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第一节:分译与合译第一节:分译与合译第二节:被动语态的译法第二节:被动语态的译法第三节:名词从句的译法第三节:名词从句的译法第四节第四节:定语从句的译法定语从句的译法第五节:状语从句的译法第五节:状语从句的译法第六节:长句的译法第六节:长句的译法第一节第一节分分译译与与合合译译英译汉时,如果一个英语句子不能用一个汉语单句清楚地表达出来,我们可以把原句拆开,用两个或两个以上汉语单句来表达,这叫做分译分译(Division).1 SoIswamand,presumably because of thelong absence of foreignersfrom Sichuan, before anundeservedlylargeandenthusiasticaudience.于于是是我我就就下下水水游游泳泳了了;大大概概在在四四川川省省人人们们很很久久没没见见过过外外国国人人了了,所所以以我我游游泳泳时时,旁旁边边有有一一大大群群热热心心的的观观众众;而而单单凭凭我我的的游游泳泳技技术术是是不不配配引引来来这这样样一一大大群群观众的。观众的。2.When someone asks mewhat business I am in, Ibecomeembarrassed.Istutterand stammer. My face feelshot.当当有有人人问问我我从从事事什什么么职职业业时时,我我感感到到很很尴尴尬尬,脸脸发发烫烫,结结结巴巴地难以启齿。结巴巴地难以启齿。I分译法的使用分译法的使用A单词的分译单词的分译将将原原文文中中的的一一个个单单词词分分离离出出来来单单独独译译为为汉汉语语的的一一个个句句子子,使使原原文文的的一一个个句句子子分分译译成成两两个个以以上上的的汉汉语语单单句句。可可能能进进行行分分译译的的单单词词有:有:(1)形容词形容词3.Heishavingan identifiabletroublewithhisteeth.他他正正患患牙牙病病,这这是是大大家家都都看看得出来的得出来的。4.The day dawned misty andovercast.那那天天天天亮亮时时雾雾气气很很重重,天天上上布满乌云。布满乌云。5.As a shy young visitor toEinsteins home, I was made tofeelateasewhenEinsteinsaid,”Ihavesomethingtoshowyou.”小小时时候候有有一一次次去去爱爱因因斯斯坦坦家家作作客客,由由于于我我很很腼腼腆腆,他他就就对对我我说说:“我我有有样样东东西西给给你你看看。”于于是是我我便感到不拘束了。便感到不拘束了。(2)副词副词6.Frankly, are you interested ingoing?你说实话你说实话,有兴趣吗?,有兴趣吗?7.Not surprisingly, those whowerepraisedimproveddramatically.那那些些受受到到表表扬扬的的人人进进步步显显著著,这这是不足为怪的是不足为怪的。8.Characterically,Mr. Haroldconcealed his feelings andwatchedandlearned.哈哈罗罗德德先先生生没没有有表表露露自自己己的的感感情情,只只是是察察言言观观色色,心心领领神会。神会。这是他的性格。这是他的性格。(3)动词)动词9.WerecognizeandshareChinas resolve to resist theattempts of any nation whichseeks to establish global orregionalhegemony.我我们们认认识识到到中中国国决决心心抵抵抗抗任任何何国国家家寻寻求求建建立立全全球球霸霸权权和和地地区区霸霸权权的企图,的企图,我们也有这样的决心我们也有这样的决心。(4)名词)名词10.Shelefthomeachildandcamebacka mother ofthreechildren.离离家家时时她她还还是是个个孩孩子子,回回来来时时已是已是三个孩子的妈妈了。三个孩子的妈妈了。11.Asasecrettrainingbaseforarevolutionary new plane, it wasan excellent site, its remoteness effectivelymaskingitsactivity.作作为为新新型型飞飞机机的的训训练练基基地地,这这是是一一个个非非常常理理想想的的地地方方;因因为为它它地地处处边边陲陲,人人们们不不容容易易了了解解其其中中的的活动。活动。B短语分译短语分译将将原原文文中中的的一一个个短短语语译译为为一一个个句句子子,使使原原文文的的一一个个句句子子分分译译成成两两个个或或两两个个以以上上的的汉汉语语句句子子。可可能能进进行行分分译译的的短短语有:语有:(1)分词短语)分词短语12.Hewasdressed,sittingbythe fire, looking a very sick and miserable boy of nine years.他他已已穿穿好好衣衣服服,坐坐在在火火炉炉旁旁。这这个个9岁岁的的男男孩孩看看上上去去病病得得很很厉害,一副可怜巴巴的模样。厉害,一副可怜巴巴的模样。13.Hehandedmemydraftoftheplancompletely modified.他他把把我我的的计计划划草草案案交交还还了了我,我,内容全改动了内容全改动了。(2)介词短语)介词短语14.Thefirestartedduring the workmens dinner hour.工人们吃饭时工人们吃饭时,发生了火灾。,发生了火灾。15.With all his faults, I likehim.尽尽管管他他有有种种种种缺缺点点,我我还还是是喜欢他。喜欢他。(3)名词短语)名词短语16.Alice, normally a timid girl, argued heatedly with themaboutit. 阿阿丽丽丝丝平平时时是是个个腼腼腆腆的的姑姑娘娘,现现在在也也和和他他们们热热烈烈地地辩辩论论起起来。来。17.Youshouldconsultyouradvisor,Dr.JohnH.Olson, Room 125D Science Wing, Phone 715232-2604,concerningtheplanningofyourprogram.你你应应找找你你的的指指导导教教师师约约翰翰.H.奥奥尔尔森森博博士士商商量量你你的的计计划划。他他在在理理科科 侧侧 楼楼125D房房 间间 , 电电 话话 是是715232-2604。C长句分译长句分译长长句句分分译译这这里里主主要要是是指指将将含含有有一一个个或或多多个个定定语语从从句句的的英英语语长长句句分分译译为为两个或多个汉语句子。