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Practical RhetoricJiang LeiCollege of Foreign StudiesWhat is Rhetoric ?The art of using words in speaking or writing so as to persuade or influence others. The art of effectively using language in speech or writing, including the use of figures of speech. Rhetoric is the theory of informative and persuasive discourse. Rhetoric is a kind of art which deals with how to manipulate language effectively. What is Rhetoric ?What rhetoric concerns is how to make an effective choice between two synonymous expressions. 修辞:修饰文字、词句,运用各种表现方式,使语言表达得准确、鲜明而生动有力(现代汉语词典)修辞:依据题旨情境,运用各种语文材料、各种表现手法,恰当地表现写说者所要表达的内容的一切活动. (辞海)The Research Object 不是具体地研究语音、词汇、语法的本质特点、内部规律、使用规范等, 而是从功能功能着眼,根据具体的语言环境,研究怎样运用语音、词汇、语法这些语言材料最恰当地表达意思,取得最佳的表达效果.The Research Object修辞(rhetoric)一词意为语言的艺术,或语言表达的一种有效地表情达意的方式.手法 (device) ,文学巨匠莎士比亚称之为”奇妙的构思”. “修辞手法”是提高语言表达效果的语言艺术,既能营造文采效果,又能激起情感的涟漪,能使语言具体形象、生动活泼,给人以美的享受.ContentsPhonetic Devices (音韵修辞)Semantic Devices (语义修辞)Syntactic Devices (句法修辞)Part I Phonetic Devices alliteration (头韵)assonance (元韵)consonance (谐音) onomatopoeia (拟音)Section 1 Alliteration押头韵 增添乐感Definition Alliteration, nicknamed initial rhyme or head rhyme, originates from Latin language. It refers to the repetition of the same beginning sound of several words in sequence, or the reoccurrence of the same initial sound in words in close succession. In other words, the same consonant sound is repeated at intervals in the initial position words or a series of words that begin with the same letter, or sound alike.Section 1 AlliterationFunction1.calls special attention to the phrases 2.fixes them in the readers mind3. for emphasis of musical effect 4. the effect of art5. employed for descriptive effect 6.be employed simply to impress something on ones memory through sheer repetition of initial soundsSection 1 AlliterationUses 1. Names Ronade Reagan Marilyn Monroe Galileo Galilei The Great Gatsby Songs and Sonnets Section 1 Alliteration2. Phrases and Sentences crafty confusion for the fantasy of fame delighted and dole painted pomp first and foremost saints and sinners in weal or woe safe and sound Section 1 Alliterationthrough thick and thin a war of wit and wordsblack and bluethen and therebed and boardnow and neverSection 1 Alliteration3. Idioms and proverbs No sweet without sweat. Great gifts are from great men. The worst wheel of a cart makes most noise. A penny wise, a pound foolish. The sound should be an echo to the sense. Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success. Section 1 AlliterationLove laughs at locksmiths.Forbidden fruit is sweet.Fortune favors the fool.AIl rivers run into sea.Beauty lies in the lover s eyes. A bad beginning makes a bad ending.Many a little makes a mickle.Care killed the cat.Be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.Section 1 Alliteration4. Tongue twisters Susan Sells Sea ShellsShe sells sea-shells by the sea-shore, And the shells she sells are sea-shells, Im sure; So if she sells sea shells by the sea-shore,The shells she sells are sea-shells, for sure.Section 2 Assonance 1.Definition Assonance involves the echoing or “resemblance” of vowel sounds in the stressed syllables of a sequence of rhyming words. The word “assonance” roots from the French word “assonare” meaning to respond to sound. Simply put, assonance deals with similar vowel sounds repeated in successive or proximate words containing different consonants.Section 2 Assonance2. FunctionAssonance is used specifically to create sound to the writing through the use of vowels. This is similar to a rhyme and is done by taking vowels that are in different words and using them repetitively. Poets of all ages have used this device to effectively convey various sensory impressions. And in prose, especially descriptive prose, assonance also serves to emphasize the quality of some person, scene or feeling.Section 2 Assonance 元韵修辞是一种通过语调、节奏和音韵而不是词义来获得修辞效果的修辞手法,使用得当可增加语句的音乐感,令人听起来有飞珠喷玉之感.元韵修辞手法能使文章显得声情并茂,具有很强的渗透力和震撼力. Section 2 Assonance3. Uses Assonance is usually only used in a short space, such as in a sentence or phrase. By doing this, it creates an effect that allows the writing to move forward differently, such as with rhythm to the words being used.When using assonance, the words do not have a direct rhyme. When assonance is used, the vowels are able to accent what is being said. As this happens, a rhythm is developed in the areas where the accent falls. Section 2 Assonance3.1 Phrases quite right free as a breeze high as a kite quite like a hot pot silent child healthy and wealthy foolish toolSection 2 Assonance3.2 Sentences(1)Truth sits upon the lips of a dying man.(2) Punishing is justice for the unjust(3) Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance.(4) Life is too short for chess.(5) Most quarrels are inevitable at the time; incredible afterwards.(6) Debt is better than death.(7) A man can have but one life and one death, one heaven, one hell.Section 2 Assonance3.3 ParagraphsAnd so, all the night tide, I lie down by the side; Of my darling! My darling! My life and my bride. _ Edgar Allen Poe Section 2 AssonanceI shall never see her more Where the reeds and rushes quiverShiver, quiver;Stand beside the sobbing river;Sobbing, throbbing, in the falling; To the sandy lonesome shore. _Jean Ingelow,“ The High Tide on the Coast of Lincolnshire,1571Section 3 Consonance 1.Definition It refers to the repetition of internal or ending consonant sounds of words close together especially in poetry. In other words, it is the repetition, at close intervals, of the final consonants of accented syllables or important words, especially at the end of words, as in blank and think or strong and string.Section 3 Consonance2. Function1.1 Phraseslitter and batter 小动物和击球手spelled and scald 拼写和清洗laughed and deft 微笑和灵巧dress and boss 衣服和老板Section 3 Consonance1.2. Sentences(I)I dropped the locket in the thick mud.(II)If l lost thee too, my dearest, I must die.(III)I glare him a dark, angry look.(IV) He had made others words the tool of his wicked deed.(V)His quick recognitions made him frantically impatient of deliberate judgment.Section 3 Consonance1.3 Poems Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping hereTo watch his woods fly up with snow. Roben Frost (1874-1963)Section 4 Onomatopoeia 拟声闻其声,身临其境DefinitionThis device makes use of imitative and naturally suggestive words for rhetorical sound effect. These sounds may be those made by a person, an animal or a thing, or associated with some action or movement. It is a device much used in poetry and prose to add vividness or vitality to description or narration.Section 4 Onomatopoeia 拟声闻其声,身临其境FunctionOnomatopoeia is the use of words whose pronunciation imitates the sound the word describes. Note that the connection between sound and pronunciation is sometimes rather a product of imagination .Onomatopoeia can produce a lively sentence, adding a kind of flavoring by its sound effects. Section 4 Onomatopoeia 拟声闻其声,身临其境Uses1.同一声音在英语和汉语中用相同的拟声词来表达 e.g. meow (or meou) hiss dingdong giggle cuckoo bow-wow狗叫声 baa羊叫 A cow moos.母牛哞哞叫.Section 4 Onomatopoeia 拟声闻其声,身临其境2.同一声音在英语和汉语中用不同的拟声词来表达a-doodle-do喔喔喔clip-clop马蹄得得声tick-tack钟表滴答声Hoot (toot)嘟嘟dub-a-dub鼓咚咚声jingle-jangle丁零当啷The wind whistles.风在呼啸. The trees rustle.风把树吹得沙沙地响.Section 4 Onomatopoeia 拟声闻其声,身临其境3.不同的声音用相同的拟声词babble婴儿咿呀学语声,流水潺潺声smack拍击声,鞭打声,咂嘴声,掌掴声Part II Semantic DevicesSemantic rhetorical devices refer to the use of a word that diverges from its normal meaning or words in a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words in it. Semantic rhetorical devices often provide emphasis, freshness of expression or clarity.Part II Semantic DevicesExample:1.Its raining cats and dogs.2.Ill give you a piece of my mind.3.break a legPart II Semantic Devices1 Allegory 讽喻 2 Allusion 隐喻3 Analogy 类比 4 Epigram 警句5 Euphemism 委婉语 6 Hyperbole 夸张7 Irony 反语 8 Metaphor 暗喻9 Metonymy 借喻 10 Oxymoron 矛盾Part II Semantic Devices11 Paradox 隽语 12 Personification 拟人13 Pun 双关语 14 Ridicule 挖苦15 Sarcasm 讥讽 16 Satire 讽刺17 Simile 明喻 18 Synecdoche 提喻19 Transferred Epithet 移就格20 Understatement 低调陈述21 Zeugma 轭式搭配Section 1 Allegory 讽喻讲故事,说道理,语重心长DefinitionThe English word “ allegory” originated from the Greek language. It means to put it in another way. As a rhetorical device, allegory implies the description of one thing under the image of another. It is a story in which people, things and happenings have another meaning, as in a fable, and it is used for teaching or explaining.Section 1 Allegory 讽喻讲故事,说道理,语重心长FunctionAllegory is also named an extended metaphor in which a story is told to illustrate an important attribute of the subject. It is employed in English as a rhetorical device in order to achieve a rhetorical effect, such as illustration, explanation, sometimes as well as instruction. Section 1 Allegory 讽喻讲故事,说道理,语重心长Example:I) A farmer was driving his cart along a country road. The cart got stuck in the mud, but the farmer made no effort to get it out. Instead he began to pray to the Gods for help. The God Hercules finally appeared and told the man to get busy and push it. Put your shoulder to the wheel, Hercules advised. The moral of this story is clear: We must not rely on others for help. Another saying which has come from this fable is, God help those who help themselves. Section 1 Allegory 讽喻讲故事,说道理,语重心长PracticeI)Platos allegory of the cave: The cave in which the prisoners sit is our bodies. Plato believes that the soul is trapped in the body, and if we can travel with our soul to the exit of the cave, we can see true reality. He talks about breaking out of the chains and leaving the cave which although is desirable is also scary so many prisoners do not really want to leave. Section 1 Allegory 讽喻讲故事,说道理,语重心长Tips:汉语中与Allegory 相对应的修辞手法也叫讽喻,其意为假编一个故事来寄托讽刺或教导的一种修辞方法“.汉语中的讽喻故事往往是源远流长的传说、脍炙人口的寓言和家喻户晓的故事,如:滥竿充数,四面楚歌等.英汉语言中的讽喻修辞手法十分相似,翻译时直译法是首选,但意译和其他翻译法也有用武之地.QSection 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅DefinitionAllusions in writing are references to well-known persons, things or events that writers assume are familiar to their readers or indirect references to other works of literature or art.Section 2 Allusion 引喻Key points:1. The assumption is based on the knowledge or belief that their readers share with them a common historical, cultural or literary heritage, which enables the readers to identify the allusions and understand their significance. 2. Allusions come mostly from sources that are either familiar to the majority of the people of whatever age or background. Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅3.These Sources range from nursery rhymes, fairly tales, legends, Greek mythology and Bible stories,4. and the works of great writers like Shakespeare, Dickens, Hardy, and T. S. Eliot and so on. 5.There are the allusions to current figures or events that signify something to the public mind.Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅FunctionAllusions can serve to add clarity and significance to ideas and descriptions;can be wonderfully attractive in your writing; can introduce variety and energy into an discussion and it can please the reader by reminding him of a pertinent story or figure with which he is familiar, thus helping to explain something difficult.Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅Uses1.From Proverbs(1)Its no use crying over spilt milk, because all the forces of the universe were bent on spilling it. (2) Money is the root of all evils as is usually claimed; what is the root of all evils is the lust for money that is excessive, selfish and greedy pursuit of money. Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅2. From nursery rhymes(1)Rain, rain, go away; Come again another day. (2) Old mother, Hubbard Went to the cupboard, To get her poor dog a bone; But when she got there, The cupboard was bare, And so the poor dog had none. Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅3.From fairy tales, myths, legends and fables Allusions to events and heroic figures Rom this source are prolific, e.g Cinderella Sleeping Beauty Alice in Wonderland The Emperors New Clothes The Ugly Duckling Achilles Heel Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp Beauty and the BeastApollo Hercules Pandoras Box Trojan Horse Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅And some are from the fables. Especially the stories in Aesops Fables are well-known, namely: Sour Grapes The Boy Who Cried Wolf Belling the Cat The Hare and the Tortoise A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing The Lion s Share Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅4. From The Bible (biblical allusion) (I)From The Old Testament Adam and Eve The Garden of Eden or the Paradise The Tree of Knowledge of Good and EvilNoah and His Ark Solomon Jeremiah Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅(2) From The New Testament The Birth of Jesus Christ The Magi The Lost Sheep Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅5.From literary works Romeo and Juliet Hamlet Lilliput Rip Van Winkle Lost GenerationThe Titanic The Great Depression The Long March The World War II The Cold War Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅PracticeA.Translate for appreciation the following sentences into Chinese (1)When a woman is not beautiful, people always say, You have got lovely eyes, you have lovely hair. (2)So wise so young, they say, do never live long.Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅(3) As the Chinese ancient saying goes, hanging and wiving goes by destiny. (4) It is an old saying, like master like man . Why not as well, like mistress, like maid? B. Sentences for reading appreciation (1) The engine is the Achille s heel of the car. Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅(2) Poor communities are looking forward to the courts to save them, Robin Hood-style, by shifting funds from the richer ones. (3) The pot of gold at the end of the information-technology rainbow remains elusive. (4) If you take his parking place, you can expect World War II all over again. (5) It wasnt raining when Noah built the ark. Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅Tips:It is safe to say that allusions have been employed for ages. And some allusions fade from memory as new ones appear. But the fact is that there are more allusions of classical works used than those of modem and contemporary literature. It is of a great help for our readers to take down allusions as they appear in our daily readings and trace their exact source or significance so that we can be more able to identify and interpret them and even to use them effectively in our own speech and writing. Section 2 Allusion 引喻引经据典,含蓄典雅在汉语中相应的修辞格叫做引述戚沁1语.引经据典,具有说服力.如:“三十六计,走为上策”、 “南郭先生”、“张飞”、“林黛玉”,英语引喻修辞手法成功之关键在于作者必须引述读者所熟知的,容易激发联想和共鸣的传说、故事、历史事件、文学作品等.Section 3 Analogy 类比彼此对照 表意深刻DefinitionAnalogy is a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance.Section 3 Analogy 类比彼此对照 表意深刻FunctionAnalogy compares two things, which are alike in several respects, for the purpose of explaining or clarifying some unfamiliar or difficult idea or object by showing how the idea or object is similar to some familiar one. Analogy serves the more practical end of explaining a thought process or a line of reasoning or the abstract in terms of the concrete, and may therefore be more extended. Section 3 Analogy 类比彼此对照 表意深刻Analogy is chiefly used for the purpose of persuasion or for the explanation or exposition of an idea. Analogy is also used to establish the pattern of reasoning by using a familiar or less abstract argument which the reader can understand easily and probably agree with. Some analogies simply offer an explanation for clarification rather than a substitute argument.Section 3 Analogy 类比彼此对照 表意深刻Uses 类比就是有目的的“跑题” ,试看以下类比例句:(1)Appropriate praise to a child is what the sun is to a flower.(2) Writing a book of poetry is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo.(3) For answers successfully arrived at are solutions to difficulties previously discussed, and one cannot untie a knot if he is ignorant of it. (Aristotle)(4) Knowledge always desires increase: it is like fire, which must first be kindled by some external agent, but which will afterwards propagate itself. (Samuel Johnson)Section 3 Analogy 类比彼此对照 表意深刻PracticeA.Translate for appreciation the following sentences into ChineseThe body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Jesus Christ.Section 3 Analogy 类比彼此对照 表意深刻B. Sentences for reading appreciation(1)You may abuse a tragedy, though you cannot write one. You may scold a carpenter who has made you a bad table, though you cannot make a table. It is not your trade to make tables. (Samuel Johnson)Section 3 Analogy 类比彼此对照 表意深刻(2) He that voluntarily continues ignorance is guilty of all the crimes which ignorance produces, as to him that should extinguish the tapers of a lighthouse might justly be imputed the calamities of shipwrecks. (Samuel Johnson)Section 3 Analogy 类比彼此对照 表意深刻(3) The beginning of all evil temptations is inconstancy of mind, and too little trust in God. For as a ship without a guide is driven hither and thither with every storm, so an unstable man, that anon leaveth his good purpose in God, is diversely tempted. The fire proveth gold, and temptation proveth the righteous man. (Thomas Kempis)Section 3 Analogy 类比彼此对照 表意深刻Tips:类比为扩展式比喻,所涉及的两事物间的相似点往往非止一端,并且互相对应,形成逻辑推理的前提,有利于对抽象概念的理解.翻译时可采用直译法.Section 4 Epigram警句深邃哲理 智慧象征DefinitionThe word “epigram“ derived from the Greek language. The prefix epi- in English means upon or on, while the root -gram“ in English bears the meaning of something written, or carved. So the word epigram“ means the words written or carved upon stones, monuments or statue. As a kind of rhetorical device in English, epigram stands for a concise, pointed or sarcastic saying; a terse, sage, witty and often paradoxical insight into certain aspects of human behavior or feelings.Section 4 Epigram警句深邃哲理 智慧象征FunctionThere are a lot of epigrams in English language. They are short, simple and easy for people to remember, but very instructive, expressive and full of wits in meaning. They are usually of great significance.Section 4 Epigram警句深邃哲理 智慧象征UsesFor you to share:(1)Beauty is but skin-deep.(2) Better suffer ill than do ill.(3) Better a glorious death than a shameful life.(4) AIl are not saints that go to church. (5) Diseases come on horseback, but go away on foot.Section 4 Epigram警句深邃哲理 智慧象征(6) Every heart hath its own ache.(7) Fair words and foul deeds.(8) He laughs best who laughs last.(9) If the king had given me Pairs, his great city, and I were required to give up my darlings love, I would say to King Henry: “Take your Paris back, I prefer my darling.”(10) Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity and a provision in old age.Section 4 Epigram警句深邃哲理 智慧象征(11) He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest and acts the best.(12) A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.(13) I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore. I have amused myself by now and then finding a smooth pebble or a pretty shell, but the great ocean of truth still lies before me unknown and unexplored.Section 4 Epigram警句深邃哲理 智慧象征PracticeA.Translate for appreciation the following sentences into Chinese(1)There are two perfect men, one dead, and the other unborn. (2) Where there is a will, there is a way. (3) Well begun is half done.(4) East or west, home is best.(5) There is no royal road to learning.(6) Look before you leap. (7) After a store comes calm. (8)An is long, but life is short. (9) Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.Section 4 Epigram警句深邃哲理 智慧象征B. Sentences for reading appreciation(1)It is good to learn at another mans cost.(2) Where there is life, there is hope. (3) What may be done at any time will be done at no time. (4) A plant may produce new flowers, man is young but once. (5) Diligence is the mother of success. (6) Truth is the daughter of time. (7) Live and learn. (8) Learn young, learn fair.(9) Once bitten, twice shy. (10) Seeing is believing.Section 4 Epigram警句深邃哲理 智慧象征Tips:英语中的警句颇多,翻译时一般采用直译法,不必强求翻译成汉语的警句,否则极易造成弄巧成拙的后果.Section 5 Euphemism 委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化 DefinitionEuphemism is defined as substitution of mild or vague or roundabout expression for harsh or direct one; substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant.Section 5 Euphemism 委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化 Euphemism is one of the most fundamental and important items of rhetoric in English. It roots from Greek words eu“ and pheme. In order to avoid some obverse conflicts and unnecessary misunderstandings, we often use some mild and indirect words instead of the rude and forbidden ones. This is a figure of speech that can achieve an implied and tactful purpose. Euphemism is a common skill that we use in English. Especially when our friends and relations suffer from disaster, death, illness or some other sorrows, we usually use certain mild and implied words to express ourselves but not the direct and abrupt ones.Section 5 Euphemism 委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化 FunctionThe social function of euphemism can be divided into three aspects: function for taboo function for cover function for politenessSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化I. For taboo 表示讳饰Euphemism roots in the respect to gods in religion. Later on, euphemism spread in many aspects. When we say something about death and senescence, birth and sex, pregnancy and delivery, prostitute and seduction, sexual actions and sexual organs, we cannot say them out directly but only use certain tactful words to replace them. Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化1)Death and old ageto be no moreto breathe ones lastto go westto fall asleep in the Lordto leave this worldto go to ones eternal rewardLifelessto join the great (silent) majoritySection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化the deceasedthe departedto receive notice to quitto be brought to ones last/long hometo be called to Godto be gathered to ones fathersto be taken to meet ones makerto pay the debt of natureSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化to make ones exitto have one foot in the graveto be on ones last legto pass awayto departto go to sleepto go to heavento go to ones lastto go to a better placeto be at restSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化to be at peaceto be with Godto be in Heavento be With the angelsto take the easy way outto lay down ones lifethe final summonsSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化to get on ( in years ) past ones age primeto feel ones agesecond childhoodsenior citizensgolden yearslonger livingSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化2) Birth and sexual loveto come into the worlddelicate conditiontaken illbusiness/actionlove-makingpractice/drillingin ones birthday suitto make eyes ata street girla call-girlthe oldest professionSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化3) Diseases and disasterssocial diseasea growthself-violencehappy dispatchTips:There is no easy to ignore that taboo function of euphemism has a firm status in peoples mind. Even today, the Americans are dare to say “Friday and the number thirteen!Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化II. For cover 表示淡化Euphemism itself sometimes can be rather spurious and deceptive. Then this kind of character becomes a tool of some politicians and profiteers to cheat the society. They use euphemism to cover some evil incidents in the society such as scandal, war, crime, drug, racism and decline. Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化daily girl, daily helpforgotten man, man at libertyto let off steamto give somebody curryoff the recordenergy releasefeeble-mindednot all thereSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化soft in the headsimple-mindedof unsound minda slow learnera dull studentweight-watcherout of pockethard upbadly offin difficultiesSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化in embarrassmentin financial troublein embarrassing situationphased withdraw to lay offindustrial actionto ease outto give the walking ticketSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化III.For politeness 表示美化Polite euphemism is used in almost every aspect in our society. We can sum it up into the following four sorts. 