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Static Timing Analysisamey.hegdewipro.comAgendaPRE-REQUISTES: Knowledge of Digital Design TOPICS COVERED : -Basic STA concepts-Basic Primetime Commands, Interpretaion of Primetime reports-Advanced STA (Mutliple clocks, Latches, OCV)-Setting up Primetime (Appendix 1)What is Static timing Analysis?What is static Timing Analysis (STA) ?It is a method to determine if a circuit meets timing constraints without simulation. Why Static Timing Analysis ? 100 % path coverage is possible because no design specific pattern is required All paths are assumed critical Process variation across die can be modeledconstraints and reports are concise and easy to interpretPlace of STA in the ASIC FlowSPECSSPECSRTL CodingRTL Coding SynthesisGate level SimulationFloor planning/P&R/Timing Closure/Design ClosureFAB RTL RTL Simulation/VerificationSimulation/VerificationWireload models Chip Testing Back annotation ( SDF)Cell Libraries Top Level Design and ArchitectureTop Level Design and Architecture Static Timing AnalysisDFT insertionConventional Front EndBack End DivideParasiticExtraction(SPEF)Phases of STA:Basic STA conceptsPre-Layout STAPost-Layout STAClock skewsIdeal clock assumed with estimated skewActual clock delays(Propagated clock)Net DelaysWire load modelParasitics (SPEF or SDF)UseTo verify the flow, for estimationFinal Sign offWireload ModelsWire LoadsEstimate interconnect length Statistical Analysis of Previously Routed ChipsPredict the interconnect capacitance as a function of net fan-out and block size.Wire Load TableNet LoadNetfanoutNetfanoutNet Resistance1230.0300.0600.04540.01510.01220.01630.02040.024Inputs & Outputs of STAInputsNetlist (verilog) : The gate level circuit description.Constraints (sdc/tcl) : The design related dataNet DelaysParasitics (SPEF) : These are the parasitics of the design extracted from physical design tools.ORSDF : Standard Delay Format file containing back-annotated delays.Models (lib/db): The delay model of every cell in the libraryOutputsReports : The timing paths report which can be used for debugging. Basic STA concepts Fundamental timing questions of a systemCan design work at specified clock speed ?STA tool calculatesArrival time (min/Early, max/Late)Required time(min/Early, max/Late)Slack Basic STA concepts: Timing PathsDQFF2DQFF1OUTPUTINPUTCLOCKTiming Point Each path has a startpoint and an endpoint Timing path Startpoints - Input ports,- Clock pins of flip-flopsTiming path Endpoints - Output ports, - all input pins of flip-flops except clock pinsTypes of paths (I)FF1Setup timeSetup time: the time required for the data to be stable before the clock edge CLKD2FF2D1 Q1D2 Q2CLKLaunch EdgeCapture EdgeCombo logic54.5ns4.9setup violationCLK0setup time0.34.70.4nsHold timeHold time: the time required for the data to remain stable after the clock edgeCLK1D2=Q1FF1FF2D1 Q1D2 Q2CLK1Launch EdgeCQCLK20.3ns0.4CLK20.3hold time0.2Capture EdgeHold violation0.4ns0.5Setup and Hold timeSetup time: the time required for the data to be stable before the clock edge Hold time: the time required for the data to remain stable after the clock edgeCLKD2=Q1Q2FF1FF2D1 Q1D2 Q2CLKLaunch EdgeCapture EdgeCQCQhold timesetup timeData should change only within this windowSetup RequirementHold RequirementClk at FF21000Data at D pin of FF2Early Required TimeLate Required TimeSetup and Hold time in STAImportant!In STA, Setup is checked at next edge and hold is checked at same edgeSetup CheckSetup checkDQFF2DQFF1CALCULATION:Arrival time (max) = clock delay FF1 (max) +clock-to-Q delay FF1 (max) + comb. Delay( max) Required time = clock adjust + clock delay FF2 (min) - set up time FF2Slack = Required time - Arrival time (since we want data to arrive before it is required)clock adjust = clock period (since setup is analyzed at next edge)Hold checkHold check.CALCULATION:Arrival time = clock delay FF1 (min) +clock-to-Q delay FF1 (min) + comb. Delay( min) Required