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谈一谈我们的老师们吧!谈一谈我们的老师们吧!Talk about Your teachers.讨论一下你们的老师们。Can you talk with your partner?你会用英语和同桌讨论下你的老师们吗?你会用英语和同桌讨论下你的老师们吗?funnyoldkindstrictyoung我们已经学习了一些描写人物特征的我们已经学习了一些描写人物特征的英语单词,例如:英语单词,例如:young, old, funny,strict,kind,tall, short, quiet, riendly,nice, thin,strong, fat等等,今天我们来等等,今天我们来学习一些新的词语吧!学习一些新的词语吧!shywhyshy害羞的;腼腆的helpful helpful 乐于助人的;有用的Help!Helpclever hard-working ?2+6=?12+6=?12+16=?112+16=?You are clever!God help those who help themselves. 天助自助者!天助自助者!脑筋急转弯!请用英语回答Xiao Ming has a sister named Xiaohua. Why dosent Xiao Hua have a brother namedXiao Ming?小明有个姐姐叫小华,为什么小华没有一个小明有个姐姐叫小华,为什么小华没有一个弟弟叫小明?弟弟叫小明?Xiao Ming is clever. Xiao Hua is clever, too.Why does Xiao Ming get 100 in the test. But Xiao Hua only gets 70.小明很聪明。小华也很聪明。为什么小明考试小明很聪明。小华也很聪明。为什么小明考试考了考了100分,小华只考了分,小华只考了70?polite polite? Let chant Shy.Shy. She is shy.Polite. Polite. He is polite.Clever. Clever. Sarah is clever.Helpful. Helpful. They are helpful.Hard-working. Hard-working.I am hard-working.小组内同桌间读一读,背一背。小组内同桌间读一读,背一背。Talk about your classmates.讨论一下你们的同学们(用今天学过的句子和词语)。讨论一下你们的同学们(用今天学过的句子和词语)。see you!
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