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Three Times Beating Monster.三打白骨精T:T:唐僧唐僧(A) (A) S:S:孙悟空孙悟空 (B) (B)E:E:猪八戒猪八戒(C) (C) J:J:沙僧沙僧(D)(D)B:B:白骨精白骨精(E)(E)B1:BB1:B变成村姑变成村姑 B2:B B2:B变成太婆变成太婆 B3:B B3:B变化成老头变化成老头1vT: Emitofo,do you know where we are now? T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now? v 阿弥陀佛,我们这是到哪了?阿弥陀佛,我们这是到哪了? vS: Bajie,map!S: Bajie,map!v 八戒,地图!八戒,地图!vE: (E: (摸出,递给摸出,递给S)S)vS: Look,boss (S: Look,boss (凑近凑近T)T)(T T、S S一齐转向一齐转向E E)v 师傅,请看。师傅,请看。vT: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, donT: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, dont t bring these pictures of beautiful girls!bring these pictures of beautiful girls!v 八戒,我跟你讲了多少次了,不要带这种美女的图片!八戒,我跟你讲了多少次了,不要带这种美女的图片!vE: Oh, boss!Forgive meE: Oh, boss!Forgive me。( (伸手拿回伸手拿回) )v 哦,师傅!原谅我吧。哦,师傅!原谅我吧。vT: (T: (缩手缩手)I)Ill keep it for you until we reach the ll keep it for you until we reach the westwestv 为师先替你保管,到西天了再给你。为师先替你保管,到西天了再给你。2vE: ButE: Butv但是但是vT: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map?T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map?v 阿弥陀佛,色即是空,空即是色!地图?阿弥陀佛,色即是空,空即是色!地图?vE: (E: (递递)Here.Em)Here.Em we have arrived in White Tiger we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I canMountain!Ah I cant walk any more!(t walk any more!(坐坐)My stomach )My stomach doesndoesnt allow So. t allow So. v 给,嗯给,嗯我们已经到白虎山了!哎呀,我走不动了!我们已经到白虎山了!哎呀,我走不动了!再说,我这肚子也饿了。再说,我这肚子也饿了。vS: Fat Pig!S: Fat Pig!v 肥猪肥猪! !vE: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I willagain,I will ,I will. .v 死猴子,有本事再说一遍,再说死猴子,有本事再说一遍,再说vS: You will what(S: You will what(凶相凶相)?)?v 再说你怎么样?再说你怎么样?3vE: I will help you catch fleas(E: I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤跳蚤).).v 我帮你抓虱子。我帮你抓虱子。vS: Hm!S: Hm!v 哼!哼!vT:T:(轻咳)(轻咳)Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food?you go to get me some food?v 悟空,我也有点饿了,你能去化些斋饭来吃吗?悟空,我也有点饿了,你能去化些斋饭来吃吗?vE: You see , boss is hungry,too!E: You see , boss is hungry,too!v 你看,师傅不也饿了吗!你看,师傅不也饿了吗!vT: Baijie!DonT: Baijie!Dont forget who ate my last meal!t forget who ate my last meal!v 八戒!不要忘了是谁吃了我的干粮!八戒!不要忘了是谁吃了我的干粮!vJ: But boss,if a monster comes while brother monkey J: But boss,if a monster comes while brother monkey is awayis away.v 但是,师傅,假如妖怪趁猴哥不在来了呢但是,师傅,假如妖怪趁猴哥不在来了呢vT: EmT: EmIt is a problem.Wukong,do you have any idea?It is a problem.Wukong,do you have any idea?v 嗯嗯这是个问题。悟空,你有什么办法没?这是个问题。悟空,你有什么办法没?4vS: No problem!(S: No problem!