两个或多个汉语句子。18.Butunderneaththesympathetic talk, they actuallyfeel a little wistful envy of themenwhobravethewinds,rain,snow,cold,andstormsupontherestlesswater.然然而而,在在这这种种富富于于同同情情的的闲闲聊聊下下面面,他他们们实实际际上上都都有有着着一一种种强强烈烈的的羡羡慕慕之之情情;他他们们羡羡慕慕那那些些在在惊惊涛涛骇骇浪浪中中搏搏风风斗斗雨雨、傲傲雪雪顶顶寒寒的的人们。人们。19.Aspiriteddiscussionspringsupbetweenayounggirl who says that womenhaveoutgrownthejumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouseeraandamajor who says that theyhavent.一一位位年年轻轻女女士士与与一一位位少少校校展展开开了了热热烈烈的的讨讨论论。年年轻轻女女士士认认为为,妇妇女女已已经经有有所所进进步步,不不再再像像过过去去那那样样一一见见到到老老鼠鼠就就吓吓得得跳跳到到椅椅子子上,少校则不以为然。上,少校则不以为然。20.WehavenothingtodowithDavidSwanuntilwefindhimat the age of twenty on themain road from his home totheCityofBostonwherehisuncle,abusinessman,isgoingtogivehimworkinthestorewhichheowns.我我们们与与戴戴维维.斯斯旺旺本本来来毫毫无无关关系系。直直到到有有一一天天,我我们们见见到到20岁岁的的他他离离家家上上了了大大路路,去去波波士士顿顿他他舅舅舅舅家家。他他舅舅舅舅是是做做生生意意的的,开开了了个店,安排他去那里做事。个店,安排他去那里做事。II合译法的使用合译法的使用A将将两两个个或或两两个个以以上上的的英英语语简简单句合译为一个汉语单句单句合译为一个汉语单句21.Itwas2a.m.onahotAugustnight.InaSanFranciscosuburb,amanstaggeredoutofabar.一一个个炎炎热热的的8月月夜夜晚晚凌凌晨晨两两点点钟钟,在在旧旧金金山山郊郊区区,有有个个人人摇摇摇摇晃晃晃晃的走出酒吧间。的走出酒吧间。22.Peoplearethesameeverywhere. They are born.They are babies. They arechildren. They are adults.Theygrowold.Theydie.各各地地的的人人都都是是一一样样的的。人人们们生生下下来来都都要要经经历历从从婴婴儿儿、儿儿童童、成成年年人人直直至至衰衰老老死死亡亡的的各个人生阶段。各个人生阶段。B将英语的并列句合译为汉语单句将英语的并列句合译为汉语单句23.Herdresswasgreyandplain,butitfittedherbodynicely.她一身素装简单而合身。C将将英英语语的的主主从从复复合合句句译译为为汉语单句汉语单句24.Thats the only thing wecandonow.目前我们只能这样做。目前我们只能这样做。25.Thatswhyyoushouldputone item of information oneachofinformationcard.因因而而每每张张资资料料卡卡上上只只应应记记一一条资料。条资料。D将将两两个个或或两两个个以以上上的的英英语语简简单单句句合合译译为为汉汉语语的的一一个个联联合复句合复句26.Pitcher was a quiet man.Hedidntusuallylethisfaceshowhisfeelings.皮皮切切尔尔不不爱爱说说话话,也也不不轻轻易易在脸上显露喜怒哀乐。在脸上显露喜怒哀乐。第二节第二节被被动动语语态态的的译译法法I英语被动语态的用法英语被动语态的用法英英语语中中被被动动语语态态的的使使用用比比汉汉语语较较为为普普遍遍。英英语语句句子子在在下下列列情情况况下下一一般般使使用用被被动语态:动语态:A不不必必或或者者无无法法说说明明主主动动者是谁者是谁1.Thisbookhasbeentranslatedintoseveralforeignlanguage.该该书书已已经经译译成成了了好好几几种种外外国语言。国语言。B谈谈话话的的中中心心是是承承受受者而不是主动者者而不是主动者2.ThemachinehereareallmadeinChina.这这儿儿的的所所有有机机器器都都是是中中国制造的。国制造的。C出出于于礼礼貌貌,不不愿愿说说明明谁谁是主动者是主动者3.Imflattered.你你过过奖奖了了。(不不可可译译成成:我受到了奉承。)我受到了奉承。)D为了使句子易于安排为了使句子易于安排4.Unfortunately, their planfailed and we mercilesslycriticizedbytheiropponents.不不幸幸的的是是,他他们们的的计计划划失失败败了了,并并且且遭遭到到了了反反对对者者们们的的批评。批评。II被动语态的译法被动语态的译法A汉汉语语的的被被动动语语态态一一般般带带有有“被被”、“受受”、“由由”等等词词。有有时时英英文文原原句句的的被被动动语语踏踏可可以以译译成成带带有有“被被”、“受受”、“由由”等等词词的的汉汉语语被被动结构动结构5.Boththefatherandthesonwerethrownintoprison.父子倆都被投进了监狱。父子倆都被投进了监狱。6.Wherever she went, theprincess was welcomed withgreatenthusiasm.无无论论走走到到哪哪儿儿,公公主主都都受受到到非常热烈的欢迎。非常热烈的欢迎。7.Thechildrenweretaken care of by theirgrandparents when wewereaway.当当我我们们不不在在时时,孩孩子子们们由他们的祖父母照看。由他们的祖父母照看。B.应应该该注注意意绝绝不不可可以以滥滥用用“被被”字字如如,Thisbookwaswrittenin1912.不不可可译译成成“这这本本书书是是1912年年被被写写的的”,而而译译成成“这这本本书书写写于于1912年年较较妥妥。所所以以,在在许许多多情情况况下下,应应该该用用其其他他形形式式来来翻翻译译英英文文的的被被动动语态。语态。(1)译成主动式)译成主动式8.This project should be finishedassoonaspossible.这项工程应该尽早这项工程应该尽早完成完成。