time = clock adjust + clock delay FF2 (max) + hold time FF2 Slack = Arrival time - Required time (since we want data to arrive after it is required)clock adjust = 0 (since hold is analyzed at same edge)DQFF2DQFF1Sections of a timing report HeaderData Arrival SectionData Required SectionSummary- SlackExample hold reportClocksSlew or Transition time:Time taken for a signal to reach from 10% of VDD to 90% VDD10%90%SlewA clock is defined by its period, waveform and slew time.PeriodSlew riseSlew fallWaveform riseWaveform fallClocksJitter - Variation in period from clock source (PLL)clock skew = clock insertion delay of FF1 - clock insertion delay of FF2FF1FF2Insertion Delay delay from clock source to the clock endpointSkew - Difference in arrival time at clock endpointsclkWill Skew affect setup and hold? What about jitter?ClocksSource latency and Network latencyPre vs Post Clock Tree Synthesis (CTS)Pre vs Post Clock Tree Synthesis (CTS)Test for Understanding (1)Test for Understanding (2)Master ClocksGenerated clocks: Internally divided clocksDivided clocks (I)create_generated_clock -name DIVIDE -source get_ports SYSCLK -divide_by 2 get_pins FF1/QDivided clocks (II)create_generated_clock -edges 1 5 7 -name DIV3A -source get_ports SYSCLK get_pins U2/QVirtual ClocksVirtual ClocksSource latency and Network latencyBlockD QD QD QD QOn-block latency(network)Off-block latency(source)ClockConstraining the IOsInput DelayTest For UnderstandingCircle the :Input Delay constraintInput Port NameExternal start point clockOutput DelayTest For UnderstandingCircle the :Output Delay constraintWhy is there no library setup time in the Report?STA tools assume single cycle timing for all paths in design single cycle timing means that data propogates to its destination in less than one cycletiming exceptions are used to override the default single cycle constraints. False paths Multicycle paths Max delayMin delaymax_delay=1nsTiming ExceptionsFalse PathsFalse path- any logically false path- any register to register path which you do not wish to constrain- these paths are excluded from timing analysisMultiCycle Paths (I)Multi cycle pathfor setup: clock adjust time greater then one clock period for hold: clock adjust greater then zero timeMultiCycle Paths (II)MultiCycle Paths (III)Case analysis (I)Case AnalysisFunctional / Test modes of the design specifying constant values or rise/fall transition at certain ports or pins. ExampleTest mode pinCase analysis (II)set_case_analysis 0 get_ports SCAN_MODEOther Timing Checks Verified by STATypes of paths (II)PrimeTime : Path groupsPrimeTime implicitly creates a path group each time you use the create_clock command to create a new clock. clock_gating_default: paths that end on combinational elements used for clock gating async_default: paths that end on asynchronous preset/clear inputs of flipflops default: constrained paths that do not fall into any of the other implicit categories (for example, a path that ends on an output port) none: unconstrained pathsBasic STA conceptsRecovery and RemovalRecovery time is the minimum time that an asynchronous control must be stable before the clock active-edge transition. Removal time is the minimum length of time that an asynchronous control must be stable after the clock active-edge transition. Note: Asynch resets are synchronized before giving to CLRZ (reset) pin of flip-flopsGated clocksGated clocksClock gating Setup checkEnable of the clock to be stable before clock assertion, to preserve the waveformClock gating Hold checkEnable of the clock to be stable after clock assertion, to preserve the waveform.Violation causesGlitch at the edge of the clock pulse.clipped clock pulseAZBEnableClockOutOperating Conditions Gate Delay depends oninput slewoutput loadstrength of the gateVoltagetemperatureSources of variationprocess variation (P)Supply voltage (V)Operating Temperature (T)Design cornersBest case (fast process highest voltage and lowest