(安装安装) )(B B已躲在一旁偷看)已躲在一旁偷看)v 没问题!没问题! (白骨精躲在一旁偷看)(白骨精躲在一旁偷看)vJ: This isJ: This is.?.?vS: Electric net! I made this. No monster can S: Electric net! I made this. No monster can approach you if you stay in it!approach you if you stay in it!v 伏魔圈!只要待在里面,就没有妖怪能接近!伏魔圈!只要待在里面,就没有妖怪能接近!v T: Em T: Emokok,we will stay in it!we will stay in it!v 嗯嗯好的,我们会呆在里面的!好的,我们会呆在里面的!vS: Bye!(S: Bye!(飞走飞走) )v 俺老孙去也。俺老孙去也。vT: LetT: Lets play cards!(s play cards!(三人开始打牌三人开始打牌) )音乐斗地主音乐斗地主v 我们斗地主吧!我们斗地主吧!vB: Hm!Hm!Electric net?You are too childish.(B: Hm!Hm!Electric net?You are too childish.(变成变成B1)B1)v 哈哈!伏魔圈?太小儿科了吧。哈哈!伏魔圈?太小儿科了吧。vB1: (B1: (接近三人,望着接近三人,望着)Can I join you?)Can I join you?v 我也可以玩吗?我也可以玩吗?5vJ: IJ: Im sorry,lady. We are playing Fighting Against m sorry,lady. We are playing Fighting Against landowner and three people are enough.landowner and three people are enough.v 不好意思,姑娘。我们在斗地主,三个人够了。不好意思,姑娘。我们在斗地主,三个人够了。vB1: (B1: (在一旁观看在一旁观看)Oh,Chance! Bomb!)Oh,Chance! Bomb!v 噢,机会来了!炸弹!噢,机会来了!炸弹!vT: Bomb?(T: Bomb?(打出打出) )vB1: Double King!B1: Double King!v 王炸!王炸!vT: OhT: Oh.I win! Em.I win! Em,Lady,you are a boss-hand. Come ,Lady,you are a boss-hand. Come in and teach me!in and teach me!v 喔喔我赢了!嗯我赢了!嗯,姑娘,你是老手吧。进来教我!,姑娘,你是老手吧。进来教我!vS: (S: (回来,看见回来,看见B1)Oh,monster!(B1)Oh,monster!(上前就打上前就打) )v 啊,妖怪!啊,妖怪!vB1: B1: (倒(倒)Ah)Ah 惨叫声惨叫声vT: (T: (气愤气愤)Wukong! Look what have done! She is my )Wukong! Look what have done! She is my teacher!teacher!v 悟空!你在干嘛!她是我的师傅悟空!你在干嘛!她是我的师傅! !vS: She is a monster!S: She is a monster!v 她是妖怪!她是妖怪!6vT: Nonsense!(T: Nonsense!(深呼吸深呼吸) )vS: Oh,please donS: Oh,please dont tv 噢,师傅,别噢,师傅,别vT:ItT:Its too late!(s too late!(唱唱)Once more)Once moreyou open the you open the doordoor( (泰坦尼克主题曲,走音离谱泰坦尼克主题曲,走音离谱) )v 太晚了!太晚了! Once more Once more( (紧箍咒紧箍咒) )vS: Please,Please,oh,noS: Please,Please,oh,no( (痛苦抱头痛苦抱头) )vT: (T: (呛住,咳呛住,咳)Wukong,I)Wukong,Im disappointed with you!m disappointed with you!v 悟空,为师早就跟你讲了!(不要乱杀生)悟空,为师早就跟你讲了!(不要乱杀生)vB: (B: (真身出现真身出现)Hm!Sun Wukong, I)Hm!Sun Wukong, Ill teach you a ll teach you a lesson!(lesson!(变成太婆变成太婆) )v 哼哼! !孙悟空,让我教训一下你!孙悟空,让我教训一下你!vB2:Hello,have you seen my daughter?B2:Hello,have you seen my daughter?v (长老)请问,你们见过我女儿没?(长老)请问,你们见过我女儿没?vT: Daughter?.(T: Daughter?.(连忙挡住尸体连忙挡住尸体)No,sorry!)No,sorry!vS: S: (咬牙切齿)(咬牙切齿)You monster, IYou monster, Ill beat you into ll beat you into hell! hell! v 好你个妖怪,我打死你!好你个妖怪,我打死你!vE&J: Are you Ok, boss?(E&J: Are you Ok, boss?(扶扶T)T)v 师傅,你还好吧?