9.Thismustbe made cleartoeverybody.这一点必须向大家讲这一点必须向大家讲明白明白。10.This issue is not muchtalkedaboutinChina.在在中中国国(人人们们)很很少少谈谈论论这这个个问题问题。11.Sheis dressedinred.她身穿她身穿红色的衣服。红色的衣服。 are convinced that ourteamwillwin.我们我们相信相信我对讲获胜。我对讲获胜。13.Thegunis loaded.枪枪装有子弹。装有子弹。14.Thegunwas quickly loaded again.枪很快又枪很快又被装上了子弹。被装上了子弹。15.University of ElectronicScience and Technology ofChina is located in theeastern part of ChengduCity.电电子子科科技技大大学学位位于于成成都都市市的东部。的东部。(2)译成无主语的句子)译成无主语的句子16.Smoking(is)prohibited.严禁吸烟。严禁吸烟。17.Itissaidthattheoldmanisamillionaire.据说那老头是个百万富翁。据说那老头是个百万富翁。18.ItiswellknownthatHongKonghasbeenpartofChinasinceancienttimes.众众所所周周知知(大大家家知知道道)香香港港自古就是中国的一部分。自古就是中国的一部分。Itisreportedthat据报据报Itissupposedthat据推测据推测Itishopedthat希望希望Itmustbepointedoutthat必须指出必须指出It It must must be be admitted admitted that that 必须承认必须承认 It It is is believed believed that that 有人相信有人相信 It It is is generally generally considered considered that that 大家认为大家认为 It It will will be be said said that that 有人会说有人会说 It was told that It was told that 有人曾说有人曾说 (3)(3)译译成成其其他他特特定定的的汉汉语语句句型型 were were very very much much impressed impressed byby what what she she had said.had said.我们为她的言语我们为她的言语深深打动。深深打动。20.Everybody 20.Everybody in in the the room room was was shocked shocked byby his his thundering thundering voice.voice.他他那那雷雷鸣鸣般般的的嗓嗓音音把把房房间间里里所所有有的人的人惊呆了惊呆了。21.The 21.The downtown downtown area area of of TokyoTokyo was was practically practically destroyeddestroyed by the earthquake. by the earthquake.地震地震几乎使几乎使东京城区东京城区完全毁灭完全毁灭。 got married got married last Sunday. last Sunday.他们上个星期天他们上个星期天结了婚结了婚。 got got caught caught slipping slipping a a note note to to Lisa Lisa during during the the exam.exam.在在考考试试过过程程中中杰杰克克向向莉莉萨萨递递条条子时子时被发现了被发现了。第三节第三节名名 词词 从从 句句 的的 译译 法法I I主语从句的译法主语从句的译法含主语从句的句型有含主语从句的句型有1)“1)“主主语语从从句句+ +主主句句谓谓语语+ +其他成分其他成分”;2) 2) “形形式式主主语语it+it+主主句句谓谓语语+ +主语从句主语从句”。A.A.上上述述第第一一种种句句型型一般用顺译法一般用顺译法11That That she she survived survived the the earthquake earthquake is is sheer sheer luck.luck.她她在在地地震震中中幸幸免免于于难难纯纯靠靠运气。运气。2.Who 2.Who ever ever breaks breaks the the regulations regulations deserves deserves a a fine.fine.违规者应予罚款。违规者应予罚款。3.Which 3.Which result result is is correct correct remains to be studied.remains to be studied.哪个结果正确,还有待研究。哪个结果正确,还有待研究。4.What 4.What little little she she said said has has left us much to think about.left us much to think about.她说的短短几句话很发人深思。她说的短短几句话很发人深思。5.That 5.That he he was was in in error error will will scarcely scarcely be be disputed disputed by by his his warmest friends.warmest friends.他弄错了,而他那些真诚的朋友他弄错了,而他那些真诚的朋友对此不会提出质疑对此不会提出质疑B.B.翻翻译译第第二二种种句句型型的的句句子子,除除需需省省译译形形式式主主语语itit外外,还还需需根根据据汉汉语语的的表表达达习习惯惯,有有的的用用顺顺译译,有有的的用用倒倒译译,有有的的两者均可,有时主从合译两者均可,有时主从合译(1 1)顺译)顺译6.It 6.It hasnt hasnt been been made made clear clear when when the the new new expressway expressway is is to be opened to traffic.to be opened to traffic.还还不不清清楚楚新新高高速速公公路路什什么么时时候候通通车。车。