1) To old men and disabled peoplegetting on (in years) past ones primefeeling ones agegolden yearssenior citizens well-preservedSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化2) To the low class in the society domestic help, day-help, live-in help maid, housekeepercaptain, hostess hairdresserexterminating engineer/ pest control operator rat catcherwaiter/waitress dining-room attendantsoperator communication monitor cook chefSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化 dog catcher animal control warden under-taker funeral service practitionerHousewife domestic engineerlandscape worker landscape architect butcher meat technologist slum sub-standard housing poor people negative savers love child illegitimate child /bastard Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化trial marriage free love stupid child a mentally retarded child /a bit slow of his age funeral memorial service secretary administrative assistant salesman sales-representative garbage man /dustman sanitation engineerSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化 bootblack footwear maintenance engineer hairdresser beautician janitor superintendent / custodian undertaker morticianSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化3) To poverty and unemploymentdiscontinue 停工lay off 下岗 ease out 内退give the walking ticket 解雇pink slip 失业out of pocket 囊中羞涩hard up 日子难熬badly off 贫困潦倒Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化in reduced circumstance 经济状况急转直下the have-nots 一无所有 underprivileged 弱势群体the disadvantaged 低收入者on relief 靠救济维持生活on welfare benefits 靠社会慈善福利救济生活welfare workers 靠福利救济生活的工人Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化4) To indelicate things 指不文雅的事物go to the bathroomdo one s businessvisit the necessaryanswer natures callwait a minuteMen s/Gents/W.C/The washroom/the JohnsLadies/the powder room/ Womens/ Mrs. JonesSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化Usestraditional euphemisms: related to taboosstylistic euphemisms: complimentary, not very related to taboosSection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化The formation of euphemism1)合词法(compounding): 如: gezudna (goes+under +“ 床下放”,即夜壶).2)反成法(backformation): 通过删除假想中的词缀来构成委婉词.由于这种构词法词汇量小,所以造出的词大多新颖别致,用来代替常见的敏感词,也能收到委婉的效果.如: burgle (盗窃,由burglar夜盗删去词尾而成,用以替代).Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化3)首字母组合法(acronym):将禁忌词语或敏感词语的第一个字母抽出来拼合在一起借以掩饰.如: BM ( bowel movement大便)、the Big C (癌症)等.4)截短法(clipping):将一些词语斩头去尾以掩饰.如: gents (Gentlemens Room男厕所)、lav (lavatory厕所)等.5)曲读异拼法(phonetic distortion):有意将禁忌词语的发音略加变动,借以避讳.如: gosh (god上帝).6)押韵替代法(rhyming slang):利用一些词语与禁忌词语押韵的特点来取而代之.如:sis (piss 小便).Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化7)逆拼法(back slang):将一些禁忌或敏感的单词自后向前拼写,以便避讳.如: elly-bay (belly肚子).8)首字母异拼法(respelling of initials):将一些禁忌或敏感单词的首字母按照发音拼写出来,效果委婉.如:dee (damn该死).9)标点符号法(punctuation) 如: d- (damn该死的)、son of a- (son of a bitch狗娘养的)等.10)同义词替代法(synonyms) 如: slim (苗条的,即skinny 皮包骨头)11)借词法(borrowing) :借用法语词或拉丁词来婉指那些令人尴尬事物,如: lingerie (underwear 内衣).Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化12)模糊词语法(fuzzy words).如: affair (事物,即桃色事件).13)儿语法(nurseryism)。借用儿童用语来充当委婉语。小孩子讲话天真无邪,如果大人,模仿儿语有时效果既委婉又幽默.如: pee-pee (小便)、poo-poo (大便)等.14)反面着笔法(negation)。从相反的角度去表达那些令人不快的事物,效果有时会比正面直说婉转些.如: unwise (不聪明,即愚蠢的). 15)比喻法(metaphorical transfer).根据禁忌事物的特点,将其描绘成具有相同特点的可以接受的事物.如: go to sleep forever (长眠,即die死去).Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化16)借代法(metonymical transfer):用整体来代替那些不便直言的局部.如: chest (胸部,即breast乳房房). 17)低调说法(understatement):明抑实扬、言轻义重的含蓄的说法,用来表达不愉快的事情时,效果委婉, 易于接受.如: smelly (有味道,即stinking发臭). 18)迂回说法(periphrasis) :一将不便直言的事物用转弯抹角的方式表达出来.其结果是短词长写,短话长说.如:adjustment downward (向下调整,即drop下跌).Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化19)首字母曲解法(reinterpretation of initials ):有意地对首字母词作出别的解释,效果不仅委婉,而且还带有幽默色彩.如: hot and cold ( heroin and cocaine海洛因可卡因合剂).Tips:上述19种方法基本贯穿了两个原则:若即若离若即若离的原则和美好美好的原则.Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化委婉语在英语新闻报道中也有其特别之处, 称之为利他、泛利和利己三种类型:1)利他委婉语指为了对方及和对方关系密切的人或组织的利益,顾及他们的面子而使用的一类委婉语.如: a bit slow stupid need help cheat in the exam should devote more diligence to study lazySection 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化Nixons proposals have been hailed as sound if not original. But this appraisal of his own stewardship sometimes seems more generous than candid.Car compact car subcompact car small car Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化2)泛利委婉语:“求雅原则”e.g. Last week France were introduced to a lovely young woman named Mazarine who is, according to journalist and author Philippe Alexandre, Mitterands 20-year-old enfant damour. (Time)Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化3)利己委婉语 指讲话人为了自己所在团体的利益而说的口是心非的话.如: 军事演习中平民伤亡(civilian casualties)用collateral damage (附带损伤)美军误击英军,用friendly fire (友善开火) 对伊拉克动武避而不用诸如at war (战争)、attack (攻击)等字眼,而用disa日m lraq (解除伊拉克武装)或对伊拉克采取了pre-emptive action (先发制人的行动)后缀: _gate(代替scandal): debategate; Koreagte; Monicagate Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化PracticeA.Translate for appreciation the following sentences into Chinese(1)Our daily comes in on weekdays.(2)Dont go in yet, fathers letting off steam about the razor you used to sharpen your pencil with.(3) He is suffering from a serious complaint. (4) John is commonly called“ Mr. Not-all-there.Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化(5)He has got heart trouble, but its nothing serious. (6)The young lady has married that bookseller who has one foot in the grave.(7)I wonder why he can be so cheerful when he knows he has notice to quit.Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化B. Sentences for reading appreciation(I) He passed away on a cold winter day at home.(2) Lets go and wash our hands now.(3) Dictating his autobiography late in life, he commented with a crushing sense of despair mens final release from earthly struggles. (4) Do you want to make yourself comfortable?(5) He got two love children before he got married. Section 5 Euphemism委婉语闪烁其词 模糊淡化Tips:中国人禁忌、忌讳的地方恐怕不比其他国家少,汉语中有相应的修辞格叫做委婉语,即在伤感的地方不直接说,只用委曲含蓄的话来烘托暗示,叫避讳格.但使用时与各国的文化背景、礼教规范、道德心理、感情好恶有关.如:小秘、做小姐的、驾崩”, “仙逝、长得对不起人四只眼、分手、酒仙”等.Section 6 Hyperbole 夸张言过其实,强化语义Definition Hyperbole aims to describe something and make it more than it really is. It is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis. Hyper- over from GreekSection 6 Hyperbole 夸张言过其实,强化语义Function The main function of using hyperbole is to achieve emphasis. But effective hyperbole is more than just to achieve emphasis in exaggerated terms. Most experienced writers often use hyperbole to achieve various literary effects: to intensify emotion, to elevate a person or thing to heroic Or mythical status, or to make fire at or to ridicule. Section 6 Hyperbole 夸张言过其实,强化语义 Uses People exaggerate things because they have strong feelings about something. People may exaggerate to make others listen to what they say. They may do it to emphasize something. They may also exaggerate just to sound funny. Section 6 Hyperbole 夸张言过其实,强化语义Examples(1) Ive heard that a million times. (2) Vingo sat stunned, looking at the oak tree. It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs, 20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds. (3) She gave me the impression of a mouthful of teeth, white and large and even more than were necessary for any practical purpose. Section 6 Hyperbole 夸张言过其实,强化语义(4) I would rather be a poor man in an attic With plenty of good books to read than a king who did not love reading. (5) I am greater than the stars for I know that they are up in the sky and they dont know that I am down on the earth. (6) A lie that is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies. (7) Lovers quarrels are the renewal of love. Section 6 Hyperbole 夸张言过其实,强化语义(8) Theres been an accident! They said. Your servants been cut in half. Hes dead!” “Indeed! said Mr. Jones, and please send me the half that got my keys. Section 6 Hyperbole 夸张言过其实,强化语义 PracticeA.Translate for appreciation the following sentences into Chinese(1)My blood froze.(2) Her face was washed in sweat.(3) Her eyes were flooded with tears.(4) He looked half dead, his eyes closed tight.(5) She was eaten up with jealousy.(6) It was the trial that rocked the world.Section 6 Hyperbole 夸张言过其实,强化语义(7) There are a thousand reasons why more research is needed on solar energy.(8) His reputation as an authority on Scripture is recognized throughout the world.(9) I am very hungry now. I can eat a horse.(10) For she was beautiful, her beauty made the bright world dim, and everything beside seemed like the fleeting image of a shade. (P. B. Shelley)Section 6 Hyperbole 夸张言过其实,强化语义Tips:夸张是一种意象修饰格(imaginary rhetoric),它是通过作者心中想象的物体和概念用文字表达出来,使读者引起丰富的想象,汉语中也有夸张修辞手法,张皇夸大,情意畅发.如白发三千丈,缘愁似个长,芝麻粒儿大的事.夸张修辞手法词语新颖,不悖常理,超越现实,讽刺嘲弄.Section 7 Irony 反语冷嘲热讽,辛辣刻薄DefinitionIrony in English language is a rhetorical device in which emphasis is achieved by employing words in a way that conveys a meaning opposite to its usual meaning.Section 7 Irony 反语冷嘲热讽,辛辣刻薄 Function As a unique rhetorical device in English language, irony is employed in a sentence in order to achieve rhetorical effect, mainly for emphasis, humor, fire, contempt, as well as accusation.Section 7 Irony 反语冷嘲热讽,辛辣刻薄UsesRich and colorful in expressions.(I) Slowly the old lady stooped to pick it (the cheque) up. Her present, her lovely present, with trembling fingers she tore it into little bits.Section 7 Irony 反语冷嘲热讽,辛辣刻薄(2) She was not as young as I expected and in appearance imposing rather than attractive.(3) Are you sure you want an army? Im sure thered be a place for you in the Navy Or Air Force. Raven laughed. Oh, Im sure of that, too. You d call Uncle Jack and by next month Id be commanding an aircraft carrier.Section 7 Irony 反语冷嘲热讽,辛辣刻薄(4) Shaking off her mood, she said, Come along. Its time to eat. Surprise gives me ravenous appetite.Q: Does surprise give people ravenous appetite?Section 7 Irony 反语冷嘲热讽,辛辣刻薄PracticeA.Identify irony and translate for appreciation the following sentences into Chinese(1)Some Americans have now developed a libido for the ugly.(2) I award this championship only after laborious research and incessant prayer.(3) It is as if some titanic and aberrant genius, uncompromisingly inimical to man, had devoted all the ingenuity of Hell to the making of them.Section 7 Irony 反语冷嘲热讽,辛辣刻薄(4) We tried to buy a number of oil-stoves to keep these rooms warm, but other people had thought of doing this too-when we called at the village shop, the shopkeeper told us she had sold out and that although there were more on order, they were unlikely to be delivered until the spring- which, of course, was a great comfort.Section 7 Irony 反语冷嘲热讽,辛辣刻薄(5) Some kind-hearted bosses go to the market and pick up some vegetable leaves, coming back and dipping them into salt water, and then a god-given cake is ready for them.(6) Disappointed and rather upset, each woman was secretly laying the blame on her heartless brute of a husband.Section 7 Irony 反语冷嘲热讽,辛辣刻薄B. Sentences for reading appreciation(I)He says that he is ambitious and he is an honourable man.(2) He is as welcome as a storm.(3) She is slender in the middle as a cow in the waist.(4) This diligent student seldom reads more than an hour.Section 7 Irony 反语冷嘲热讽,辛辣刻薄(5)The boy has broken another glass,” said the mother. “A fine thing!” the father replied.(6) I admire you even more, your theory of relativity nobody in the world understands, but you have already become a great man as Einstein.Section 7 Irony 反语冷嘲热讽,辛辣刻薄Tips:反语修辞格和其他修辞格一样, 与文化传统、社会习俗、历史沿革有关.翻译时这些非语言因素不能不以考虑.基本原则是:凡寓意明朗、易被接受的采用直译;过分曲折,意译和直译相结合.