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Unit One How do you study for a test?Unit One How do you study for a test?Period OnePeriod OneI study by reading the textbook.How do you study English?EnglishI study by making flashcards.How do you study English?by working with friendsHow do you study English?by watching English moviesHow do you study English? by working with friends by making flashcards by reading the textbook by making vocabulary lists by listening to tapes by asking the teacher for help1. Mei 2. Pierre 3. Antonio b bc ca aWaysAll studentsMost studentsSome studentsNo studentsReport: In our group, all students study by reading textbooks. Most students study by A I am Lingling. I think English is interesting. I always study English by watching English movies. That helps me a lot. Sometimes I study by working with friends, too. As for math, I think its really hard for me. So I ask my math teacher for help. Chinese is boring for me. I dont like reading the textbook. My teacher asks me to read aloud but I dont think its useful. I think I should study Chinese by studying with a group. I hope I can do better in Chinese. B Hello. I am Ray. Chinese is my favorite subject. I like to study it by listening to tapes and watching videos. I like math too. There is a math club in our school and I like studying math there with my friends. We learn from each other and sometimes I study math by asking my teacher for help. English is really easy for me. I always study English by reading English books and I like writing letters to my pen pals in English. -How does _ study _?-She studies by _. LinglingRaySubjectWaySubjectWayChineseChineseMath Math EnglishEnglishNameFavorite subjectsHow to studyMy report:Xiaoling is my friend. He likes physics best. He studies physics by working with a group. He also likes math. He studies math by Homework Write your report on your exercise book.
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