7.It 7.It occurred occurred to to him him that that he he had had forgotten forgotten to to take take his his notebook with him.notebook with him.他突然想起他忘了带笔记本了。他突然想起他忘了带笔记本了。(2 2)倒译)倒译8.It 8.It doesnt doesnt matter matter where where we we are are going going on on holiday.holiday.我们去哪儿渡假我们去哪儿渡假都没关系。都没关系。9.Has 9.Has it it been been announced announced when when the the planes planes are are to to take off?take off?飞飞机机什什么么时时候候起起飞飞播播报报了了没没有有?(3 3)顺译或倒译,两者均可)顺译或倒译,两者均可10.It 10.It is is common common knowledge knowledge that that the the whale whale is is not not a a fish.fish.众所周知,鲸不是鱼。众所周知,鲸不是鱼。或或:鲸鲸不不是是鱼鱼,这这是是众众所所周周知知的。的。(4 4)主从合译)主从合译11.11.It It is is probableprobable that that he he has has got got the the clue clue for for solving solving the problem.the problem.他他很很可可能能已已找找到到解解决决这这个个问问题题的的线索。线索。12.12.It It seems seems that that that that datum datum is quite convincing.is quite convincing.这个数据这个数据似乎似乎很有说服力。很有说服力。It is advisable that It is advisable that 是可能的是可能的It is desirable that It is desirable that 最好是最好是It is evident that It is evident that 很明显(或显然)很明显(或显然)It is noteworthy that It is noteworthy that 值得注意的是值得注意的是 It is assumed that It is assumed that 假定假定It cannot be denied that It cannot be denied that 无可否认的是无可否认的是It is preferred that It is preferred that 最好最好It is reported that It is reported that 据报道据报道It is said that It is said that 据说据说It can be seen from this that It can be seen from this that 由此可见由此可见It is well-known that It is well-known that 众所周知众所周知It is a fact that It is a fact that 事实上事实上It is no wonder that It is no wonder that 难怪难怪II.II.表语从句的译法表语从句的译法A A翻翻译译表表语语从从句句一一般般用用顺顺译法译法13.This 13.This is is what what we we are are firmly against.firmly against.这是我们坚决反对的。这是我们坚决反对的。14.Things 14.Things are are not not always always as they seem to be.as they seem to be.事事物物并并不不总总是是像像表表面面上上看看来来的的那样。那样。15.That 15.That is is why why we we decided decided to put the discussion off.to put the discussion off.这这就就是是我我们们坚坚决决推推迟迟讨讨论论的的原原因。因。B B有时可将主从句合译有时可将主从句合译16.There 16.There is is no no air air and and water water on on the the moon. moon. Thats Thats whywhy no no living living things can live there.things can live there.月月球球上上没没有有空空气气和和水水。因因此此生生物在月球上不能生存。物在月球上不能生存。1717.That .That was was howhow they they were defeated.were defeated.他他们们就就是是这这样样给给打打败败的。的。C C有时可用倒译有时可用倒译18.Raw 18.Raw material material isis what what we we are are badly badly in in need need ofof. .我们急需的我们急需的是原料。是原料。IIIIII宾语从句的译法宾语从句的译法A A英英语语的的宾宾语语从从句句有有三三种种:翻翻译宾语从句一般都用顺译法译宾语从句一般都用顺译法19.I 19.I cant cant make make out out what what they are talking about.they are talking about.我不清楚他们在谈什么。我不清楚他们在谈什么。20.She 20.She reminded reminded me me that that I I had had a a meeting meeting to to attend attend that that evening.evening.她提醒我晚上要参加一个会议。她提醒我晚上要参加一个会议。21.He 21.He was was not not conscious conscious of of what what an an important important discovery discovery he had made.he had made.他他没没意意识识到到他他的的这这一一发发现现多多么么重重要。要。22.You 22.You may may be be sure sure that that he he is honest.is honest.