形神兼备为上,形不似而神似为中,若形神均难以达到,则尽力传达其意即可.Section 8 Simile 明喻生动形象, 活泼可爱DefinitionA simile makes a comparison, but it is different from an ordinary, literal comparison. A simile is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common. The comparison is purely imaginative, that is, the resemblance between the two unlike things in that one particular aspect exists only in our minds, not in the nature of the things themselves. To make the comparison, words like as, so.as, “as.as, “like” etc. are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other.Section 8 Simile 明喻生动形象, 活泼可爱Two terms: The signified / The vehicle 本体 The signifier / The tenor 喻体Dissimilarity and similaritySection 8 Simile 明喻生动形象, 活泼可爱FunctionActually similes are ornaments of English language, like all ornaments, they should be used tastefully and sparingly. As a rhetorical device, it can produce an image for rhetorical effect. A simile can be apt, sharp as well as lively and vivid, and it is used mainly for clarity, dignity and the quality of freshness and originality.Section 8 Simile 明喻生动形象, 活泼可爱Uses1.Used in phrases as strong as a horse as cunning as a fox as clever as a monkey as stubborn as a mule as clear as the nose on your face as slippery as an eel as cheap as dirt as weak as a cat as poor as a mouse (rat) as precise as a surgeonSection 8 Simile 明喻生动形象, 活泼可爱Some stereotypical similes express Viewpoints that are technically incorrect but which are widespread in the English culture, such as: as cruel as a wolf as stubborn as a goat as drunk as a skunk as violent as a gorilla as humorless as an Italian as proud as a peacockSection 8 Simile 明喻生动形象, 活泼可爱2. Used in sentences(1)He drinks like a fish.(2) The lazy schoolboy with his satchel and shining morning face crept like snail unwillingly to school.(3) Records fell like ripe apples on a windy day.(4) She eats like a bird.(5) His mind is as sharp as a samurais sword.Section 8 Simile 明喻生动形象, 活泼可爱3. 3. Used in paragraphs The view from the mountain top was breathtakingly beautiful. Tall trees towered like pillars to the sky, while below in the valleys, rivers flew like streams of jade. Flowers, giving off a fragrance like the incense of the gods, bloomed in a myriad colors, while the singing of the birds was like music in heaven.Section 8 Simile 明喻生动形象, 活泼可爱4 PracticeTranslate for appreciation the following sentences into Chinese(1)She was dangling her feet in the pool like a little girl.(2) Keep your shoulders back and walk like a soldier.(3) You are the only girl I have ever seen that actually did look like something blooming.(4) She emerged looking like a tigress.Section 8 Simile 明喻生动形象, 活泼可爱Tips:明喻在英语语言中丰富多彩,精美的明喻修辞手法妙语连珠,令人拍案叫绝.时代在不断进步,语言在不断变化,明喻也随时代的进步,科技的发展,在不断翻新,进而具新奇、标新立异的特点.然而,明喻修辞手法也要应用得贴切,否则也会造成累赘,弄巧成拙.Section 9 Metaphor 暗喻含而不露, 寓意深刻DefinitionA metaphor makes a comparison between two unlike elements. This comparison is implied rather than stated. It needs the reader to use knowledge and different cultural backgrounds to understand it. It is a figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something important in common. A metaphor expresses the unfamiliar (the tenor) in terms of the familiar (the vehicle).Section 9 Metaphor 暗喻含而不露, 寓意深刻FunctionMetaphor is a profoundly important and useful device. It is metaphor above all else that gives clearness, charm, and distinction to the style.eg. 1. Jim is a fox. 2. The world is a stage. 3. Some people are seeking the bubble reputation every minute. 4. The tree of love must be refrreshed and watered from time to time with sweet words and oaths.Section 9 Metaphor 暗喻含而不露, 寓意深刻UsesMetaphors have three main uses: descriptive, illuminative and illustrative.Section 9 Metaphor 暗喻含而不露, 寓意深刻1. Descriptive 用于景色描写(I) The hallway was zebra-striped with darkness and moonlight.(2) Campaign posters sprouted across the land like wild flowers after a spring rain.(3) A perfect fountain of bubbling notes shook from the barrel-organ, round, bright notes, carefully scattered.Section 9 Metaphor 暗喻含而不露, 寓意深刻2. Illuminative用于文采修饰The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. (The suggestion here is that liberty cannot be achieved or defended without bloodshed-the shedding of the blood of both the defenders and the oppressors of liberty in a violent struggle. Blood (manure) nurtures liberty.)Section 9 Metaphor 暗喻含而不露, 寓意深刻3. Illustrative用于说明道理Sophocles long agoHeard it on the Aegean, and it broughtInto his mind the turbid ebb and flowOf human misery; weFind also in the sound a thought, Hearing it by this distant northern sea.Section 9 Metaphor 暗喻含而不露, 寓意深刻4 PracticeA. Translate for appreciation the following sentences into Chinese(1)Failure is the mother of success. Keep up your courage.(2) All the world is a stage, And all the men and women merely players.(3) He had been a pig about money.(4) The recession has orphaned many experienced workers.Section 9 Metaphor 暗喻含而不露, 寓意深刻(5) Language is a road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.(6) The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it-and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.(7) Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations.(8) The man has got the brain of a donkey. (9) The army knifed into the town. (10) The Prime Minister is really in the hot seal over this problem.Section 9 Metaphor 暗喻含而不露, 寓意深刻B. Identify the metaphor.(1)The fountain of knowledge will dry up unless it is continuously replenished by streams of new learning. (2) I wonder when motor mouth is going to run out of gas. (3) When it comes to midterms, it will kill or be killed. Lets go in and slay this test. (4) The furnace of affliction had softened his heart and purified his soul.Section 9 Metaphor 暗喻含而不露, 寓意深刻(5) Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is sound, your whole body is full of light; but when it is not sound, and your body is full of darkness.(6) The sun was a big candle that day in the desert. (7) The diamonds cover the ground, but we need more people to pick them up. (8) Memory is a crazy woman that hoards colored rags and throws away food.Section 10 Metonymy 借喻以形传神,光彩夺目DefinitionMetonymy is a figure of speech that has something to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another. This substituted name may be an attribute of the other or be closely associated with it. In other words, it involves a change of the name, the substituted name suggesting the thing meant.Section 10 Metonymy 借喻以形传神,光彩夺目借喻亦称转喻,是一种英语修辞格,通过对两者相近或类似的特征的联想,借喻体用来代替本体.换言之,借喻修辞格涉及名称互换,借喻体来指本体,借喻修辞手法中只出现喻体,本体与比喻词都不出现.Section 10 Metonymy 借喻以形传神,光彩夺目FunctionMetonymy is another form of metaphor, in which the thing chosen for the metaphorical image is closely associated with (but not an actual part of) the subject with which it is to be compared. The use of a particular metonymy makes a comment about the idea for which it has been substituted, and thereby helps to define that idea.Section 10 Metonymy 借喻以形传神,光彩夺目UsesMetonymy is a very useful and effective rhetorical device, for it compresses much into a single word or short noun phrase. Most of us are probably familiar with the following examples.(1)pen: what is written by pen; books, articles, etc. He earns his living by his pen. (2) sword: instrument of force and destruction The pen is mightier than the sword.Section 10 Metonymy 借喻以形传神,光彩夺目(3) table: source, supply of food She sets a good table. (4) bottle: liquor, wine, alcohol He took to the bottle. (5) names of persons a. John Bull: England, or the English people b. Uncle Sam: the U.S.A. (6) Animals a. British lion: England or the British government b. the bear: the former Soviet UnionSection 10 Metonymy 借喻以形传神,光彩夺目(7) parts of the body a. heart: feeling or emotion Her heart ruled her head. b. head, brain: wisdom, intelligence or reason Use your brains. c. gray hair: old ageSection 10 Metonymy 借喻以形传神,光彩夺目(8) Profession a. the bar: the legal profession b. the bench: position of judge or magistrate He has been appointed to the bench. c. the veil: vocation of a nun She took the veil at 20. d. the press: newspapers; newspaper reporters He is meeting the press this morning. What has the press to say to this?Section 10 Metonymy 借喻以形传神,光彩夺目(9) Location of government, of business or industrial enterprisesa.Downing Street: the British governmentb. The White House: the U.S. governmentc. Wall Street: the U.S. financial circlesd. Fleet Street: the British presse. Madison Street: American advertising industryf. Hollywood: American film-making industrySection 10 Metonymy 借喻以形传神,光彩夺目PracticeA.Translate for appreciation the following sentences into Chinese(1)America is a melting pot.(2) By the hundreds and thousands these abominable houses cover the bare hillsides, like gravestones in some gigantic and decaying cemetery.Section 10 Metonymy 借喻(转喻)以形传神,光彩夺目(3) The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.(4) Bush has bombed Afghanistan and Iraq.(5) My 15 students read Emerson and Shakespeare.(6) Against the Oval Earth man, the first card l can play is the analogy of the sun and moon.Section 10 Metonymy 借喻(转喻)以形传神,光彩夺目B. Sentences for reading appreciation(1)Her voice is full of money. (2) On the way downtown I stopped at a bar and had a couple of double Scotches. They didnt do me any good. AIl they did made me think of Silver Wig, and I never saw her again.(3) The suits on Wall Street walked off with most of our savings.Section 10 Metonymy 借喻(转喻)以形传神,光彩夺目Tips:借喻修辞手法是用喻体来替代本体,使语言含蓄深厚,语言更简练. 借喻修辞手法在新闻报道中不断涌现,而且,新的借喻词语源源不断地出现在各种新闻媒介,通过两者之间的联系,留给读者无限的联想空间.Section 11 Oxymoron 矛盾自相矛盾,对立统一DefinitionAn oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two normally contradictory terms. “Oxymoron” is a loanword from Greek “oxy” (“sharp” or “pointed”) and “moros“ (”dull”). Thus, the word oxymoron is itself an oxymoron. Oxymorons are a proper subset of the expressions called contradictions in terms. What distinguishes oxymorons from other paradoxes and contradictions is that they are used intentionally, for rhetorical effect, and the contradiction is only apparent, as the combination of terms provides a novel expression of some concept, such as “cruel to be kind”.Section 11 Oxymoron 矛盾自相矛盾,对立统一FunctionOxymoron is a paradox reduced to two words, usually in an adjective-noun (eloquent silence) or adverb-adjective (inertly strong) relationship, and is used for effect, complexity, emphasis or wit. The figure also produces an ironic contrast when things have gone contrary to expectation, belief, desire or assertion, or when your position is opposite to anothers which you are discussing. It can achieve the rhetorical effect of a sense of irony, humor and a sense of ludicrousness, absurdness as well as fun.Section 11 Oxymoron 矛盾自相矛盾,对立统一Uses 根据构成矛盾修辞手法的语法修饰关系把其分为四类:1)oxymoron involving an adjective-noun combination Eg. icy hot a small fortune deafening silence forward retreat cheerful pessimist tender small crowd despairing hope sad joy visible darkness same difference mini giant controlled chaos small crowd damned saintSection 11 Oxymoron 矛盾自相矛盾,对立统一2) oxymoron involving adverb-adjective combination eg. falsely true terribly good clearly confused seriously funny bitterly happy a pretty ugly girl scandalously nice changelessly changingSection 11 Oxymoron 矛盾自相矛盾,对立统一3) oxymoron involving adjective-adjective combinationeg. a little big man bitter sweet memories poor rich guy a love hate relationship a miserable merry ChristmasSection 11 Oxymoron 矛盾自相矛盾,对立统一4) oxymoron involving verb-adverb combination eg. burn coldly hasten slowlySection 11 Oxymoron 矛盾自相矛盾,对立统一Practice Translate for appreciation the following sentences into Chinese(1)That building is a little bit big and pretty ugly.(2)Though he lost the game, actually it was a victorious defeat.