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Unit13(1) Expressing Ability-By Linda1outline1234OccupationsLooking for a jobExpressing ObligationExpressing Ability5Invitations2occupationOccupations,kjupein工作,职业CWhats your occupation?Im a dancer.3occupationOccupationsOccupations,kjupein工作,职业CWhat do you do?Im a teacher.4occupationOccupations,kjupein工作,职业CWhat do you want to be?I want to be an actor.5occupationOccupations,kjupein工作,职业CWhats your mothers job?She is a teacher.job6How many occupations do you know?OccupationsHow many jobs do you know?7actorOccupationskt男演员;演员C8What is his job/occupation ?Who is he?An actor.9an actoractors10actressOccupationsktris女演员11an actressactresses12bakerOccupationsbeik面包(糕点)师;面包(糕点)店店主C13chefOccupationsef(餐馆等的)主厨,大师傅; 厨师14a cookchefsa chefcooks15construction workerOccupationsknstrkn w:k建筑工人162024/9/20dancerd:ns跳舞者;舞蹈演员;舞蹈家;舞女172024/9/20mechanicmiknik机械工,修理工,技工182024/9/20salespersonseilz,p:sn店员,售货员(无男女性之分)192024/9/20secretarysekrtri秘书202024/9/20singersi歌唱家,歌手212024/9/20superintendent,sju:printendnt监督人,监管者(机关、企业等的)主管,负责人222024/9/20teacherti:t老师,教师232024/9/20truck drivertrk draiv卡车司机24shop assistant 店员店员doctor 医生医生nurse 护士护士reporter 记者记者lawyer 律师律师thief 小偷小偷policeman 男警察男警察 /policewoman 女警察女警察waiter 服务员服务员bank clerk 银行职员银行职员Other occupations25a nursenurses26a doctordoctors27a thiefthieves28a shop assistantshop assistants29a bank clerkbank clerks30a reporterreporters31a cookcooks32a firemanfiremen33a postmanpostmen34a dentistdentists35Rules of some occupations36Memory Game38What do I do ?Im a teacher.What do you do?You are students.39What does she do?Shes a doctor.What does he do?Hes a reporter.What does he do?Hes a shop assistant.40What does he/she do?He/she is a/an.411.What do you do? Im a What does he/she do? He/She is a 2.Where do you work? I work in a Where does he/she work? He/She works in a 3.What do you want to be? I want to be a What does he want to be? He want to be a 42A: What does he do?B: He is a _.in a hospitalA: Where does he work?B: He works in _.doctora hospital43A:Where does she work?B:She works in a shop.in a shop/store/supermarketA: What does she do?B: She is a shop assistant.44What does he want to be?He wants to be a basketball player.45A:What do you want to be?B:I want to be a bank clerk.in a bank46What do I want to be?I wear a uniform. I talk to people and help people. My work is kind of dangerous. But its interesting.Thieves dont like me.Guess:I want to be a 47Are you ready?Go! According to the description of their jobs, guess what do they do.49I work in a restaurant and I always carry some fruits and dishes. I often ask people: What would you like? I am really very busy. So, what do I do?Yes ,you are right. Im a waiter!50 My job is very difficult but interesting. I help people on the court. If I succeed I will get lots of money, but if I fail, I get no money. So, what is my job?Yes ,you are right. Im a lawyer.51 I work in the hospital every day. My work is very hard but also very important. I help the doctor and look after the patients. So, what am I ?Do you get the right answer? Im a nurse.52What do I want to be?I wear a uniform. I talk to people and help people. My work is kind of dangerous. But its interesting. Thieves dont like me.Guess:I want to be a 532ExpressingAbilityExpressingAbilityCanyou?54ExpressingAbilityCanyou?Canyousing?Yes,Ican.No,Icant.cant=cannot55Can you?2024/9/20562024/9/20HungarianRomanianhgrina. 匈牙利的匈牙利的;匈牙利语的匈牙利语的n. 匈牙利人匈牙利人;匈牙利语匈牙利语rumeinjnn. 罗马尼亚人罗马尼亚人;罗马尼亚语罗马尼亚语a. 罗马尼亚人的罗马尼亚人的;罗马尼亚罗马尼亚语的语的572024/9/2058Can you/he/she/I/it/we/they?592024/9/2060Expressing Ability2024/9/20Of course they can.A: can Jack fix cars?B: Of course he can. Hes a mechanic.61Expressing Ability2024/9/2062作业作业1.P117有关职业的单词熟读,识读。2.会表达职业,和相关能力,熟读118119对话。3.编写有关职业的小对话。(看看谁的问法多)4.预习Reading:The Ace Employment Service2024/9/2063
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