你可以相信他是诚实的。你可以相信他是诚实的。23.We 23.We are are certain certain that that well well be be able able to to accomplish accomplish the the designing designing in in a a short short period of time.period of time.我我们们肯肯定定能能在在短短期期内内完完成成这这项项设设计。计。B B介介词词宾宾语语从从句句若若位位为为位位于于句句首首,有有时时根根据据汉汉语语习习惯惯,采用倒译法采用倒译法24.Did 24.Did she she say say anything anything aboutabout how how the the work work was was to to be donebe done? ?关关于于这这项项工工作作该该怎怎么么做做她她说说了了什么没有?什么没有?C C英英语语中中有有时时用用itit作作形形式式宾宾语语,而而把把宾宾语语从从句句放放在在句句末末。译译成成汉汉语语时时,应应将将形形式式宾宾语语省省译译,而而宾宾语语从从句句则则按按汉汉语语表表达达习习惯惯要要么么用用倒倒译译要要么么用用顺译顺译25.We 25.We all all thought thought it it a a pity pity that that the the conference conference should should have have been been cancelled.cancelled.会议取消了会议取消了,我们都感到遗憾。,我们都感到遗憾。26.The 26.The teacher teacher made made it it clear clear to to the the students students that that they they must must hand hand in in their their compositions compositions by by Friday.Friday.老老师师给给学学生生讲讲清清楚楚了了,必必须须在在星期五以前交作文。星期五以前交作文。IVIV同位语从句的译法同位语从句的译法AA用用顺顺译译法法将将同同位位语语从从句句译译为为汉汉语语的的独独立立句句,并并根根据据具具体体情情况况在在前前面面加加冒冒号号、破破折折号号或或加加“即即”等等表表同同位位关关系的词系的词2727 Then Then arose arose the the question question where where we we were were to to get get the the materials materials neededneeded于于是是就就产产生生了了这这样样一一个个问问题题:我我们们到到哪哪里里去去找找所所需需要的材料。要的材料。28.In 28.In July July 1898, 1898, Madame Madame Curie Curie and and her her husband husband got got a a great great success success that that they they discovered discovered the the radioactive radioactive element, polonium.element, polonium.18981898年年7 7月月,居居里里夫夫人人和和她她的的丈丈夫夫获获得得了了很很大大的的成成功功他他们们发发现现了放射性元素钋。了放射性元素钋。29.29.The The name name “volcano” “volcano” indicates indicates the the belief belief of of the the ancient ancient Greeks Greeks that that the the burning burning hills hills of of the the Mediterranean Mediterranean were were the the workshops workshops of of divine divine blacksmith, Vulcan.blacksmith, Vulcan.“火火山山”这这一一名名称称表表明明古古希希腊腊人人的的这这一一信信念念,即即地地中中海海沿沿岸岸大大燃燃烧烧着着的的上上是是锻锻冶冶之之神神“伍伍尔尔坎坎”的工场。的工场。 30.30.Can Can you you produce produce any any evidence evidence that that he he was was not at home that night?not at home that night?你你能能不不能能提提出出证证据据,证证明明那天夜里他不在家。那天夜里他不在家。B B用用倒倒译译法法将将同同位位语语从从句译为前置修饰语句译为前置修饰语31.31. There There was was little little probabilityprobability that that they they would would succeed.succeed.他们成功的他们成功的可能性极小。可能性极小。32.32.Any Any proposals proposals that that John John should should be be dismisseddismissed must must be be resisted.resisted.必必须须抵抵制制将将约约翰翰开开除除的的任任何提议。何提议。C.C.用用转转换换法法将将同同位位与与从从句句转转译译为汉语的复合结构作宾语为汉语的复合结构作宾语33.33.This This thought thought came came to to himhim that that maybe maybe he he had had left left his his keys keys in in the the bedroom.bedroom.他他突突然然想想起起他他可可能能把把钥钥匙匙遗遗忘忘在卧室里了。在卧室里了。34.34.Is Is this this not not another another proof proof that that the the so-called so-called dtente dtente is just empty talk?is just empty talk?这这难难道道不不又又一一次次证证明明所所谓谓缓缓和和只只不过是句空话。不过是句空话。