(3)I saw a film yesterday. It is called A True Lie. (4)She loved him so much that she wanted to revenge against him for this love-hate relationship.Section 12 Paradox 隽语(悖论)貌似荒诞,哲理隽永DefinitionA paradox is a figure of speech consisting of a statement or proposition which on the face of it seems self-contradictory, absurd or contrary to established fact or practice, but which on further thinking and study may prove to be true, well-founded, and even to contain a succinct point. In brief it is the use of apparently contradictory ideas to point out some underlying truth.Section 12 Paradox 隽语貌似荒诞,哲理隽永FunctionAs an English rhetorical device, the function of a paradox lies in achieving rhetorical effect. It is used for emphasis, for expressing wisdom, wits as well as peoples world outlook.Section 12 Paradox 隽语貌似荒诞,哲理隽永UsesJuliet: My only love sprung from my only hate Too early seen unknown, and known too late! Prodigious birth of love it is to me, That I must love a loathed enemy.Section 12 Paradox 隽语貌似荒诞,哲理隽永PracticeTranslate for appreciation the following sentences into Chinese(1)At one second he felt as if he were in the spotlight of success; at the next, as if that spotlight were pinning him to ultimate catastrophe.(2)He has got the handcuffs, and she can have the medal.(3)Contrast is the spice of life. There can be no joy without sorrow, no summer without winter, no love without hate.Section 12 Paradox 隽语貌似荒诞,哲理隽永(4) There should not be so noble a character so low in position.(5) He is a killer. He only knows one thing: to kill or to be killed. (6)Dont do such a thing again, he said at last quietly but firmly.Section 12 Paradox 隽语貌似荒诞,哲理隽永Tips:隽语可以直译成汉语.汉语中和其对应的修辞格叫做“映衬”.例如:“欲速则不达.” 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯“等等.其修辞的目的在于使相反的两件事物的意义显得格外鲜明,彼此形成对照,相得益彰.Section 13 Personification 拟人拟万物众生,化无灵为有灵DefinitionPersonification is a figure of speech that gives human form or feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes to inanimate objects, or to ideas and abstractions.Section 13 Personification 拟人拟万物众生,化无灵为有灵 Function Personification has four features:1. the attribution of human characteristics to things, abstract ideas, etc, as for literary or artistic effect; 2.the representation of an abstract quality or idea in the form of a person, creature, etc, as in art and literature;3. a person or thing that personifies; 4.a person or thing regarded as an embodiment of a quality.Section 13 Personification 拟人拟万物众生,化无灵为有灵Uses: one problem-genderfemale: nature earth moon night morning evening ship virtue peace philosophy charity hope typhoon hurricanemale: river ocean anger war joy fear despairSection 13 Personification 拟人拟万物众生,化无灵为有灵Examples:(1)Four evergreen shrubs stood at each corner, where they struggled to survive the dust and fumes from a busy main road.(2) But the houses were cold, closed, and unfriendly.(3) Envy has no holiday.(4) History is the witness of the times, the torch of truth, the life of memory, the teacher of life, the messenger of antiquity.Section 13 Personification 拟人拟万物众生,化无灵为有灵Practice (1)The long flame sang their drumming chorus in voices of the harvest bass.(2) Money is a good servant and a bad master.(3) The fox preys farthest from home. (4) Friendship is really the most sacred, which merits not only special worship but also eternal praise. It is the most virtuous mother of generosity and honor, the sister of gratefulness and benevolence and the deadly enemy of hate and lust; it is ready at every moment of sacrifice itself for others voluntarily without having to be requested.Section 14 Pun 双关语一语两意,声东击西DefinitionWhen a word or phrase is used in two different senses, it can be a pun. So to pun is to play on words, or rather to play with the form and meaning of words for a witty or humorous effect.Section 14 Pun 双关语一语两意,声东击西 FunctionPun is usually used for rhetorical effect such as for emphasis, humor, sarcasm, fun, irony and so on. It can stimulate the readers imagination.Section 14 Pun 双关语一语两意,声东击西Uses:1.同音双关(homophonic pun)2.近音双关(paronomasia)3.同词异义双关(antanaclasis)4.一词多义双关(sylleptic pun)5.歧解双关(asteismus).Section 14 Pun 双关语一语两意,声东击西1.Homophonic pun 同音双关 指用同音异义词来构成双关语. 例如:(1)On Sunday they pray for you and on Monday they prey on you.(2) -When does the baker follow his trade? -Whenever he kneads the dough.(3)- What four letters of the alphabet would scare off a burglar? - O,ICU.Section 14 Pun 双关语一语两意,声东击西2. Paronomasia 近音双关 指用发音相似或相近而意义不同的词来构成双关语. 例如:If he does bleed, Ill gild the faces of the grooms withal; for it must seem their guilt.Section 14 Pun 双关语一语两意,声东击西3. Antanaclasis 同词异义双关指用词形相同而意义不同的词来构成双关语.例如:We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately. Section 14 Pun 双关语一语两意,声东击西4. Sylleptic pun 一词多义双关指用词形相同而意义多重的词来构成双关语.利用一词多义的双关语比利用同形异义现象的双关语更有趣、更巧妙.例如:(1)An ambassador is an honest man who lies abroad for the good of his country.(2)-Its everybodys right, right? -You think all your right is right?Section 14 Pun 双关语一语两意,声东击西5. Asteismus 歧解双关双关往往是讲话人主观上本来就意含双关,而歧解却往往是讲话人主观上本无双关之意,而由于词语的歧义,客观上造成了双关现象,易引起误解.例如:(1)How To Be Guilty Parents”(2) He finished the race last Friday.Section 14 Pun 双关语一语两意,声东击西Tips (1) arms: part of the body, weapons (2) bridge: a wooden bridge, a dental bridge (齿桥),a nose bridge (鼻梁) (3) power: authority (权威),force (武力),energy (能源) (4) table: a dining table (餐桌), a table of numbers (数字表),a time-table (时刻表) (5) bank: money bank (银行),river bank (河堤), blood bank (血库) (6) row: to row a boat (划船), a row of houses (一排房子)Section 14 Pun 双关语一语两意,声东击西PracticeA.Translate for appreciation the following sentences into Chinese(1)Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man. (2) Learn some craft when young, that when old you may live without craft. (3) More sun and air for your son and heir. (4) A cannon-ball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms.Section 14 Pun 双关语一语两意,声东击西(5) It is better to live rich than to die rich. (6) Not on thy sole but on thy soul, harsh Jew, thou makest thy knife keen. (7) A policeman said to a criminal, You reckon your Dodge would help you up to these dodges again?” (8) -He said the last word on the problem. -Oh, thats the last word one can say.Section 15 Ridicule 挖苦嘲弄笑骂, 嫉恶如仇DefinitionRidicule means words used to belittle a person or idea and arouse contemptuous laughter. It is one of the most powerful methods of criticism, partly because it cannot be satisfactorily answered and partly because many people who fear nothing else not the law, not society, not even God, but fear being laughed at. Ridicule is, not surprisingly, a common weapon of the satirist.Section 15 Ridicule 挖苦嘲弄笑骂, 嫉恶如仇FunctionAs a rhetorical device, the function of ridicule is to condemn or criticize by making the thing, idea, or person seem laughable and ridiculous.Section 15 Ridicule 挖苦嘲弄笑骂, 嫉恶如仇作为英语语言中一种强有力的讽刺修辞手法,其修辞功能就是使语言表达一种轻视、蔑视、敌视、鄙视、嘲笑、作弄、揭露、批评、谴责、辱骂等语气,故字里行间自始至终都充满着火药味,但又不失体面,并非一味漫骂,而是用貌似崇敬,但又略带荒谬的语句,或用平静,甚至平静到几乎冷酷的语语句来叙述或评论对方,使对方显得几乎陷入滑稽可笑、卑鄙无耻、如坐针毡、如芒在背、求生无门、求死不能的境地.Section 15 Ridicule 挖苦嘲弄笑骂, 嫉恶如仇Uses挖苦修辞手法,由于其超强讽刺的特点,使用时一定要注意把握分寸,瞄准好对象,选准机会,恰当地使用才是上策.(1)Stolen sweets are best.(2) The happiest marriage I can picture or describe to myself would be the union of a deaf man to a blind woman.Section 15 Ridicule 挖苦嘲弄笑骂, 嫉恶如仇(3) Necessity has no law.(4) Wild animals never kill for sports. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow-creature is amusing.Section 15 Ridicule 挖苦嘲弄笑骂, 嫉恶如仇PracticeTranslate for appreciation the following sentences into Chinese(1)Bryan, aging and paunchy, was assisted by several other lawyers. (2) Resolutely he strode to the stand, carrying a palm fan like a sword to repel his enemies.(3) Sure my worthy opponent claims that we should lower tuition, but that is just laughable.(4) Those wacky conservatives! They think a strong military is the key to peace!Section 16 Sarcasm 讥讽措词刻薄,一针见血DefinitionUnlike irony which is employed to ridicule Something or somebody in a rather mild roundabout way, sarcasm aims at attacking in a direct, taunting and bitter manner.Section 16 Sarcasm 讥讽措词刻薄,一针见血FunctionSarcasm is a form of sneering criticism in which disapproval is often expressed as ironic praise. As a rhetorical device it is used to express contempt, score, as well as cynicism.Section 16 Sarcasm 讥讽措词刻薄,一针见血3 uses(I)The devil, can sometimes do a very gentlemanly thing.(2) It is a human nature to hate the man whom you have hurt. (3) When we are born, we cry that we are coming to this great stage of fools.(4) O, what a world of vile ill-favored faults looks handsome in three hundred pounds a year.Section 16 Sarcasm 讥讽措词刻薄,一针见血Practice(I)A: If l were married to you, I would put poison in your coffee. B: If you were my wife, I would drink it.(2) A: I am not a vegetarian because I love animals. B: I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.Section 16 Sarcasm 讥讽措词刻薄,一针见血(3) I feel so miserable without you; its almost like having you here. (4) If you cant live without me, why arent you dead already? (5) I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasnt it. (6) Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence.Section 17 Satire讽刺酸味十足,幽默滑稽DefinitionSatire refers to the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc. It is a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice is held up to score, derision or ridicule.Section 17 Satire讽刺酸味十足,幽默滑稽FunctionThe goal of a satire is to point out the hypocrisy of the target in the hope that either the target or the audience will return to a real following of the code. Thus, satire is inescapably moral even when no explicit values are promoted in the work.Section 17 Satire讽刺酸味十足,幽默滑稽Uses(1)Had I but served my God with half the zeal I served my king, he would not in my age have left me naked to my enemies.(2) Some rise by sin, and some fall by virtue.(3) The proud hate pride- in others.(4) A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.Section 17 Satire讽刺酸味十足,幽默滑稽Practice(1)Laws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, and middle-sized are alone entangled in.(2) A best seller is the gilded tomb of mediocre talent. (3)You cant hold a man down without staying down with him. (4) Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is is worth reading.(5)He that forecasts all perils will never sail the sea.Section 18 Synecdoche 提喻 蕴涵新意,云开日出DefinitionSynecdoche involves the substitution of the part for the whole, or the whole for the part, the specific for the general, the general for the specific, or the material for the thing made from it.Section 18 Synecdoche 提喻 蕴涵新意,云开日出 FunctionAs a rhetorical device, synecdoche is often used for rhetorical effect, for emphasis. It is a common way to emphasize an important aspect of a fictional character.Section 18 Synecdoche 提喻 蕴涵新意,云开日出UsesSynecdoche includes five types: 1.a part for the whole,2.the whole for a part,3. the genus for the species,4. the species for the genus, 5.the material for the thing made.Section 18 Synecdoche 提喻 蕴涵新意,云开日出I) Denoting a part for the whole(1)Outside, there is a sea of faces.(2)They share the same roof.(3)All hands are on deck.(4)He paid the workers $5 per head.(5)The legs could hardly keep up with the tanks.Section 18 Synecdoche 提喻 蕴涵新意,云开日出2) Denoting the whole for a part (I)Brazil won the soccer match. (2) Australia beat Canada at cricket. (3) The birds sang to welcome the smiling year.Section 18 Synecdoche 提喻 蕴涵新意,云开日出3) Denoting a general class for a specific class or vice versa(1)A major lesson Americans need to learn is that life consists of more than cars and television set.(2)There sits my animal guarding the door to the henhouse.(3) Alas, that spring should vanish with the rose.Section 18 Synecdoche 提喻 蕴涵新意,云开日出4) Denoting a material for an object composed of that material(I)She was dressed in silk. (2) Cotton suits you. (3) Have you got any coppers?Section 18 Synecdoche 提喻 蕴涵新意,云开日出5) Denoting the container for the thing contained or vice versa (I)The kettle is boiling. (2) Two beers, please.提喻与借喻转喻转喻是在提及事物时不用其本身的名字称呼而是用与它密切相连的概念来替代它的一种英语修辞格。它着重的是事物本身的特点或它与其他事物之间的特殊关系。转喻主要有以下表现方式:1.身体部位来替代它的相关功能。 (1)He has a good ear for music.(ear指代欣赏音乐的能力) (2)He has a sharp tongue.(tongue指代所说的话)2.某人的名字来指代他的作品或风格。(1)Have you ever read Jack London?(Jack London指代他的 作品) (2)Do you like Dickens?(Dickens指代他的典型风格)提喻与借喻3.地名指代它的地方产品或在此处所发生的事件。 (1)He was behind the arras. arras.(指代这个法国小镇的产品)(2)He met his Waterloo.(Waterloo指代重大失败)4.用所在地指代政府、单位或企业。Kremlin(克里姆林)俄罗斯政府 Fleet Street(舰队街)英国的新闻界 Hollywood(好莱坞)美国的电影制造业提喻与借喻提喻 根据牛津词典的解释,是一种用局部代替整体或整体代替局部,种类代替个体或以个体替代种类,以材料代替所制成的物品的修辞格。它有以下表现几种形式1.部分代替整体。部分代替整体。 (1)It is hard to earn a dollar these days. (2)He has many mouths to feed.(嘴指代家庭成员) (3)The price of the meal is set at twenty pounds per head.(头指代顾客) 当我们在使用这一修辞用法时,我们应注意所采用指代整体的部分应具有典型性,对比以下两个例句: (1)His pet purr was home alone and asleep. (2)His pet paws was home alone and asleep. purr仅仅可以用来指猫,但paws却是其他很多动物所具有的部分,如狗、狮子等。所以第二个例句就是提喻的失败运用。 提喻与借喻2.用整体替代部分。用整体替代部分。(1)Australia beat Canada at Cricket.(用国家替代球队)(2)The car conked out.(车辆替代引擎)(3)Then he cut me open and took out the appendix and stitched me again.(人整体替代身体某部位)以下是经常见到的这方面的典型实例:Use your head(替代大脑) to figure it ou tAlbany(替代纽约州) WestPoint just passed a law addressing this problem指代美国的军事院校提喻与借喻3.种类替代类属或类属替代种类。种类替代类属或类属替代种类。(1)Spring should vanish with the rose!(rose替 代花朵)(2)What a despicable creature he is!(creature替代单个人)以下是这种方式的一些典型实例: The cutthroats(杀手) Ive just finished with the hoover(吸尘器)。 meat或bread替代食品Judas替代叛徒提喻与借喻4.材料替代制成品。材料替代制成品。(1)She was dressed in silks and satins.(silks和satins指代衣服) copper指代penny; paper指代money; steel指代sword等。 TIPS: 提喻这种修辞格在生活中很常见。如果有人让你描述一下你朋友的外貌,你只需向他描述你朋友的脸部特征就可以了。还有一些提喻性的标志出现在电影里或舞台上:用一棵树来象征整个森林;一个营帐象征整 个军营;一排房子代表一个城市。 提喻与借喻转喻和提喻的区别 转喻和提喻两者都使用了名字替代手法。很多学者都把提喻看作是转喻的子类属。事实上,两者之间的不同之处是颇为明显的。在转喻格中,两物体是截然不同的,只是它们之间存在某种密切联系罢了;而在提喻格中,所用事物与所指事物之间在构成上有部分与整体关系存在,例句: (1)Dont let your heart rule your head. (2)Please,give me a hand. 我们可以清楚地看到,在第一个例句中所用到的“head”指代的是“理智”,“头”和“理智”是两个完全不相同的概念。而人们更多的是把“头”与“理智”联系在一起,正如把“心”和“感情”联系起来一样。同样,第二个例句里的“hand”指代的是一种帮助,是一个抽象的概念。所以以上两个例句都使用了转喻修辞。提喻与借喻例句:(1)He paid the workers 5 dollars per head. (2)The problem is that we need more hands now. “head”指代的是工人,“hands”指的是人手,所以这两句用到的修辞是提喻。 提喻与借喻根据修辞格分类学家Fontanier的解释,转喻利用的是一种相互独立基础上的联系相互独立基础上的联系;而提喻使用的是构成上有层次的依附关系。Fontanier指出在转喻修辞中的绝对独立的两事物,因某种关联而联系在一起,这也是为什么转喻会根据事物间不同的关系来分类了:因与果、工具与意图、容器与所容纳物、事物与处所、身体与道德等。同时,提喻中部分关系、类属关系、材料与成品关系则是强调它们之间构成的层次。Section 19 Transferred Epithet 移就格 知错犯错,别具一格DefinitionTransferred epithet is a figure of speech, where an epithet (an adjective or a group of words employed adjectively) is transferred from the noun it should rightly modify to another to which it does not really apply or belong to. Generally, the epithet is transferred from a person to a thing or an idea.Section 19 Transferred Epithet 移就格 知错犯错,别具一格FunctionEpithet is an adjective or adjective phrase appropriately qualifying a subject (noun) by naming a key or important characteristic of the subject. Sometimes a metaphorical epithet will be good to use. Aptness and brilliant effectiveness are the key considerations in choosing epithets. It also aims at being fresh, seeking striking images, paying attention to connotative value, etc.Section 19 Transferred Epithet 移就格 知错犯错,别具一格UsesThe use of striking and unusual quality of the transferred epithet can call the readers attention. And it can therefore be used to introduce emphatically an idea you plan to develop. The phrase will stay with the reader, so there is no need to repeat it, for that would make it too obviously rhetorical and even a little annoying.Section 19 Transferred Epithet 移就格 知错犯错,别具一格1.移人于物(1)I spent a purposeless day at home yesterday.(2) The sailors swarmed into a laughing, cheering ring around the two men. (3) Franklin Roosevelt listened with bright-eyed smiling attention, saying nothing, and applauding heartily with the rest.Section 19 Transferred Epithet 移就格 知错犯错,别具一格2. 移物于人(1)William Shakespeare is a very hard English writer. (2) He is an easy writer.Section 19 Transferred Epithet 移就格 知错犯错,别具一格3.移甲物于乙物Darrow walked slowly round the baking court.Section 19 Transferred Epithet 移就格 知错犯错,别具一格4 Practice(1) You will be fined a lot of money if the car is caught drunken driving by the police. (2) She got up and answered the phone in her sleepy voice. (3) He angrily rushed to me and gave me an angry blow.Section 19 Transferred Epithet 移就格 知错犯错,别具一格Tips移就格俗称形容词移位,其修饰语形容词或起形容词作用的词组从本该由他们修饰的名词之前移开,而去修饰本不该由它们修饰的名词.一般来说,常常是原来修饰人的形容词或短语被用来修饰事物和想法的名词. 移就格利用语言结构或词序上的变化,以修辞语的异常位置,或者说以异常的修饰关系,故意犯错误,使读者感到突然,从而对其格外注意,来达到预期的修辞效果.Section 20 Understatement 低调陈述明抑暗扬,风趣幽默DefinitionUnderstatement is a figure of speech in which a writer or a speaker deliberately makes a situation less important or serious than it is. It is a statement that is not strong enough to express facts or feelings with full force.Section 20 Understatement 低调陈述明抑暗扬,风趣幽默 FunctionUnderstatement, as the word implies, is the opposite of hyperbole, or overstatement. It achieves its effect of emphasizing a fact by deliberately understating it, impressing the listener or the reader more by what is merely implied or left unsaid than by bare statement. It is used either for ironic emphasis, for modesty or for politeness and tactfulness.Section 20 Understatement 低调陈述明抑暗扬,风趣幽默Uses1.用词汇手段来体现(1).there was a loud cry from a number of voices, and the horses reared and plunged. But for the latter inconvenience, the carriage probably would not have stopped; Carriages were often known to drive on, and leave their wounded behind, and why not? Section 20 Understatement 低调陈述明抑暗扬,风趣幽默2.用语法手段来体现(1)No one was more willing to do a favour for friend or neighbour than he.(2) I know he is honest, and I wish I could add he were capable.Section 20 Understatement 低调陈述明抑暗扬,风趣幽默3.用反说代替正说所谓反说,即从另一角度来衡量一件事物,七.用反说代替正说,可以减轻说话者的语气和对事物的评价,避免绝对化.(1)The face wasnt a bad one; it had what they called charm. (2) It was no small feat to harness the energies of an entire nation for a united show of hospitality and good will for visitors from around the world. Section 20 Understatement 低调陈述明抑暗扬,风趣幽默4.用弱说代替强说使用分量不足或低调的词语,即从事物大小、力量的强弱和结果的好坏的角度,故意减小或缩小事物的重要性.句中常常用a kind of, something, scarcely, hardly, almost以及形容词或副词的比较级等表示评价的审慎、强度的削弱.Eg. During last years Central Park Bicycle race, five of the racers were attacked and had their bikes stolen while the race was in progress. This is something of a handicap in a bicycle race. Section 20 Understatement 低调陈述明抑暗扬,风趣幽默5.用弦外之音低调陈述有时可采用不直接陈述或回答,而用弦外之音婉转表达.Eg.-Do you think all the programs are good? -Some of the programs are interesting. But others could be better.Section 20 Understatement 低调陈述明抑暗扬,风趣幽默Practice Translate for appreciation the following sentences into Chinese.(1)We are none of us getting any younger.(2) I was kind of sick the other day; it really wasnt that bad but that I broke my arm.(3) My room isnt very messy besides that there are about twenty books scattered around the room with ten or so pants or shirts hanging around my bed area.Section 21 Zeugma 轭式搭配双俊共轭,化腐朽为神奇DefinitionZeugma is a kind of rhetorical device by which a single word is made to modify or to govern two or more words in the same sentence, either properly applying in sense to only one of them, or applying to them in different sense. Simply put, the use of a verb with two subjects or objects, or of an adjective with two nouns, although appropriate to only one of the two. It includes several similar rhetorical devices, all involving a grammatically correct linkage of two or more parts of speech by another part of speech. Section 21 Zeugma 轭式搭配双俊共轭,化腐朽为神奇Thus examples of zeugmatic usage would include one subject with two (or more) verbs, a verb with two (or more) direct objects, two (or more) subjects with one verb, and so forth.Section 21 Zeugma 轭式搭配双俊共轭,化腐朽为神奇FunctionThe main benefit of the linking in this rhetorical device is that it shows relationships between ideas and actions more clearly.Section 21 Zeugma 轭式搭配双俊共轭,化腐朽为神奇Uses1.One verb + two (or more) objects (1) This hair style fits her and the times. (2) He lost limb and mind in the war.2.Preposition + two (or more) objects (I) They gathered in the hall for friendship and a hot lunch. (2) We found him in funny clothes and astonishment.Section 21 Zeugma 轭式搭配双俊共轭,化腐朽为神奇3. Two subjects + one verb (l) Ten minutes later, the coffee and the commander arrived simultaneously. (2) When the expensive vase dropped to the ground, the voices dropped to a whisper.4. One adjective + two nouns (1) She returned with a young handsome man and a handsome sum of money. (2) He will be released because he keeps a clean record and appearance.Section 21 Zeugma 轭式搭配双俊共轭,化腐朽为神奇5. One subject + several verbsWhen at Nightmare Abbey, he would condole with Mr. Glowry, drink Madeira with Scythrop, crack jokes with Mr. Hilary, hand Mrs. Hilary to the piano, take charge of her gloves.6. One noun + several relative pronoun clausesHis father, to comfort him, read him a commentary on Ecclesiastes, which he had himself composed, and which demonstrated incontrovertibly that all is vanity. Section 21 Zeugma 轭式搭配双俊共轭,化腐朽为神奇 Practice (1)With one mighty swing he knocked the ball through the window and two of the spectators off their seats. (2)Hours, days, weeks, months, and years do pass away. (3)To generate that much electricity and to achieve that kind of durability would require a completely new generator design.Part III Syntactic Devices 句法修辞格1.active and passive voiced sentences主动和被动2. Anticlimax 突降3. Antithesis 对偶4. Apostrophe 顿呼5. Climax 层递6. Couplet 对句7. Ellipsis 省略8. Inversion 倒装Part III Syntactic Devices 句法修辞格9.loose sentence and periodic sentence 松散句和圆周句10.Parallelism 排比11. Parentheses 插入语12.Repetition 重复13. rhetorical question 设问14. short and long sentences 长短句15. Quotations 引用Part 1 Climax 层递 拾级登山,登峰造极DefinitionClimax is derived from the Greek word for ladder, and as a rhetorical device in English language, it implies the progression of thought at a uniform or almost uniform rate of significance or intensity, like the steps of a ladder ascending evenly.Part 1 Climax 层递 拾级登山,登峰造极 FunctionClimax consists of arranging words, clauses, or sentences in the order of increasing importance, weight, or emphasis. Climax is widely employed by speakers and writers, and in persuasive speech or writing, it is extremely effective in stirring up feelings and emotions, or in driving home a point.Part 1 Climax 层递 拾级登山,登峰造极 Uses(I)I came, I saw, I conquered.(2) Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.(3) Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.Part 1 Climax 层递 拾级登山,登峰造极Practice(1)The best work is done by the way ants do things- by tiny, tireless and regular additions. (2) There stood the Green Fairy, so slender so elegant, so airy and undulating in all her motions.(3)I think we have reached a point of great decision, not just for our nation, not only for all humanity, but for Iife upon the earth.Part 1 Climax 层递 拾级登山,登峰造极Tips:The successful construction of this device depends much on the character of the thought itself as well as a good command of vocabulary. The right words must be chosen to convey the thought in an ascending order of force and intensity, from weak to strong, from light to weighty.Part 2 Anticlimax 突降 出其不意,妙趣横生Definition Anti-climax is the opposite of climax and is a device that involves stating ones thoughts in a descending order of significance or intensity, from strong to weak, from weighty to light. It is often used to ridicule or satirize. The device is based on the principle that the more power the thought decreases in importance, the higher the force of the ridicule or satire would be.Part 2 Anticlimax 突降 出其不意,妙趣横生FunctionThe rhetorical effect of anti-climax can range from being ironic, sarcastic, humorous, funny, laughable, to being devastating as well as dramatic.Part 2 Anticlimax 突降 出其不意,妙趣横生Uses(1)- “Hiroshima, as you know, is a city familiar to everyone”, continued the mayor. -Yes, yes, of course, murmured the company, more and more agitated. - “Seldom has a city gained such world renown, and I am proud and happy to welcome you to Hiroshima, a town known throughout the world for its-oysters.Part 2 Anticlimax 突降 出其不意,妙趣横生(2) He elbowed his way into the crowd and, to his great surprise, he found everyone was gazing at the ground-at nothing.Practice(1)The holy passion of friendship is of so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money.Part 2 Anticlimax 突降 出其不意,妙趣横生(2) He is Chinese and he is very good at learning languages, such as English, French, German, Korean and Chinese as well.(3) And as I am sinking, the last thing that I think is, did I pay my rent?