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UNIT 5 CAN YOU COME TO MY PARTY?八年级人教新目标上册八年级人教新目标上册Section BWhat are you going to do tomorrow?What are you going to do the day after tomorrow? 星期一星期一 Monday 星期二星期二 Tuesday 星期三星期三 Wednesday 星期四星期四 Thursday 星期五星期五 Friday 星期六星期六 Saturday 星期日星期日 Sunday Week Sundaythe _Mondaythe _Tuesdaythe _Wednesdaythe _Thursdaythe_Fridaythe _Saturdaythe_11th12th13th14th15th16th17th1a. Write the dates for this week on the calendar. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fridaytodayyesterdaytomorrowthe dayafter tomorrowthe day before yesterday1b. Write these words below the correct dates on the calendar.1C. PAIRWORK Whats today?Its Monday the 14th.Yes No2A. LISTEN. CAN VINCE PLAY TENNIS WITH ANDY? CIRCLE YES OR NO.Vinces Activities Days_ Play soccera. todayb. tomorrowc. the day after tomorrow_Go to the doctor_Study for the test_Have a piano lesson_Babysit his sistercbaab2b. Match Vinces activities with the days. 2c.PairworkA: Hi, Vince, can you play tennis with me?B: When?A: Today.B: Sorry, I cant. I have to study for a test. 3A. READ THE E-MAIL MESSAGE. THEN COMPLETE SONIAS CALENDAR BELOW.Sunday MondayTuesday dentistWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaycousins birthday partytennis trainingstudy for the chemistry testgo to the moviesFILL IN THE BLANKS ACCORDING TO THE E-MAIL.Thank you for your _ . Im sorry I cant _ you this week.On Wednesday, I have tennis _ with school team.And I have to study for my _test on Thursday.invitationvisittrainingchemistry3B. FILL IN THE BLANKS IN THE E-MAIL MESSAGE. USE “IM + VERB + ING ” OR “I HAVE TO + VERB”.Hi Henry,Thanks a lot for the invitation. Im sorry I cantvisit next week. On Monday, I have to go to thedoctor. On Tuesday, Im _ withmy friends. On Wednesday, I have to _ my dad. playing go fishing with On Thursday, Im studying for _.And on Friday, _ onvacation with _. Please call meafter the vacation.Tony my math testIm going to Shenzhenmy parents 4. GROUPWORK: PLAN A PARTY Write everything you have to do next week. Choose a day and time to have a party. Then invite classmates to your party.Useful phraseshave to dojoin sbtry to do write soon study for a test come to the partygo to the concert have a piano lesson the whole daythis weekenda birthday partyanother timesoccer timeculture clubthe day after tomorrowthe day before yesterday Making invitations 发出邀出邀请“Do you have any plan next Friday night? We are having some friends over for a dinner party. Would you like to join us?”“Are you free next Friday night?”“Are you doing anything Friday night?”“Would you be interested in coming to our house that night?”“How do you like to join our party Friday night?”ACCEPTING INVITATIONSSomeone asks: “Would you like to.”You: “Id love to, thank you.” “Thats very kind of you, thanks.” “It sounds great, thank you.” “That will be lovely, thank you.”Someone asks: “Do you like to go to the movie theater with us this afternoon?”You: “Whats great, thank you.” “What a good idea, thank you.”“Thats very kind of you, but actually Im planning to see my grandma next Saturday.”“Im really sorry, but I have to do something else on next weekend.”“I really dont think I can make itI am supposed to be at airport picking up my friend next Sunday morning.” Remember: 当你拒当你拒绝他人的邀他人的邀请时, 要特要特别注意礼貌。通常你注意礼貌。通常你要要给个理由个理由, 说明明为什么无法接受邀什么无法接受邀请, 或者道歉。或者道歉。Declining invitationsEXPLANATION 1. 与与时间相关的短相关的短语有很多。例如有很多。例如: today 今天今天 tonight 今晚今晚 tomorrow 明天明天the day after tomorrow 后天后天yesterday 昨天昨天the day before yesterday 前天前天 two days ago 两天前两天前the day before last 前年前年after three weeks 三个星期后三个星期后 in two years 过两年两年2. 问日期的句型有:日期的句型有: Whats the date today? 今天是几号?今天是几号? 或或 What date is it today?3. “日期日期”的表示法的表示法 例如例如: 11月月 5号号 November 5; November 5th; 读做做November the 5th4. Monday (名名词) “星期一星期一” 在英在英语中表示星期的中表示星期的词有:有: Monday 星期一星期一; Tuesday 星期二星期二; Wednesday 星期三星期三; Thursday 星期四;星期四; Friday 星期五星期五; Saturday 星期六;星期六; Sunday 星期日星期日注意注意: :表示表示“星期星期”开开头的字母要大写。的字母要大写。表示星期的表示星期的单词都以都以“day” 结尾。尾。问“星期星期”的句型有:的句型有:What day is it today?What day is today?5. Thanks for asking . 谢谢你的邀你的邀请。 for是个介是个介词不能直接跟不能直接跟动词 “ask”, 所以所以动词变为动名名词的形式的形式, “asking”起到名起到名词作用。例如:作用。例如:Thanks for your photos . (photos为名词为名词) Thanks for helping me . (helping为动名词为动名词)如果说如果说: 谢谢你邀请我去做什么事情。谢谢你邀请我去做什么事情。我们可说;我们可说;Thank you for your invitation to visit next week .词汇词汇1.Today Im very busy,but she is _ (空空闲的的).2.They are studying for a _ _. (数学数学测验).3. I get his _ (邀邀请) but I cant go.4. I have too _(多多) homework to do.5. Mr.King sometimes goes to the _ (音音乐会会).freemath testinvitationmuchconcert.单项选择单项选择1. Can you come to play soccer with me? _.A. I can B.Thats all right C.Sure.Id love to2.He can go with you,but I _.A.am not B.cant C.dont3.What are you doing _ Monday morning?A.on B. atC.inC B A 4.Thanks for _ me to the party.A. ask B.askingC.asks5. Bob cant come out to play because he _ help Dad in the garden.A.can B.cantC.has to6. Would you like a cup of coffee? _.A. No, I dont wantB. No, thank youC. I dont like itB C B 7. Can you speak French? _.A.Yes, I canB. No, I can C.Yes, I cant8. My party is _ Friday night.A.in B.onC.at9.Im sorry I am late. _.A. Dont say that B. Youre welcomeC. It doesnt matterA B C 1. Today is Monday. (提问提问) _ today?2. They are going to the doctors on Monday. (提问提问) _ _ they going to the doctors?3. Call me after the test. (否定句否定句) _ _ me after the test. .句型转换句型转换Whats When areDont call 5. Why dont you have an English party? (同同义转换) _ _ have an English party?6. Do you want to come over to my house? (同同义转换) _ _ _ to come over to my house? _ you come over to my house?Would you like Can Why notHOMEWORK Write an e-mail message to a friend. Say why you cant visit him next week. (about 80 words)
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