35.He 35.He gave gave thethe order order that that all all the the prisoners prisoners be be set set freefree. .他他命令命令释放所有的犯人。释放所有的犯人。36.36.The The story story goesgoes that that the the expedition expedition was a failure.was a failure.据说据说这次远征失败了。这次远征失败了。第四节第四节定定 语语 从从 句句 的的 译译 法法I I定定语语从从句句常常用用的的翻翻译译方方法法A A倒倒译译法法对对限限制制性性和和非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句都都适适用用,不不过过更更多多地地用用于于不不太太复复杂杂的的限制性定语从句限制性定语从句1.Those 1.Those who who want want to to gogo please please sign sign their their names names here.here.想去的人想去的人请在这儿签名。请在这儿签名。2.James 2.James Russll Russll is is a a manman for for whom whom I I have have the the greatest respectgreatest respect. .詹姆斯詹姆斯. .罗索是罗索是我最尊重的人我最尊重的人。3.Go 3.Go back back further, further, to to a a world world where where the the steam steam engine engine and and allied allied inventions inventions had had not not yet yet enabled industrialization.enabled industrialization.再再进进一一步步往往回回想想,就就回回到到一一个个蒸蒸汽汽机机及及相相关关的的发发明明尚尚未未导导致工业革命的世界。致工业革命的世界。4.The 4.The way way you you answered answered the the questionsquestions was was admirable.admirable.你你回回答答问问题题的的方方式式(或或你你回回答答得)真是妙极了。得)真是妙极了。5.The 5.The speech, speech, which which he he had had written written on on little little bits bits of of paper, paper, seemed seemed endless.endless.他他那那事事先先写写在在小小纸纸片片上上的的发发言言稿稿念念起起来来好好像像没没完完没没了。了。B B分译法分译法当当定定语语从从句句较较长长,或或先先行行词词有有较较多多的的前前置置定定语语时时,若若再再将将定定语语从从句句倒倒译译为为前前置置定定语语,可可能能会会使使译译文文条条理理不不明明,含含义义不不清清。在在这这种种情情况况下下,把把定定语语从从句句分分译译为为单单独独的的句句子子却却能能避避免免这这些些弊弊病病。翻翻译译限限制制性性和和非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句都都可可能能用用到到分分译译法法,但但这这种种方方法法更更多多地地适适用用于于非非限限定定性性定定语语从从句句。使使用用分分译译法法有有两两种种形形式式:重重复复关关系系代代词词所所指指代代的的含含义义和和省省译译关关系系词。词。(1 1)重复关系词所指代的含义)重复关系词所指代的含义6.He is with his youngest brother, who is accompanying him on his tour in China.他和他的小弟弟在一起。他的小弟弟正陪同他在中国旅游。7.I 7.I have have to to book book ahead ahead for for concerts, concerts, whichwhich are are usually held in London.usually held in London.我我得得预预购购音音乐乐会会的的票票。这这些音乐会些音乐会通常在伦敦举行。通常在伦敦举行。8.Thecriticalvalueisexpressed as =(S-1)(1-P)where where S S is is specific specific gravity gravity of of material, material, P P is is percentage percentage of of voids voids in in material material expressed expressed as as a a decimal.decimal.这一临界值可表示为:这一临界值可表示为:= =(S-S-1 1)()(1-P1-P)式中式中S S为材料比重;为材料比重;P P为材料的空隙百分比,以小为材料的空隙百分比,以小数表示。(关系副词数表示。(关系副词wherewhere引引导的定语从句修饰上面的整导的定语从句修饰上面的整个公式,所以个公式,所以where where 译为译为“式中式中”)9.The 9.The Tartar Tartar chief chief controls controls a a thousand thousand men, men, all all of of whomwhom must must obey obey his his orders orders in in both both war war and and peace.peace.鞑鞑靼靼人人的的头头目目控控制制着着10001000人人,这这10001000人人在在战战争争和和和和平平时时期期都必须服从他的命令。都必须服从他的命令。10. 10. Im Im looking looking at at a a photograph photograph of of New New Orleans Orleans jazz jazz group group which which I I used used to to play play in.in.我我在在看看一一张张新新奥奥尔尔良良爵爵士士乐乐的的照照片片。我我以以前前一一直直是是该乐队该乐队的成员。的成员。