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Section APeriod 1 (1a-2e) Unit 8 When is your birthday?JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberThere are12 monthsin a year./dnjuri/ 1月月 /februri/ 2月月/m:rt/ 3月月/eiprl/ 4月月/mei/ 5月月/du:n/ 6月月/dulai/ 7月月/:gst/ 8月月/septembr/ 9月月/ktubr/ 10月月/nuvembr/ 11月月/disembr/ 12月月JanuaryThe first month of the yearNew Years DayWinter FebruaryThe second monthof the year Spring FestivalWinter MarchThe third month of the year Womens DaySpring AprilThe fourth month of the yearApril Fools DaySpring MayThe fifth month of the yearMay Day Spring JuneThe sixth month of the yearChildrens DaySummer JulyThe seventh month of the yearPartys DaySummer AugustThe eighth month of the yearArmy DaySummer SeptemberThe ninth month of the yearTeachers DayAutumn October The tenth month of the yearNational DayAutumn NovemberThe eleventh month of the yearThanksgiving Day: the last Thursday of November Autumn DecemberThe twelfth month of the yearChristmas Day: December 25thWinter The first month of a year is .secondthirdfourthfifthsixtheleventhseventheighthninthtenthtwelfthFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuary/ lastone two three four five six seven eight nine tenfirst second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 基数词基数词序数词序数词基变序,有规律,词尾加上基变序,有规律,词尾加上th。123 ,特殊记,特殊记,词尾字母词尾字母t,d,d。8去去t,9去去e,f来把来把ve替。替。eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth11th 12th13th14th15th16th17th18th19th20th基数词基数词序数词序数词twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundredtwenty-first twenty-second twenty-third thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth 21st 22nd 23rd 30th 40th 50th 60th 70th 80th 90th 100th 整十整十y 变变i, th前有小前有小e来来 基数词基数词 序数词序数词Read the dates.WritingReading January 1stMarch 8thAugust 2ndSeptember 10thJuly 3rdFebruary 12thOctober 20thDecember 25thJanuary (the) firstMarch (the) eighthAugust (the) secondSeptember (the) tenthJuly (the) thirdFebruary (the) twelfthOctober (the) twentiethDecember (the) twenty-fifthWhen is your birthday?My birthday is in May.My birthday is on May 8th/ Its My birthday is in/onIts in/on1b Listen and number the conversations 1-3.A: When is your birthday, Linda ?B: My birthday is on May 2nd.A: When is your birthday, Mary?B: My birthday is on January 5th.A: When is your birthday, Mike ?B: My birthday is on June 3rd.1231st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th14th11th12th13th15th16th17th18th19th20th21st22nd23rd24th25th26th27th28th29th30th31st2a Listen and repeat.1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th14th11th12th13th15th16th17th18th19th20th21st22nd23rd24th25th26th27th28th29th30th31st2b Listen and circle the numbers you hear.2c Listen and match the names, months and days.Name Month DateAlice July 4thFrank August 22ndEric January 5thJane September 17th一一. .第第1,1,第第2,2,第第3 3: first, second, third二二. .第第4-4-第第1919:-th: fourth, (five) fifth, sixth, seventh, (eight )eighth, (nine) ninth, tentheleventh, (twelve) twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth fifteenth, sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth序数词的变化方法序数词的变化方法三三.第第20-第第90:yi+eth四四.第第21-第第99:十位十位基数词基数词个位个位序数词序数词基变序基变序, 有规律有规律, 词尾加上词尾加上th. 1 2 3 特殊记特殊记, 词词尾字母尾字母t,d,d 。8 少少 t, 9 去去 e, f 来把来把 v e 替。替。 整十变整十变y为为ie, 后跟后跟 th 莫迟疑。若想表示几十几,莫迟疑。若想表示几十几,只变只变个位个位就可以。就可以。twenty twentiethtwenty one twenty first序数词的变化方法序数词的变化方法2012. 11. 30yearmonthdaydatetwo thousand and twelveNovember thirtiethNovember 30th, 2012(November thirtieth, two thousand and twelve)When is your birthday?My birthday is / Its October,3rdWhen is her birthday?Her birthday is on October 3rd . Its on October .May, 1stMarch,4thJuly, 12thAsk your partner about birthdays.A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is on _. A: When is your mothers birthday? B: Her birthday is on _. A: When is Toms birthday? B: His birthday is on _. June 2ndMarch 25thJuly 18th Pair Work 1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth14th fourteenth 15th fifteenth 16th sixteenth 17th seventeenth 18th eighteenth Learn these numbers and find out the rules.19th nineteenth 20th twentieth21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second 23rd twenty-third 24th twenty-fourth 25th twenty-fifth 26th twenty-sixth 30th thirtieth 31st thirty-first 写出下列日期的英文表达法写出下列日期的英文表达法:1. 3 月月12日日 2. 8月月8 日日3. 1月月5日日 4. 7月月20 日日5. 12月月1日日 6. 9月月9日日7. 4月月3日日 8. 11月月2日日9. 2月月14日日 10. 5月月30 日日 11. 6月月23日日 12. 10月月21日日March 12thAugust 8thJanuary 5thJuly 20thDecember 1stSeptember 9thApril 3rdNovember 2ndFebruary 14thMay 30thJune 23rdOctober 21st2d Talk about the childrens birthdays in 2c. Then ask your partner about the birthdays in his or her family.A: When is Alices birthday?B: Her birthday is on September 5th.A: When is your fathers birthday?B: His birthday is on _.When is your birthday?My birthday is on _ _.6 6月月1 1日日When _ your birthday?My birthday is on _ _.1 1月日月日When _ your birthday?It is on _ _. 5 5月月2929日日June firstisDecember eighthisMay twenty-ninthWhen is your birthday?My birthday is onSep. 7th.Pair WorkSep. 7th When is his birthday?Oct. 25th His birthday is onOct. 25th. When is her birthday?Her birthday is onJuly 22nd.July 22ndspringMarchAprilMaysummerJulyAugust JuneautumnSeptemberOctoberNovemberwinterDecemberJanuaryFebruary months of a yearNameDate of birthMake a survey.Report like this: Cindys birthday is on February 9th 2e Role-play the conversation.Homework1.Make a survey about your parents birthdays and remember them.2. Learn the words of months and numbers by heart.
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