temperature)Worst case (slow process lowest voltage and highest temperature)PVT Operating ConditionsTEMPERATUREPROCESSDELAYDELAYDELAY0 1.0 2.3 3.0 0 125 777777Maximum Operating Conditions - Worst CaseMinimum Operating Conditions - Best Case777777VOLTAGESetup and HoldDQQBTITEDQQBTITEscan enablefunctionalscan chainMost functional paths are long paths that make meeting timing during worst case operating conditions a challenge. Some functional paths, and many test paths, are very short, such as this scan chain.DQQBTITEDQQBTITEscan enableEarly mode timing needs to be aware of both minimum and maximum timing.Clk (0ns)Clk (300ps)(0 slack MAX)(100ps)(350ps)Solution: Dont increase the loading of the Q output but use the unused QB outputSimultaneous Operating ConditionsOn-Chip VariationDQQBDQQBTEMP = 60TEMP = 65On-chip variation is minor differences on different parts of the chip within one operating condition.On-Chip VariationOn-Chip variation (OCV)delays vary across a single die due tovariations in the maufacturing process (P), variations in the voltage (due to IR drop) and variations in the temperature (due to local hot spots etc.)This need to be modeled by scaling the coefficientsOn-Chip VariationOCV DerationsTiming analysis with on-chip variation. For cell delays, the on-chip variation is between 5 percent above and 10 percent below the SDF back-annotated values. For net delays, the on-chip variation is between 2 percent above and 4 percent below the SDF back-annotated values.For cell timing checks, the on-chip variation is 10 percent above the SDF values for setup checks and 20 percent below the SDF values for hold checks.pt_shell read_sdf -analysis_type on_chip_variation my_design.sdfpt_shell set_timing_derate -cell_delay -min 0.90 -max 1.05pt_shell set_timing_derate -net -min 0.96 -max 1.02pt_shell set_timing_derate -cell_check -min 0.80 -max 1.10Common path pessimismIt is possible to have common logic between min and max pathsIt is not possible to have two different delays simultaneously in a single gate or wireCommon path pessimism removal removes common delays.CRPRPrimetime ReportPrimetime slack report: Interpretation-Point Incr Path-clock CLK (rise edge) 0.00 0.00clock network delay (propagated) - clock path delay of launch path (startpt) 1.40 1.40 FF1/CP (FD2) 0.00 1.40 r FF 1/Q (FD2) -CLK to Q delay 0.60 2.00 f BUF1/y (BUF) - combo delay upto the D pin of the endpt. register 3.20 5.20 f data arrival time 5.20clock CLK (rise edge) - includes Cycle adjust of 1 clock period 5.00 5.00 clock network delay (propagated) - clock path delay of capture path (Endpt) 1.16 6.16 clock reconvergence pessimism - after correction for CRPR 0.16 6.32clock uncertainty - post cts this is only jitter -0.10 6.22 FF2/CP (FD2) 6.22 rlibrary setup time - 0.20 6.02data required time 6.02-data required time 6.02data arrival time -5.20-slack (MET) 0.82Path slack = required time- arrival time = (6.02-5.20)=0.82Multiple Clocks: SetupMultiple Clocks: HoldMultiple Clocks: Setup and Hold (I)Multiple Clocks: Setup and Hold (II)Setup Relationship: A Rising, B RisingFind the Setup Relationship between A rising and B rising: A (6 ns)08110237 B(8ns)459611 12The setup relationship is the closest distance between the launching clock edge (A) and the receiving clock edge (B)13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2408110237459611 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24DQQBDQQBBA8426Hold Relationship: A Rising, B RisingFind the Hold Relationship between A rising and B risingA08110237B459611 12The hold relationship is the closest distance between the launching edge (A) and the previous receiving edge (B)13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2408110237459611 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24DQQBDQQBBA6240Static Timing With Latches Latches DQQBDEQQBEE012345678Latches are level sensitive instead of edge triggeredLatches and Flip-Flops are both registers, or “storage