(2 2)省译关系词)省译关系词11.Isaac 11.Isaac Asimov Asimov was was a a productive productive writer writer who who wrote wrote over over two two hundred hundred books all his life.books all his life.艾艾萨萨克克阿阿西西莫莫夫夫是是一一位位多多产产作家,一生写了作家,一生写了200200多本书。多本书。12.He 12.He said said that that he he liked liked reading, reading, whichwhich I I was was glad glad to to hear.hear.他他说说他他喜喜欢欢读读书书,我我听听了了感感到到很很高兴。高兴。13.On 13.On the the ground ground floor floor he he had had a a store store wherewhere he he sold sold canned goods.canned goods.他他在在底底楼楼有有个个铺铺子子,出出售售罐罐头头制制品。品。C.C.主从合译法主从合译法有时我们可以将英语的主句和定语从句压缩译成汉语的一个单句。原文的主句在译文中被压缩成汉语单句的一个句子成分。适用于这种译法的多数是主句为there be句型的英语句子。14.14.There There are are many many foreign foreign tourists tourists whowho want want to to visit the Great Wall.visit the Great Wall.许多外国旅游者许多外国旅游者想游览长城。想游览长城。15.15.There There is is no no reason reason whywhy he shouldnt come.he shouldnt come.他没有不来的他没有不来的理由理由。16.16.He He has has been been suffering suffering from from al al kind kind of of disease disease for for which which the the cure cure is is possible.possible.他得的那种病是他得的那种病是可以治疗的。可以治疗的。17.That 17.That was was the the way way she she looked after us.looked after us.她就是这样照顾我们的。她就是这样照顾我们的。IIII句句法法结结构构特特殊殊的的定定语语从从句句的的辨辨认认与与译法译法AA分隔型定语从句分隔型定语从句定语从句与先行词分隔往往是由以下几种情况造成的。这类定语从句常常倒译为前置定语。(1 1)先先行行词词与与定定语语从从句句之之间间有有另一个作定语的短语另一个作定语的短语18.He 18.He lived lived in in the the house house near us near us whichwhich was wrecked. was wrecked.他他住住在在我我们们附附近近的的一一座座破破房房子子里。里。19.There 19.There is is no no habithabit so so old old butbut may(=that may(=that may may not) not) be be cured cured by by a a strong willpower.strong willpower.只只要要有有坚坚强强的的毅毅力力,没没有有什么改不了的旧习惯。什么改不了的旧习惯。(2 2)句句子子的的状状语语较较短短,而而修饰宾语的定语从句较长修饰宾语的定语从句较长20.I 20.I put put the the booksbooks in in the the cupboard cupboard whichwhich you you read yesterday.read yesterday. 我我把把你你昨昨天天读读过过的的那那些些书放在橱柜里了。书放在橱柜里了。(3 3)先先行行词词是是主主句句的的主主语语,而而主主句句的的谓谓语语较较短短,为为了了句句子子平平衡衡而而把把定定语语从从句句放放在主句谓语的后面在主句谓语的后面21.21.A A warwar broke broke outout which which lasted for forty yearslasted for forty years. .一场延续了一场延续了4040年的战争爆发了。年的战争爆发了。22.Hardly 22.Hardly a a manman came came to to the the exhibition exhibition butbut was was (=who (=who was was not) not) deeply deeply impressed impressed by by the the originality of his works.originality of his works.来来参参观观展展览览会会的的人人简简直直无无不不深深深深感到他作品的新颖风格。感到他作品的新颖风格。B B双重限制性定语从句双重限制性定语从句顾顾名名思思义义,双双重重限限制制性性定定语语从从句句是是指指两两个个定定语语从从句句修修饰饰同同一一个个先先行行词词。翻翻译译这这类类定定语语从从句句要要注注意意按按汉汉语语习习惯惯安安排排两两个个从从句句的的顺顺序。序。23.There 23.There was was one one thing thing he he told told me me which which I I dont dont believe.believe.他给我讲的有一件事我不相信。他给我讲的有一件事我不相信。24.Cay 24.Cay you you mention mention anyone anyone that that we we know know who who is is so so talented as he?talented as he?你你能能举举出出一一个个我我们们认认识识的的像像他他这这样有才能的人吗?样有才能的人吗?A A复杂型定语从句复杂型定语从句25.Standing 25.Standing by by a a fine fine model model of of FujiYama FujiYama was was the the boy boy who who everyone everyone thought thought would would be be chosen chosen the the winner winner by by the the judges.judges.