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UNIT 3LETS LOOK A LOW-CARBON LIFELESSON 11Several kinds of pollution:Air pollutionWater pollutionSoil pollutionWhat can we de to protect our earth?pandadolphintigerelephantliongiraffekoalaturtlepenguinsnakemonkeysheepchimpanzeekangarooPolar bearcamelzebraAre you tried?No we are not.Its just too hot today.Im thirsty.What a nice big tree!Look at the birds in the branches.Theres also a little squirrel!What a cute thing! It has a big tail.Please dont shout. It will be scared and run away.Oh, Im sorry. We should be friendly to it.Where are the monkeys?There are in the trees.There is in the land.Where are the lions ?There is in the branch.Where are the bird?There is under the tree.Where are the dog?Bye bye!谢谢观看谢谢观看! !下节课再见下节课再见 ! !
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