devices”D012345678Q012345678Time BorrowingPHI1PHI2PHI1DQGDQGDQGPHI2051072If these were flip flops, timing would not be met at b_reg.With time borrowing, the middle latch can borrow time from the next stage and meet timing.15a_regb_regc_reg20Time Borrowing Example 2PHI1PHI2PHI1DQGDQGDQGPHI2051097No, the final data missed the active edge of c_reg.Q. Can time borrowing eliminate negative slack?a_regb_regc_reg1520Time Borrowing Example 3PHI1PHI2PHI1DQGDQDQGPHI2051056No, c_reg is a flip-flop and the data misses c_regs edgeQ. Can time borrowing eliminate negative slack?a_regb_regc_reg1520Time Borrowing Example 4PHI1PHI2PHI1DQGDQDQGPHI2051062Yes, in fact there is extra time before the activating edge of c_reg.Q. Can time borrowing eliminate negative slack?a_regb_regc_reg15G20Time Borrowing Example 5PHI1PHI2PHI1DQGDQGDQGPHI20510111No. The earliest b_reg can launch the data is at time 5. c_reg will receive the data too late Q. Can time borrowing eliminate negative slack?a_regb_regc_reg1520Latches: Time BorrowingLatches: Time BorrowingLatches: Time BorrowingConstraining Multiple-Mode Designs Multiple Mode DesignsSame physical net may be part of two clocksThe functional clockThe test clockA mode input chooses which clock is propagatedTiming optimization requires thatSetup and hold violations do not occur in test or functional modeOptimizer is aware of both modes concurrentlyoptimizing only one mode at a time might fix a hold violation in one mode, only to cause a setup violation in the other.Constraints must expose all timing modes concurrentlyDQQBTEST_EN10TEST_CLKFUNC_CLKDQQBDATA_INDATA_OUTSDscanscanSDSCAN_INSimple Clock Scheme for MultimodeTEST_EN signal controls which clock to propagate.TEST_EN = 1 means TEST_CLK will propagate.Scan chains are activated via the scan pins of registers.TEST_EN = 0 means FUNC_CLK will propagate.Functional paths are activated via the data pins of registers.Solution for Simple Multimode SchemeA simple multimode scheme allows the timer to be aware of the propagation of both clocks in the same run.This awareness enables single-pass implementation and optimization of both clocks and their associated timing paths.DQQBTEST_EN10TEST_CLKFUNC_CLKDQQBDATA_INDATA_OUTSDscanscanSDSCAN_INThree Categories of ConstraintsMaster constraints fileContains most constraints for all modes of operationOverlapping clock exceptions fileContains constraints necessary to enable multiple modes to be visible in the same passThis file is read on top of the main constraints file in Magma for all implementation/optimization runs.Individual mode constraints filesOne file for each mode of operationIn this example there are two (one each for test and functional modes).These files should not contain more than constant settings.These files are not used in Magma for implementation/optimization.This type of file is read on top of the main constraints file in PrimeTime to set PrimeTime to a particular mode.The same is done in Magma for correlation-to-PrimeTime runs.The Master Constraints FileDefine both TEST_CLK and FUNC_CLKApply timing constraints for all I/O and scan ports with respect to appropriate clockApply all other constraints as usual (drives, loads, slews, etc.)If multiple functional clocks can drive a given clock pin, choose the clock with the highest frequency and define that clock onlyThis applies only to the case where the same boundary clock pin might be driven by different clocks, depending on the mode.Do not declare all paths from/to either clock to be false, (Avoid open-ended false path statements on clocks). Do not set constants that choose either test mode or scan mode (Do not set TEST_EN high or low).DQQBTEST_EN10TEST_CLKFUNC_CLKDQQBDATA_INDATA_OUTSDscanscanSDSCAN_INDQQBTEST_EN10TEST_CLKFUNC_CLKDQQBDATA_INDATA_OUTSDscanscanSDSCAN_INThe Overlapping CLK Exceptions FileDeclare the following as false:Paths from FUNC_CLK to all SD pins, if these paths cannot meet timingPaths from TEST_CLK to