站站在在那那辆辆式式样样很很好好的的富富士士山山牌牌模模型型车车旁旁的的男男孩孩,大大家家都都认认为为他他会会被裁判员选为优胜者。被裁判员选为优胜者。26.Brill 26.Brill worried worried about about the the strange strange stories stories which which she claimed Tom told her.she claimed Tom told her.布里尔对这些稀奇古怪的传说布里尔对这些稀奇古怪的传说感到担忧,她说这些传说是感到担忧,她说这些传说是汤姆讲给她听的。汤姆讲给她听的。A A重复先行词的定语从句重复先行词的定语从句27.There 27.There are are even even peoplepeople with with plastic plastic parts parts in in their their hearts,hearts, people people who who would would otherwise have died.otherwise have died.甚甚至至有有些些人人的的心心脏脏里里也也安安装装有有塑塑料料零零件件。如如果果不不安安这这些些塑塑料料零零件件,这些人这些人就会死亡。就会死亡。28.From 28.From all all over over the the country, country, more more than than 200,000 200,000 people people of of all all races, races, faiths, faiths, creeds, creeds, and and ages ages gathered gathered at at the the Lincoln Lincoln Memorial, Memorial, the the memorial memorial of of the the beloved beloved PresidentPresident who who helped helped set set American American blacks blacks on on the the road road to to freedom freedom from from slavery slavery 100 100 years before.years before.来来自自全全国国不不同同种种族族、信信仰仰、信信念念与与年年龄龄的的2020多多万万人人聚聚集集在在林林肯肯纪纪念念堂堂前前,这这是是这这位位受受人人爱爱戴戴的的总总统统的的纪纪念念堂堂,正正是是他他在在100100年年前前帮帮助助美美国国黑黑人人摆摆脱脱奴奴隶隶制制并并走走上上通通往往自自由由的道路。的道路。29.In 29.In old old days days the the womanwoman was was kept kept at at the the bottom bottom of of society, society, a a slave slave whowho could could be be bought, bought, sold sold or or simply discarded.simply discarded. 在在旧旧时时代代,妇妇女女处处于于社社会会最最底底层层。她她们们是是可可以以买买卖卖或或随随意遗弃的意遗弃的奴隶奴隶。IIIIII具具有有状状语语作作用用的的定定语语从从句句的译法的译法30.Ernest 30.Ernest Hemingway,Hemingway, who who published published his his masterpiece masterpiece The The Old Old Man Man and and the the Sea,Sea, was was rewarded rewarded the the Nobel Nobel Prize Prize for for Literature in 1954.Literature in 1954.由由于于海海明明威威发发表表了了他他的的名名著著老老人人与与海海,所所以以在在19541954年年获获得得诺诺贝尔文学奖。贝尔文学奖。31.Our 31.Our delegations delegations have have been been sent sent to to Asian Asian and and African African countries, countries, who who will will negotiate negotiate trade trade agreements agreements with with the the respective governments.respective governments.我我们们已已派派代代表表团团到到亚亚非非国国家家去去,以以便便同同各各国国政政府府谈谈判判贸贸易易协协定。(表定。(表“目的目的”)32.He 32.He insisted insisted on on buying buying another another coat, coat, which which he he had had no no use use forfor. .他他坚坚持持要要买买一一件件上上衣衣,尽尽管管他并无此需要。他并无此需要。33.Any 33.Any questions questions you you have have about about your your visa visa status status should should be be referred referred to to the the International International Student Student Service Service Office Office at at the the University.University.你你若若有有有有关关你你的的签签证证身身份份的的任任何何问问题题,应应向向本本大大学学的的国国际际学学生生服服务处询问。务处询问。34.He 34.He is is clever clever and and quick quick at at his his work, work, for for which which he he is is in in his his boss good grace.boss good grace.他他精精明明能能干干,心心灵灵手手快快,所以所以深得老板的赏识。深得老板的赏识。
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