(4) She lost her children, her husband and her purse.Part 3 Antithesis 对偶 相映相衬,视角鲜明DefinitionAntithesis is the deliberate arrangement of contrasting words or ideas in balanced structural forms to achieve force and emphasis. In brief, it is the juxtaposition of opposing or contrasting ideas.Part 3 Antithesis 对偶 相映相衬,视角鲜明FunctionThis rhetorical device is very important used in English just for rhetorical effect, for the force of emphasis, whether for profundity of judgment, for humor or for satire, depends on the juxtaposition of direct opposites, of glaring contrasts. Part 3 Antithesis 对偶 相映相衬,视角鲜明UsesAntithesis establishes a clear, contrasting relationship between two ideas by joining them together or juxtaposing them, often in parallel structure. Human beings are inveterate systematizers and categorizers, so the mind has a natural love for antithesis, which creates a definite and systematic relationship between ideas.Part 3 Antithesis 对偶 相映相衬,视角鲜明(1) We prefer to die a hero, rather live a slave.(2) I would rather have my people laugh at my economy than weep for my extravagance.(3) Be slow to promise and quick to perform. (4)Pride hurts while modesty benefits. (5) Take little, give much.(6) AIl for one, one for all.Part 3 Antithesis 对偶 相映相衬,视角鲜明PracticeThere is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:A time to be bore and a time to die, A time to plant and a time to uproot. A time to kill and a time to heal, A time to tear down and a time to build, Part 3 Antithesis 对偶 相映相衬,视角鲜明A time to weep and a time to laugh, A time to mourn and a time to dance, A time to be silent and a time to speak, A time to love and a time to hate, A time for war and a time for peace.Part 4 Apostrophe 顿呼 万物相通,超越时空DefinitionApostrophe is a rhetorical device in which a person (dead or absent), a thing, a place, an idea, an abstract quality, etc., is addressed as if present, listening to and understanding what is being said.Part 4 Apostrophe 顿呼 万物相通,超越时空FunctionTo aim at arousing great emotional appeal. Part 4 Apostrophe 顿呼 万物相通,超越时空Uses and practice(1) Man, you are a wonderful animal, and your ways past finding out.(2) Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I accomplish.(3) Frailty, thy name is woman!(4) America! Awake! Awake! Awake! (5)Oh Q! May you die sonless !sounded the little nun s voice tearfully in the distance.(6) Oh! Freedom, you are the soul of our human beings!Part 4 Apostrophe 顿呼 万物相通,超越时空Tips:顿呼修辞手法的修辞作用在于为了宣泄某种感情和激起巨大的情感震撼.与万物沟通,与古人对话.情感宣泄,感情喷涌至极限.Part 5 Couplet 对句 文句工整,耐人寻味DefinitionCouplet is one of syntactic devices, which refers to a pair of successive lines of verse, especially a pair of the same length rhyming with each other.Part 5 Couplet 对句 文句工整,耐人寻味FunctionThe use of couplet can concentrate the force of English language in a succinct concluding distich, affording a noticeable contrast.Part 5 Couplet 对句 文句工整,耐人寻味Uses and practice(1) Immodest words admit of no defense, For want or decency is want of sense.(2) Ill news has wings, and with the wind doth go. Comforts a cripple and comes very slow.(3) Fools may our scorn, not envy raise, For envy is a kind of praise.Part 5 Couplet 对句 文句工整,耐人寻味(4) I like to play with my cat; He likes to get in a red hat.(7) Who loves not wine, woman and song, Remains a fool his whole life long.Part 5 Couplet 对句 文句工整,耐人寻味Tips:对句修辞手法的修辞功能是使文字简洁、有力.句式上整,表达有力,常能引起共鸣,耐人寻味.对句已经不是现代英语的主要修辞手法了.只是偶尔出现,仅作为点缀而已.Part 6 Ellipsis 省略 虚虚实实,弦外传音DefinitionEllipsis is also a kind of rhetorical device in English language. It belongs to a kind of omission, the omission of some parts in a sentence under the context of the passage.Part 6 Ellipsis 省略 虚虚实实,弦外传音FunctionThe effectiveness of the rhetorical device of ellipsis is to achieve emphasis, compactness and brevity, sometimes also for dramatic effect in conveying mood or atmosphere.Part 6 Ellipsis 省略 虚虚实实,弦外传音Uses and practice(1)Sometimes it does rain and (it does rain) hard.(2) What do I hear during the intervals when I do attend? (I hear) Two sorts of music. They melt into each other all the time, and (they) are not easy to christen, but I will call one of them music that reminds me of something,“ and (I will call) the other “ music itself. I used to be very fond of music that remind me of something, and (I was) especially fond of Wagner. Part 6 Ellipsis 省略 虚虚实实,弦外传音(3)We are creating a new society. (It is) Not a changed society. (It is) Not an extended, larger-than-life version of the present society.(4)A sound must be heard, a colour seen, flavour tested, an odour inhaled.Part 7 Parallelism 排比 排迭匀称,此起彼伏DefinitionIn parallel construction it is necessary to balance word for word, phrase with phrase, clause with clause, sentence with sentence. Parallelism is regularly employed in the listing of facts, ideas, events etc., and the parallel elements may range from a minimum of two to any number required. To make the parallelism clear, it is essential to repeat the marker of the parallelism, such as an article, a preposition, an infinitive, or the introductory word of a main or subordinate clause. Part 7 Parallelism 排比 排迭匀称,此起彼伏Parallelism involves balancing the structural elements of a sentence. Very often, however, a repetition is used with parallelism to emphasize the equal importanceand weight of the parallel parts.Part 7 Parallelism 排比 排迭匀称,此起彼伏FunctionParallelism can make a very formidable and forceful writing of any kind. It also has many different rhetorical effects such as simply for emphasizing a point, adding balance, coherence and rhythm and, most importantly, clarity to the sentence, keeping the trend of thought clear.Part 7 Parallelism 排比 排迭匀称,此起彼伏UsesParallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. This can happen at the word, phrase, or clause level. The usual way to join parallel structures is with the use of coordinating conjunctions such as and“ or or. It is one of the most common rhetorical devices in English language. Part 7 Parallelism 排比 排迭匀称,此起彼伏1.Words and Phrases(1)Mary likes hiking, swimming and bicycling.(2) The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately and thoroughly.(3) She was a good hostess and accomplished pianist.(4) You can go there on foot, by bus or by train.Part 7 Parallelism 排比 排迭匀称,此起彼伏Parallel constructions are also introduced by correlative conjunctions such as either.or, neither.nor, both.and, not only.but also, whether.or, and rather.than. .Eg. (1)You may either go with them or stay with us. (2)We live in deeds, not years; in thought, not breaths; in feelings, not in figures on a dial. Part 7 Parallelism 排比 排迭匀称,此起彼伏2. Clauses(1)The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and that they should do some warm-up exercises before the game.(2)Any man or state who fights on against Nazidom will have our aid. Any man or state who marches with Hider is our foe. That is our policy and that is our declaration.Part 7 Parallelism 排比 排迭匀称,此起彼伏3. ParagraphsPay special attention to the markers in each paragraph.Part 7 Parallelism 排比 排迭匀称,此起彼伏Practice(1)Seek truth, stick to exactness and be creative.(2)爱国、进步、民主、科学.(3)团结、紧张、严肃、活泼.Part 8 Parentheses 插入语 展示自我,感慨系之Definition Parenthesis consists of a word, phrase, or whole sentence inserted into an otherwise completely independent statement, either as an afterthought, or for some elucidating purpose. The insertion is usually set off by punctuation devices, that is, by brackets, dashes or comma and may be inserted anywhere in the sentence the writers think fit.Part 8 Parentheses 插入语 展示自我,感慨系之FunctionAt first sight, a parenthesis seems not only to cut off abruptly the flow of thought in a sentence, but also to be somewhat irrelevant, for often the writer seems to be going off at a tangent. However, it will be found that the function of a parenthesis as a rhetorical device usually adds something significant, forceful or elucidating to what is being said.Part 8 Parentheses 插入语 展示自我,感慨系之Uses1.副词作插入语是: indeed 、surely、however、obviously、frankly、naturally、luckily、fortunately、strangely 、honestly、briefly.eg. (1) Fortunately, I found the book that Id lost. (2) Surely, she wont go to China Telecom with you.Part 8 Parentheses 插入语 展示自我,感慨系之2. 介词短语作插入语In a few words/in sum/in short、in other words , in a sense 、in general 、in my view 、in his opinion 、in conclusion、in summary 、in fact、in the first place 、in addition 、of course、to our knowledge 、to my joy / delight/ satisfaction、to their surprise/ astonishment/ amazement、to her regret / disappointment 、for instance 、as a matter of fact.Part 8 Parentheses 插入语 展示自我,感慨系之eg. (1) Of course, he did not succeed for the lack of experience. (2) She knows much more about computer science than the other students do, for instance.Part 8 Parentheses 插入语 展示自我,感慨系之3. 形容词或其短语作插入语True、funny 、strange to say 、needless to say ,most important of all 、worse still eg. Strange to say, he should have done such a thing.Part 8 Parentheses 插入语 展示自我,感慨系之4. 分词短语作插入语Strictly speaking , generally speaking 、judging from. eg. Judging from his letter, a campaign against white pollution“ has been undertaken in his hometown.Part 8 Parentheses 插入语 展示自我,感慨系之5. 不定式短语作插入语To be sure、to sum up 、to tell the truth eg. To be sure, community service can aid reemployment.6. 插入句作插入语I am sure 、I believe , I wonder 、you know, you see 、it seems 、as l see it , what is important 、Im afraid 、it is saidPart 9 Repetition 重复一唱三叹,气势磅礴DefinitionThe rhetorical device of repetition deals with the repetition of elements of a sentence construction, sometimes in part or in whole. It is often combined with parallelism, so it is also called parallel repetition. The most popular type of repetition is to repeat words in different positions in a sentence, in a line of poetry, in stanzas or in paragraphs. Other types of repetition involve repeating the root of words in different derivatives, repeating words of like sound and shape, but unlike meanings.Part 9 Repetition 重复一唱三叹,气势磅礴FunctionThe rhetorical device of repetition is employed in English language mainly for achieving rhetorical effect of emphasis, for heightening of mood, tension or atmosphere, coherence as well as aesthetic effect, especially in poetry.Part 9 Repetition 重复一唱三叹,气势磅礴UsesAnaphora (首语重复法)Epiphora (尾语重复法)Epanalepsis (间语重复法)Polysyndeton (连接词重复法)Part 9 Repetition 重复一唱三叹,气势磅礴1.Anaphora首语重复法Anaphora is the repetition of a word or words at the beginning of two or more successive verses, clauses or sentences. It is the most common kind of sentence repetition.eg. (1)I have a dream that (2) Soon ripe, soon rotten. (3) Light come, light go. (4) Nothing venture, nothing gain.Part 9 Repetition 重复一唱三叹,气势磅礴2. Epiphora 尾语重复法This device is not as common as syntactic anaphora. It is a figure of speech in which several successive sentences or clauses end with the same word or phrase.eg. (1) The government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth. (2) Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man.Part 9 Repetition 重复一唱三叹,气势磅礴3.Epanalepsis 间语重复法This device means that the same word or phrase is repeated after other words have intervened.eg. (1) Love built on beauty, soon as beauty dies. (2) A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face; a beautiful behavior than a beautiful form.Part 9 Repetition 重复一唱三叹,气势磅礴4. Polysyndeton 连接词重复法The use of a number of conjunctions in close succession.eg. (1) The two old ladies gossiped and joked and told stories to each other about their families. (2) He never gives a damn to those famous people, whether they are movie stars or political leaders or writers or doctors.Part 10 Quotations 引用 发人深省,辞趣顿现Effective quotations are quotes that are relevant to your topic, add new insight or build ild onto other points, but in a manner that is fresh and interesting. it can make emphasis, and make the statement or idea more convincing. The use of quotations can also make the language simple and elegant.Part 10 Palindrome 回文Definition A palindrome is a line, word, poem or longer item which reads the same backwards as it does forwards. Part 10 Palindrome 回文Palindrome WordPalindrome Word Ada; bob; civic; dad; deed; did; evitative(躲避的); eye; level; mam; madam; mimim; noon; peep; pop; radar; redivider; repaper; reviver; rotator; rotor (回转轴)Part 10 Palindrome 回文Palindrome Phrase a Santa at NASA 以为美国国家航空和宇宙旅行局的圣诞老人 a Toyota 一辆丰田汽车 a war at Tarawa 塔拉瓦岛战役 bird rib 鸟肋骨 Dr. Awkward 笨拙博士 drab bard 单调的吟游诗人 evil olive 不祥的橄榄树 lion oil 狮子油 live evil 抑制不住的罪恶 top spot 最高地点 taco cat 墨西哥猫Part 10 Palindrome 回文Palindrome Sentence 1.No X in Nixon. 