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Unit1 This is me 重点语法:be动词的一般现在时精讲精练50题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_语法知识精讲一般现在时概况1. 英语中时间分为过去,现在和将来。一般现在时是动词发生在现在的一种时态。过去将来时间线现在2. 一般现在时,表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性(即事实)的动作或状态,或者动作有时间规律发生的事件的一种时间状态。例: My sister and I always walk to school. 3. 标志性词语,频度副词如never, sometimes, seldom, every day, once a week等 amisarebe动词的一般现在时1. be动词的形式am用于第一人称I后面am, is, are 可与前面的名词或代词进行缩写。is用于第三人称单数的代词或名词后面are用于第二人称you和复数名词后面2. 陈述句中(1)肯定句:I am a Middle School student.否定句:I m not a Middle School student. =I am not a Middle School student.(2)肯定句:This orange is sweet.否定句:This orange isnt sweet. =This orange is not sweet.(3)肯定句:The books are Toms.否定句:The books are not Toms. =The books arent Toms.3. 疑问句中(涉及到回答方式)(1)一般疑问句 一般疑问句中,如果有be动词和情态动词,则be动词和情态动词提前;如果有实义动词,则助动词do或者does提前,后用动词原形。例: -_ Lily come from America?-No. She _ from America. She is English.A. Does; isnt B. Does; doesnt C. Is; doesnt D. Is; isnt该题中“来自”的表达有两种,分别是be from和come from,from是介词,本就有“来自”的含义,但是介词不能单独在句中存在,必须依附于动词,因此from要么和be动词连用,要么和come连用。Come是行为动词。问句中用了come from,故用do或者does提前;答句中只有from,缺动词,故用is或者isnt。(2)特殊疑问句特殊疑问句的用法和一般疑问句无大差别,唯一的差别在于特殊疑问句。规则相同:如果有be动词和情态动词,则be动词和情态动词提前;如果有实义动词,则助动词do或者does提前,后用动词原形。例:How _ you feel? _ you tired today?A. do; Is B. are; Are C. do; do D. do; Are该题有两个问句,第一问中,feel为行为动词,故前面用do或者does;后一问,tired为形容词,故前面用be动词。语法知识精练一、单项选择(每小题2分,满分100分)1 _ there any masks (口罩) in your bag for your trip? Yes. And I _ health code (码) on my phone.AHave, haveBAre, haveCHas, haveDAre, am2My IT lesson _ at three oclock in the afternoon.AisBareCamDbe3He and I _ from Nanjing.AisBamCareDbe4Julia _ short but she _ long hair.Ais; isBhas; isCis; hasDhas; has5You can enjoy clean air and sunshine at the park. The best things in life _ free.AbeBisCareDwere6My name is Yang Li. I _ from Shanghai. And she is my friend Millie. She _ from London.Ais; comeBam; comesCam; comeDcomes; is7Mr. Simmons _ of medium build, and he _ yellow hair.Ais; haveBis; hasCis; isDhas; is8Is that Lyn?No, it isnt. Lyn _ thin and _ a round face.Ais; isBhas; hasCis; hasDhas; is9Tina _ of medium height, and she _ long straight hair.Ais; isBis; hasChas; hasDhas; is10The boy _ born in 2010 and now he _ nine years old.Ais; isBwas; wasCis; wasDwas; is11 _ your father free tomorrow?Yes, he _ timeAIs, hasBAre, hasCDoes, haveDDo, have12Here _ a set of keys. All the keys are white.AisBareCamDwere13There _ many people waiting in line for Covid-19 test, so I cant go back soon.AwasBwereCisDare14There _ some good news for us now.AisBareCwasDbe15There _ a number of animals in the zoo nowadays.AisBareCwasDwere16Everyone _ here. Lets begin our meeting.AwasBwereCareDis17Betty and I _ good friends.AamBisCareDam not18The shorts on the desk _ made of nylon.AisBareCbeDwill be19No news _ good news.AhasBwereCisDare20Lucy _ a college (大学) student last year, but now she _ a teacher.Ais, isBwas, isCis, wasDwas, was21The number of the students _ over 2,000 now in our school.AwasBareCisDbe22Someone _ waiting for you at the gate. He wants to say thanks to you.AisBwasCareDwere23There _ some milk and some vegetables in the fridge.AisBareCwasDwere24What does your English teacher look like?He _ short and he _ small eyes.Ais; haveBis; areChas; isDis; has25There _ a lot of housework every day. I feel very tired.AisBareCwasDwere26 Where is Mr. Jackson? He _ in the living room now. He _ a book every Sunday afternoon.Areads; readsBreads, is readingCis reading; readsDis reading; is reading27 _ your sister a doctor? No, but my cousin _ in a hospital.AIs; isBDoes; workCAre; workDIs; works28What does the boy look like? He _ fat and _ short hair.Ais; isBis; hasChas; hasDhas; is29Helen looks nice. She _ tall and _ short black hair.Ais; hasBhas; isCis; isDare; are30The bookshop _ now. It usually _ at eight in the morning.Ais opening; opensBis open; is openingCis open; opensDis opening; is open31Here _ a pen and two books for your brother.AamBisCareDarent32No news _ good news.AamBareCisDbe33Its very dark here. _ you afraid?Yes, a little. Lets get outside.ADoBAreCD
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