s store owners sold everything from a needle to a plow, trust everyone, and never took inventory.?6. Human beings are social animals whom usually prefer not to live in physical or psychological isolation.7. It estimated that only about thirty percent of our planets surface consists of land.8. If television had been invented a thousand years ago, will nations be significantly more homogeneous than they are now?9. The St. Lawrence Seaway, which runs between British Columbia and New York, has completed by the United States and Canada in 1959.10. Film directors can take far great liberties in dealing with concepts of time and space than stage directors can.Proofreading and error correction词法错误句法错误语篇错误语篇错误衔接错误语义错误?1. 衔接错误2006We take it for granted the two most commonforms of transmission-by means of soundsproduced by our vocal organs (speech) or byvisual signs (writing).or-and?2004Most committee hearings are open to publicand are reported widely in the mass media.Congressionalinvestigationsneverthelessrepresentone importanttool availabletolawmakersto inform the citizenryand toarouse public interests in national issues.nevertheless-therefore?2.语义错误2006But, whether the language store is relativelysmall or large, the system remains no morethan a psychological reality for the individual,unless he has a means of expressing it interms able to be seen by another member ofhis linguistic community; seen-understoodContext errors?1. I thought those figures were correct. Therefore, I have recently heard they were not. 2. We do not have enough money at present, but we cannot afford to buy the new car.3. The point is to offer you some perspectives to consider, so you can make more conscious and deliberate choices for yourself.4. You must accept that youre the creator of your life and that any one is coming to rescue you.
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