2.Madam, Im Adam. Sir, Im Iris. 3.Step on no pets. 4.Red Root put up to Order. 5.Rise To Vote Sir. 6.Ma is as selfless as I am. 7.Wont lovers revolt now? Part 10 Palindrome 回文 潮随暗浪雪山倾, 倒读为:轻鸥数点千峰碧, 远浦渔船钓月明。 水接云山四望遥。 桥对寺门松径小, 晴日晚霞红蔼蔼, 巷对泉眼石波清。 晓天江树远迢迢。 迢迢远树江天晓, 清波石眼泉对巷, 蔼蔼红霞晚日晴。 小径松门寺对桥。 遥望四山云接水, 明月钓船鱼浦远, 碧峰千点数鸥轻。 倾山雪浪暗随潮。 (题金山寺,苏轼)Part 11 Riddle 谜语1. What starts with T, ends with T, and is full of T? (Teapot)2. Why is every book like tree in summer? Because every book is full of leaves.3. How do you keep cool at a football game? Sit next to a fan. Part 11 Riddle 谜语4. Why should a man never tell his secret in a corn field? Because it has so many ears.5.Why are the Middle Ages called the Dark Ages? Because there were so many knights then.SummaryPart 12 Sentences1.Active and passive sentences2.Inversion3.Loose sentence and periodic sentence4. Rhetorical question5. Short and long sentences(1) Inversion1)否定副词放在句首2) Only放在句首修饰副词、介词或状语时要倒装3)在某些让步状语从句中用倒装结构(as)4) not only.but also连接两并列句子,not only后主谓倒装. 5) not until放句首,主句的主谓倒装. 6)当out、in、away、up、bang等表示方位或拟声词放在句首时,句子一般要全部倒装.7)如果 if 从句中含有were、should、had时,if可省略,把were、should、had放在句首.(1) Inversion8) so + adj./adv.that结构,可把so + adj./adv.放句首,主谓倒装. 9)There be句型属倒装,但应注意主谓一致,适用于就近一致,live、happen、lie、remain、seem等也都可以充当该结构的谓语. 10)在地点状语提前,谓语是be、stand、sit、lie等动词时,主谓倒装. 11) such放句首,主谓倒装,代表前面所述内容. (1) Inversion12)以may开头的表示祝愿的句子中,主谓倒装. 13) Long live.等表示祝愿的句子. 14) now、then、thus、up丶away、off、here、there、out、in等副词放句首,主谓全部倒装,其意义在于引起他人的注意.(2) Rhetorical Question 设问 明知故问,精心反讥DefinitionThe rhetorical question is generally known as erotesis“ in Greek, It is one that is asked to imply a definite answer. The question is seldom answered explicitly with a yes or no, the listener or reader surmises the actual answer from the context and the tone of the speaker or writer. In short, the rhetorical question is to ask a question as a way of asserting something, or to ask a question not for the sake of getting an answer but for asserting something. This device is often used in argument or persuasion.(2) Rhetorical Question 设问 明知故问,精心反讥Uses and practice(1)If winter comes, can spring be far behind?(2) You know what charm is? A way of geting the answer yes“ without having asked any clear questions.(3) Popularity? Its glorys small change.(4) What can you possibly add to a mind thats full, especially full of itself?(2) Rhetorical Question 设问 明知故问,精心反讥(5) How can we expect another to keep our secret if we cannot keep to others?(6) Didnt his terrible end keep other explorers away?(7) How can a merciful God permit a human being to suffer such torment?(3) Loose Sentence and Periodic Sentence松散句和圆周句首尾依重,各有侧重DefinitionA loose sentence is a sentence in which the essential elements, in the main clause, come first, followed by subordinate parts, modifiers, etc., as in a compound sentence. And a periodic sentence is a sentence in which the essential elements, in the main clause, are withheld until the end or separated by modifiers or subordinate clauses.(3) Loose Sentence and Periodic Sentence松散句和圆周句首尾依重,各有侧重Uses and practice(1)She was offered a professional contract after winning the Olympic gold medal for figure skating, according to the newspaper reports.(2) She decided to study English though she was interested in music.(3)He read all kinds of books, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.(3) Loose Sentence and Periodic Sentence松散句和圆周句首尾依重,各有侧重(4) Though Jim Thorpe had brought great glory to his nation, though thousands of people cheered him upon his return to the United States and attended banquets and a New York parade in his honor, he was not a citizen.(5) On the table burned a lamp in the empty room, and near it lay a little cat. (6) Full of energy, Bill was cleaning the lathe. (3) Loose Sentence and Periodic Sentence松散句和圆周句首尾依重,各有侧重Tips: The loose sentences are easier, simpler, more natural and direct; periodic sentences are more complex, emphatic, formal, or literary.(4) Short and Long Sentences 长短句 长短并用,各展所长It is generally acknowledged that the average number of words in a sentence is about 20 (侯维瑞). Far fewer are short, while far more are long.(4) Short and Long Sentences 长短句 长短并用,各展所长Short sentences are emphatic and clear and thus easy to be remembered, and understood, suitable for the presentation of points, conclusions, or important facts. A series of short sentences often gives the effect of speed and is therefore appropriate for describing a tense or dramatic moment in a story. However, too much will make your prose seem choppy and childish. (4) Short and Long Sentences 长短句 长短并用,各展所长Short sentences often appear in ads, idioms, slogans, proverbs, mottos, etc. 1.Liars should have good memories. 2.It is dangerous to play with edged tools. 3.I came, I saw, I conquered. (Veni, vidi, vici.) Julius Caesar(4) Short and Long Sentences 长短句 长短并用,各展所长Long sentences are particularly useful for presenting a set of complex, interlocking ideas. Long sentences are common in legal, political and theoretical writing, which depends on modification for accuracy, leaving no room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation. (4) Short and Long Sentences 长短句 长短并用,各展所长In prose writing, long sentences are used to describe actions or feelings that come in quick succession, to describe simultaneous or continuous action, or to indicate a close cause-and-effect relationship.(4) Short and Long Sentences 长短句 长短并用,各展所长Short sentences are usually emphatic, whereas long sentences are capable of expressing complex ideas with precision, because it may contain many modifiers. Short sentences are suitable for the presentation of important facts and ideas, and long sentences for the explanation of views and theories, or the description of things with many details.(4) Short and Long Sentences 长短句 长短并用,各展所长After one or two long sentences, a short sentence can always be refreshing and arresting; a long sentence that follows a series of short ones can serve as a climax or summation that relaxes the tension or fulfills the expectation created by the series, giving readers a sense of completion.Every English sentence contains a basic statement. It may stand alone as one short sentence, or it may be buried inside a longer sentence. (4) Short and Long Sentences 长短句 长短并用,各展所长Tips:(1)Long sentences are common in legal, political and theoretical writing, which depends on modification for accuracy. (2) In fiction, long sentences are sometimes used to describe a person, a thing or a scene. Synaesthesia 通感Definition A sensation produced in one modality when a stimulus is applied to another modality, as when the hearing of a certain sound induces the visualization of a certain color.Senses of vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell Synaesthesia 通感Use1. Sense of vision mixed with sense of hearing.The music breathing from her face.2. Sense of vision mixed with sense of touch. The rooms on the first floor are decorated with cold color.Synaesthesia 通感3. Sense of touch mixed with sense of hearing.That is a tart reply.Music, when soft voices die.4. Sense of taste mixed with sense of hearing.As I tasted it, a tune came into my head.Thats a sour joke.Synaesthesia 通感5. Sense of vision mixed with sense of taste.Bitter look, sour look6. Sense of vision mixed with sense of hearing.April, April, Laugh thy golden laughter.Synaesthesia 通感7. Sense of smell mixed with other sense of modalitiesA loud perfume cried.Smell how it tastes!Johnsons Baby Powder: The soft smellSynaesthesia 通感PracticeA sweet kissA sweet letterAngry wordsHot wordsA sleepy cornerSleepless bedNervous hoursMerry bellsSynaesthesia 通感Heavy silenceIcy voiceYou could view the melodyThe same bright face I tasted in my sleep.His voice was a censer that scattered strange perfumes.Lipstick: music to your lips通感与移就相同之处 1.在表现形式上,均表现为词语的移用,即适用于甲对象的词语移用到乙对象上。 例如:a sour look(通感)酸溜溜的一瞥 The people are silent in the baking court. 2.在表现方法上,两者均基于心理的感受,来激发读者的丰富联想。 例如:What a noisy scarf it is!(通感)好艳丽的 一条围巾! Hans shrugged a scornful shoulder.(移 就)汉斯轻蔑地耸了耸肩。 通感与移就相异之处 1.两者根本意义上的区别两者根本意义上的区别。移就因涉及的面广,泛泛论之,凡修饰语移置都算是移就,一涉及听、触、嗅、味、视五种感官的范畴,我们就叫这种感官相通的移就为通感.换言之,通感必须是两种以上的感觉相互沟通;移就只表现为由一种感官所感觉的事物移到另一种不能用感官感觉的事物,或者相反,由一种不能用感官感觉的事物移到另一种感官所感觉的事物。 例如:a sweet kiss(通感) a sweet letter(移就) 通感与移就例句1中,sweet指味觉上的“甜”,kiss 由于嘴唇的接触产生的触觉“吻”,两种感觉相互沟通,感觉触觉带有了味觉上的甜美。 例句2中,letter为普通的事物名词“信”(而不是指视觉可以看到的信的内容),本不能够用感官去感觉,所以将一种感官的感觉sweet移到另一种没有感官感觉的事物letter上,说明信给人的感觉非常甜蜜。 通感与移就2.两者结构形式及其意义的区别两者结构形式及其意义的区别。移就一般有转移形容词+中心词组成。例如: the sleepless bed(辗转难眠的床) nervous hours(紧张的时刻) merry bells(快乐的铃声) weary way(疲惫的路途) 这些例子虽然表面上中心语为 bed,hours,bell,way但是实际上中心词为深层次里隐含的形容词所指代的“人”。通感与移就分析: 只有人在床上辗转难眠才会使床“难眠”;时间本无任何感情色彩,正因为某个时刻对于某个人具有特殊的意义,此人才会觉得时间“紧张”,实质上就是人在此时很紧张;铃声本来无所谓快乐或悲伤,正因为听到铃声的人心情不错,才会觉得自己听到的铃声也具有了自己心情的色彩“快乐”;路途不管谁走过都是一样的路,但是正因为走路的人走了很长从而觉得很疲惫,就将自己的内心感受赋予了脚下的路,所以还是人本身疲惫。通感与移就而通感的结构形式要比移就复杂,但是其结构形式与意义相符合,相一致,即中心词为名词本身。 例如:heavy silence(凝重的寂静) icy voice(冷峻的声音) 通感与移就分析: heavy 指的是触觉上的“沉重”,silence指听觉上的“无声”,其中心词就为silence本身,heavy 只不过是从另外一种感觉上强调silence,给人一种力量;icy指的是触觉上的“冰冷”, voice是听觉上的“声音”,其中心词就为voice本身,icy从触觉上给人提供丰富的感受和想象,让人觉得声音都可以用触觉去感知。Innuendo 暗讽Definition Innuendo is a mild form of irony, hinting in a rather roundabout way at something disparaging or uncomplimentary to the person or subject mentioned. Innuendo 暗讽Practice1. He is a man who is most dependable when you are not in need.2. I hear he makes long speeches. Yes, he likes to hear his own voices.3. The typist made many mistakes this morning. Maybe she hadnt slept well last night.Innuendo 暗讽4.With friends like him, who needs enemies?5. Bill wanted that news like he wanted a hole in the head.6.The tenor sang in tune several times during the evening.Innuendo 暗讽7.My husband is sober several times a week.8. When her third husband died, her hair turned quite gold from grief.Innuendo,Irony & Sarcasminnuendo 暗讽,是一种温和的反语。用一种比较隐晦曲折的方式表达对所提及的某事某物的不一致和不赞赏。 例如:He must take his readings in a bathroom.irony 反语,是用反话代替本意,达到强调效果的一种修辞。 例如:We are lucky, what you said makes me feel really good! 我们真走运,你的话让我感觉棒极了!sarcasm 讽刺,讽刺程度比irony强烈。它是一种以奚落嘲讽为目的,打击伤害客体感情的一种修辞。 例如: Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small files, but let wasps break through. 法律就像蜘蛛网一样,能抓到小苍蝇,但却让马蜂(轻易)突破。Parody 仿拟Definition Parody is a writing in which the language and style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule often with certain peculiarities greatly heighted or exaggerated.Parody 仿拟Uses1.Parody of word (nonce word: for the once)仿词 Socialism places the human being at the center of things, not the machine, not Almighty Dollar, not the maximum profits of billionaires. 本体为:Almighty God 表达精妙,诙谐中含有讽刺,严肃的批评中带有洒脱的调侃。Parody 仿拟2. Parody of phrase ( temporary made) A wolf in sheiks clothing To Lie or Not to Lie - The Doctors Dilemma 3. Parody of sentenceOne nonlinguistic explanation of failure at school is that you can take a child to Eucid but you cant make him think. (You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink.) Parody 仿拟4.Parody of tune Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what youre at! Up above the world you fly! like a tea-tray in the sky! (Lewis Carroll: Alices Adventures in Wonderland)Parody 仿拟Function1.新颖活泼,醒人耳目 East and west, the Guangdong cuisine is the best.A husband in the hand is worth two in the bush.Parody 仿拟2.精辟、贴切、富于表现力Money alone sets all the world in commotion. (motion)3.幽默风趣,创造轻松活泼的氛围Judge (in dentists chair): “Do you swear that you will pull the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but tooth?”Parody 仿拟4.讽刺嘲弄,针砭时弊 A friend in need is a friend to be avoided.Parody 仿拟Tips: 在特定的语言环境下,为了丰富和增强语言的表达活力,更好地发挥语言的交际功能,可以突破现行的语言规范,但是,仿拟毕竟是临时性的词语变化,它对语言环境的依赖性很强。如果不顾具体的语言环境,不问修辞上是否需要,任意创造新词或改变词语,那么就会造成词语误用,形成一种语病。Thank You!
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