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Unit 4 I want to be an actor. (Period 1)Language Goal: Talk about jobsWhat does he do ?Who is he?An actor. reportreporterer 记者记者 cookwaiterwaitress 明正彬明正彬 央视央视2004年年 “感动中国感动中国”人物人物 任长霞任长霞央视央视2004年年 “感动中国感动中国”人物人物 policeman policeman 男警察 policewoman policewoman 女警察 doctor doctor 医生 nurse nurse 护士worker 工人工人 teachteacherer 教师教师 singsingerer 歌手dancedancer r舞蹈演员bank clerkbank clerk 银行职员银行职员 shopshop assistantassistant 店员店员Talk about how to ask jobs1.句型一:What do/does +主语+do?2. 这是英语中询问职业时常用的句型,“某人是干什么工作的?3.2. 句型二:What +be +ones +job?4. 若直截了当地问某人的工作,可用此句型,其中job是可数名词。5. 例: What is Marys job?3. 句型三: What do/does want to be? “想干,想成为. For example:What do you want to be?4. 句型四:What +be+主语?Its not polite. 不用第二人称表述职业的常用方法:v 主语+be + a /an +职业名词。如: My mother is a reporter.v 主语+work(s) +介词+冠词+工作场所 如:Her father works in a post office.1. He wants to be a doctor. 他想成为一名医生。他想成为一名医生。1) “want to be + 职业职业”表示表示“想成为一名想成为一名”如如: I want to be a doctor. 我想成为一名医生。我想成为一名医生。 She wants to be a teacher. 她想成为一名教师。她想成为一名教师。2)学过的有关学过的有关want的用法还有:的用法还有:want sth; want to do sth; want sb to do sth. Language Points1abchadeg1232a. Listen and number the pictures below.31 22b. Listen again and fill in the chart.Who JobWants to be1.Annas mother bank clerk2.Tonys father 3.Susans brother policewomanwaiteractorstudentdoctorRead together!A : Anna,does your mother work?B: Yes, she does. She has a new job.A: What does she do?B: Well, she is a bank clerk, but she wants to be a policewoman. A: Is your father here,Tony?B: No, he isnt. Hes working.A: But its Saturday night. What does he do? B: He is a is busy for him.A: Does he like it?B: Yes, but he really wants to be an actor!Read together!A: Susan, is that your brother?B: Yes, it is.A: What does he do?B: Hes a student. He wants to be a doctor.Read together!What do you want to be ?I want to be a /an Guess the job What does he or she do?a student.He is a waiter.He is a nurse.She is a reporter.He is a policeman.He is a cleanera nurseWhat does she want to be?She wants to be a nurse.What does he want to be?He wants to be a policeman.a waitera policemanworkersdoctorsWhat do they want to be?They want to be doctors.a teachera dancerWhat do I want to be?You want to be a dancer.Name JobWants to be Karen teacher nurse Frank waiter actor Susan doctor reporterA: What does do?B: SheHe is .A: What does she he want to be?B: She He wants to be Pair WorkYou are a student now.What do you want to be in the future(未来未来)? ?I want to bePair WorkPair WorkPair WorkPair WorkMake a survey:(调查)WhoJobWants to beLuo Kais fatherfarmerdoctorLuo Kais father is a farmer. But he wants to be a doctor.His mother is a.Luo Kais motherHomeworkInterview your mother and father. You can ask them the following questions:What do you do?What do you want to be?Why?Write a short passage about your parents.Tell me:What do your family do ?Where ?What do they want to be ?Why?Write a short passage about your family. Homework:Thank you Thank you for listening for listening
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