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.1第一课时Unit 2 What time is it ? .2.3.4? I have no leg,? But I can walk.? I have no mouth ,? But I can talk.? I have a round face,? What am I ? Guessingclock.5.6What time is it ?Its oclock.7breakfastEnglish classlunchmusic class P. E . classdinner.8Breakfast, breakfast, time for breakfast. Drink, drink, drink some milk.9English, English, time for English. Read, write, read and write.10Lunch, lunch, time for lunch. Have, have, have some lunch.11Music, music, time for music. Sing, dance, sing and dance.12P.E. ,P.E., time for P.E. Jump, run, jump and run.13Dinner, dinner, time for dinner. Eat, eat, eat some rice. .14.15A day of JohnbreakfastEnglish classlunchmusic class P. E. classdinner.16Do you remember ?.17Practice in pairsdrawsayWhat time is it ?Its oclock.Its time for .18.19Tick Tock Time.20Tochoosetimeistosavetime!Francis Bacon , British philosopher.21Homework: Make a timetable.Talk about your day.22箭头指示处都有超链接返回返回键键至目至目录页录页,目,目录页录页每个版每个版块图标块图标超超链链接到接到对应对应板板块过块过渡渡页页。该时钟图片处有超链接至目录页,请单击此张幻灯片有触发器,任意单击图片即可连线此处有视频,请单击.23
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