FUNC_CLKPaths from FUNC_CLK to TEST_CLKDQQBTEST_EN10TEST_CLKFUNC_CLKDQQBDATA_INDATA_OUTSDscanscanSDSCAN_INPrimeTime Correlation - Mode AnalysisPrimeTime must perform mode analysis (set the design in a mode), because it cannot propagate multiple clocks on a net.For PrimeTime runs, you need one additional constraints file for each mode (mode constraints file) to set the design in a mode.For this simple example we need two files: test mode and func modeThe test mode constraints file has the command: set_case_analysis 1 TEST_ENThe func mode constraints file has the command: set_case_analysis 0 TEST_ENCombinational Loops DQQBDQQBBAZU0U1BAZCombinational Loop ExampleMost STAs cant leave combinational loops in the design, because a race condition will occur.1.1AT3.15.1Magma STA training slidesVSBU STA training ppt.Primetime user guidePrimetime tutorial can be used for hands onReferences/Resources:Appendix 1PrimetimePrimetime Flow:ReadandLinkDesignsandLibrariesSpecifyAttributes,Environment,Constraints,TimingExceptionsPerformAnalysis:ReportsandVisualanalysisPrimetimeSetup Files :When primetime is invoked,it accesses .synopsys_pt.setup file in the following order Synopsys root directory the file provided by Synopsys contains general setup information.User home directory - User can create this file for specific Primetime environment.Directory from which user starts Primetime ( current working directory ).User can create this file and customize it for a particular design. Setup the design environment :Set the search path and link path.Read the Libraries and Design.Link the top design.Setup the operating conditions ,wireload models,port load,drive and transition time.PrimetimeSpecify the timing assertions (constraints) -Define clock period,waveform,latency and uncertainty.Specify input and output port delays.Specify timing exceptions -specify multicycle pathspecify false pathSpecify minimum and maximum delaysspecify disabled arcs.Perform analysis and generate reportsCheck timingGenerate constraint reportsGenerate path timing reports Defining search path and Link path :notifies Primetime the files to use and where to use them to perform Link processsearch path and link path are defined through primetime variable search_path and link_path respectivelye.g: set search_path “. ././lib” set link_path “* vendor_lib.db”Primetime Reading the Designs Primetime reads following design formats -Synopsys database files (.db)Verilog netlist filesElectronic Data Interchange Format( EDIF) netlist filesVHDL netlist filese.g:read_db./gtech/counter.dbread_verilog./net/counter.vread_edif./edif/counter.edifread_vhdl./net/counter.vhdlLinking the Designlink process resolves design references it loads libraries and designs specified in the link_path variableif design is referenced and but was not explicitly loaded, linker attempts to load the design where the design is the referenced design - autoloadPrimetimeDefining operating conditionsICs exhibit different performance under different operating conditionsoperating conditions contains process derating factor(P), supply voltage(V),ambient temperature and interconnect model typedelay calculation is affected by the operating conditionsSetting Wireload Modelspredicts net capacitance and resistance after placement and routingnet capacitance affects cell and net delaysnet resistance affects net delaywireload model is basically set of tablesnet fanout vs loadnet fanout vs resistancenet fanout vs areaTo access the timing of a circuit as accurately as possible WLM should be specifiedSince WLMs are used to model the effects of layout,they should be chosen carefully based on recommendation of your vendora tree_type attribute in operating condition tells PT to model the net there are three possible tree types worst_case_tree ( pessimistic), best_case_tree ( optimistic ), balanced_tree.个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论
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