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Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司2006 Better medicines to peoples health 关爱人类健康关爱人类健康 Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., IntroductionJiangsu Hengrui MedicineEstablished: 1970 Head Office: Lianyungang ,Jiangsu, ChinaPresident: Mr.Piaoyang SunEmployees : 1800including: R&D 230 恒瑞医药始建于1970年,公司位于江苏连云港 董事长 孙飘扬 公司现有员工2000人,研发人员230人Main Businesses LineHengrui mainly produces antineoplastics,cardiovascular, analgesic, antibiotics .Hengrui was the No. 1 Antineoplastic sales in China Market in 2003、2004. 恒瑞主要从事抗肿瘤药、心血管类药、镇痛类药、抗生素的生产。 2003、2004年抗肿瘤药销量全国排名第一。Hengrui GroupJiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd. Pharmaceuticals and R&DShanghai Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd. Pharmaceuticals and R&D 成都成都上海上海连云港Shanghai Hengrui Medicine &Chengdu Hengrui MedicineWorkshop & Equipment Hengrui has two factory zones, the old one is located at Xinpu, the new one is located at ECO. & TECH Development Zone. 恒瑞现有两个厂区:新浦厂区 开发区新厂区Workshop & Equipment The Xinpu factory is the main area of synthesizing and producing bulk drugs, including two solid preparation which passed to GMP inspection and 6 bulk drugs workshops. It can produce 20 kinds of chemical medicines 1.6 billion pills, 50 tons of 40 kinds of bulk drugs per year. 新浦厂区主要是固体制剂与原料药生产地,拥有2个通过 GMP认证的固体制剂车间、6个原料车间。 年生产能力为西药20种16亿片,化学原料药40种50吨。Head officeWorkshop & EquipmentGMP固体制剂车间 Solid Preparation Workshop & EquipmentThe new factory has an area of 30 thousand of square meters, which built preparation workshops according to GMP, and imported a batch of advanced equipment and production line. Now the factory is capable of producing 50 million injections, 2 million lyophilized powders and 2 million sterile split charging powder. 开发区新厂区占地3万多平方米,新建了符合GMP要求的制剂车间,并已引进了一批国外的先进设备仪器,新增年产针剂5000万支、冻干粉针200万瓶、灭菌分装粉针200万瓶的生产能力。 Capacity of Jiangsu Hengrui50 million injections, 2 million lyophilized powders 2 million sterile split charging powder. 500 million troches12 million transfusion bags Freeze Dryer Imported from EDWARDSForm-Fill-Seal LineSolid Preparation Auto-Line Auto-Packing Line 上海分公司上海分公司2004年上半年建成投产。年上半年建成投产。Shanghai Hengrui was in production in Jun. 2004 Subsidiary company Shanghai HengruiShanghai Hengrui CampusSales NetSale network covers all of the country.There are 62 sale offices inside China.Salespersons are over 1300.Active Pharmaceutical ingredients are mainly sold to USA and Europe.,恒瑞有九个销售公司,在全国各地有80个办事处,共有1500名销售代表Jinagsu Hengrui Sales Status Top 5 Products in 2004 2001 2001年恒瑞医药年恒瑞医药原料药异环磷酰胺、足叶乙甙、美司那、噻替原料药异环磷酰胺、足叶乙甙、美司那、噻替派通过了美国派通过了美国FDAFDA验证。验证。 Ifosfamide, Ifosfamide, EtoposideEtoposide, , MesnaMesna and and ThiotepaThiotepa were were approved by FDA in 2001.approved by FDA in 2001.FDA ApprovingExport Status Of Raw Chemical MaterialUnit: ¥Ten thousand(RMB)R &D Activity 研究与开发研究与开发恒恒瑞拥有瑞拥有2个研究中心个研究中心 Hengrui Has Two R&D Centers恒瑞恒瑞连云港研究中心连云港研究中心 Lianyungang R&D Center 人员Researcher and Engineer:130 Persons 化学合成、植物药、中试研究、通用名药物 Chemical Synthesizing, Plant Drugs, Scale Test Before Production, Generic Medicines恒恒瑞瑞上海研究中心上海研究中心 Shnaghai R&D Center 人员Researcher and Engineer:60 Persons 药物设计、化学合成、制剂研究、生物工程 Drug Design ,Chemical Synthesizing, Preparation Improvement, Biology EngineeringR & D Activity 研究研究化学药物化学药物 Chemical Medicine:COX-2抑制剂抑制剂 Inhibitor BNP909 in Phase I BNP811 in Preclinical糖尿病PPAR激动剂 Diabetes PPARAgonist抗肿瘤药物 Antineoplastics胃动力药 Gastrokinetic agents抗生素 Antibiotics R & D Activity 研究研究植物药植物药 Plant Drugs肝病治疗药肝病治疗药Liver Treatment Drugs镇咳药镇咳药 Antitussivers妇科用药妇科用药 Gynecological Drugs生物工程生物工程 Biology Engineering单克隆抗体单克隆抗体 Monoclonal Antibody多肽合成多肽合成 Polypeptide Synthesis合作研究合作研究 R&D Cooperation与美国与美国ChironChiron公司合作研究公司合作研究 Cooperation Development with Chiron in USA : Cooperation Development with Chiron in USA : Eg5Eg5与瑞典与瑞典MedvirMedvir公司研究治疗公司研究治疗 Cooperation with Cooperation with MedvirMedvir Co., Co., in Sweden for Development in Sweden for Development of COPD Medicine of COPD Medicine Thanks !
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