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Unit6GowithTransportationLesson36CleanCars?Is clean air important? Talk with your classmates about “clean air in cities”, then write an e-mail to your city governor. What should the governor know about the air in your city? What do you think he or she should do?1. The teacher asked us to think about the future of transportation. 老师叫我们考虑未来的交通运输。ask sb. to do sth. 叫(要)某人做某事,ask后跟动词不定式作宾语补足语。 Lucy asked me to go to the park with her tomorrow. 露西叫我明天和她一起去公园。【拓展】和ask一样后面可跟动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词还有:tell, want, allow, wish, like, teach等。 I told Danny to eat more healthy food. 我告诉丹尼要多吃一些健康的食物。 My mother wanted me to visit Beijing with her. 我母亲想要我和她一起参观北京。 I wish you to have a good journey. 我祝你旅途愉快。【注意】此种句型的否定结构就是不定式to符号前加not。 如:My mother told me not to play on the road. Its dangerous. 妈妈叫我不要在马路上玩耍,很危险。language Points2. We had to think of an invention, and present it to the class. 我们必须想出一种发明,并把它展示给同学们。have to不得不;必须 It is cold outside. I have to put on my coat. 外面天气寒冷,我不得不穿上外套。辨析: have to与must1) 两者都表示“必须”,后都加动词原形。have to常表示因外界原因所致,客观上“不得不做某事“;而must则表示说话人的主观看法,指主观上 “必须”做某事。 Its too late. They have to go home. 天太晚了,他们必须回家了。 We all must study hard. 我们都必须努力学习。2) have to 有人称和数的变化,第三人称单数用has to;也有时态的变化,一般过去时用had to;一般将来时用will have to;而没有人称和数的变化,也没有时态的变化。 He has to answer the question again. 他不得不重新回答这个问题。 You will have to do it like this. 你必须这样做。3. He called it Flying Donuts. 他叫它会飞的油炸圆饼。call在句中的意思是“取名,把叫做”,可以跟双宾语结构。 They call that man “Lao Wang”. 他们称呼那人为 “老王”。【拓展】call的用法广泛。如:1) vi. 呼喊,大呼,大声说 He called for an hour, but no one heard. 他高喊了1个小时,但是却没人听见。2) vi. 拜访 call at (sp.) 访问(某处) call on (sb.) 拜访(某人) I called on Tom on my way to school yesterday. 昨天在上学的路上我拜访了汤姆。 Many children called my house yesterday. 许多孩子昨天来到我家。3) vt. 打电话 I called her last Sunday. 上星期天我给她打了电话。4) n. 电话 give sb. a call给打电话 Ill give you a call. 我会给你打电话。4. That sounds like a fun project!sound n. & v.1)n. 声音。 Sound travels at 340 metres per second in air. 声音在空气中以每秒340米的速度传播。2) vi. 听起来,后跟形容词。 Your idea sounds (like) a good one. 你的想法听起来不错。辨析:sound, voice与noisesound声音,最常用。如:the sound of running water流水声,voice嗓音,指人的说话声。 She has a beautiful voice. 她的嗓音很优美。noise噪音,指各种嘈杂声。Dont make any noise! Your father is sleeping. 不要吵闹!你爸爸在睡觉。5. Our air would be a lot cleaner. 我们的空气将会更干净。a lot cleaner干净的多a lot在句中修饰比较极,表示程度。 If we work hard, our country will be a lot more beautiful. 如果我们努力工作,我们国家将会美丽的多。【拓展】在句中可以修饰比较极的副词还有:much, even, still等。 Tom is much taller than Jim. 汤姆比吉姆高的多。 He is a little taller than Jim. 他比他哥哥细心点儿。【衔接】a lot of=lots of“许多,大量”,修饰可数名词和不可数名词。 There are a lot of cars on the street. 街上有许多小汽车。 There is lots of water in the glass. 玻璃杯里有很多水。many表示“许多”,修饰可数名词复数;much表示“许多”,修饰不可数名词。 I have many interesting books. 我有许多有趣的书。 How much milk is in the glass? 玻璃杯里有多少牛奶?6. I hope your presentation goes well. 我希望你的展示一切顺利。go well正常,顺利,相当于be all right。如: I hope everything goes well. =I hope everything is all right. 我希望一切顺利。 I hope my invention goes well. 我希望我的发明很顺利。
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