师傅,你还好吧?7vJ: Look,(J: Look,(伸食指伸食指)how many?)how many?v 看,这是几?看,这是几?vT:TwoT:Two.(.(晕乎乎地晕乎乎地) )vB3:Sun Wukong, game over!(B3:Sun Wukong, game over!(变成变成B3)B3)v 孙悟空,游戏结束了!孙悟空,游戏结束了!vB3: (B3: (看到看到B1,B2B1,B2尸体尸体)Oh)Oh.,my daughter, my wife! Who .,my daughter, my wife! Who did it?!(did it?!(哭喊哭喊) )v 噢噢女儿,老婆子!谁干的?!女儿,老婆子!谁干的?!vS: IS: Ill kill you, monster!(ll kill you, monster!(打打) )v 妖怪,我要打死你!妖怪,我要打死你!vT: T: (想阻止,未及)(想阻止,未及)You,you.(You,you.(险些晕,险些晕,E,JE,J扶住扶住 )You )You have killed three lives!have killed three lives!v 你,你你,你你已经伤了三条人命了!你已经伤了三条人命了!vS: No,they are not human beings!They are created by S: No,they are not human beings!They are created by monster!monster!v 不,他们不是人!都是妖怪变的!不,他们不是人!都是妖怪变的!vT: Monster?You are a real monster!Never let me see T: Monster?You are a real monster!Never let me see you,go!you,go!v 妖怪?你才是妖怪!你走,不要再让我看见你!妖怪?你才是妖怪!你走,不要再让我看见你!8vS: (S: (悲,离去悲,离去) )(音乐,营造(音乐,营造 “假假”悲伤气氛)悲伤气氛)人鬼情未了人鬼情未了vJ: boss, brother Monkey is.J: boss, brother Monkey is.v 师傅,猴哥这是师傅,猴哥这是vT: Dont mention that guy any more!T: Dont mention that guy any more!v 不要再提他了!不要再提他了!vB: (B: (出现出现) Ha,ha,ha!() Ha,ha,ha!(三尸体三尸体B1,B2,B3B1,B2,B3在在B B招手后招手后“飘飘”走走) )vT: T: (惊)(惊)You are.You are.vB: How foolish you are ,Mr Tang!(E,JB: How foolish you are ,Mr Tang!(E,J去阻斗,被击退去阻斗,被击退) )v 唐僧,你好愚蠢!唐僧,你好愚蠢!vB: (B: (抓住抓住T)Ill enjoy your meat and blood,ha,ha.T)Ill enjoy your meat and blood,ha,ha.v 我要吃你的肉,哈哈哈哈我要吃你的肉,哈哈哈哈vS: (S: (悄悄走到悄悄走到B B后,打后,打B,BB,B晕晕)A thousand years later.)A thousand years later.vT: Wukong?T: Wukong?v 悟空悟空vE: Oh,Brother Monkey!E: Oh,Brother Monkey!(猴哥)(猴哥)vJ: Our hero is back!J: Our hero is back!v 我们的英雄回来了!我们的英雄回来了!9vT: I,I cant understand.What happened?T: I,I cant understand.What happened?v 发生什么事了?发生什么事了?vS: Boss,your IQ needs increasing! This monster S: Boss,your IQ needs increasing! This monster changed its appearance into three shapes in order to changed its appearance into three shapes in order to cheat you!cheat you!v 师傅,你应该提高一下智商了!这个妖怪为了骗你变师傅,你应该提高一下智商了!这个妖怪为了骗你变化成三个模样!化成三个模样!vT: How,how did you find out?T: How,how did you find out?v 你怎么发现的?你怎么发现的?vS: (S: (沉默沉默).Monkeys intuition().Monkeys intuition(直觉直觉) )v 猴子的直觉。猴子的直觉。vT: Wukong(ST: Wukong(S不理不理T)I admit my mistake this time(ST)I admit my mistake this time(S仍不仍不理理)Im sorry()Im sorry(小声小声) )v 悟空,这次是为师错怪了你,对不起!悟空,这次是为师错怪了你,对不起!vS: What?S: What?vT: Im sorry.T: Im sorry.vS: Em? Louder,please?S: Em? Louder,please?v 嗯?麻烦您大声点行吗?嗯?麻烦您大声点行吗?vT: I.am.sorry.T: I.am.sorry. (S (S 捂耳捂耳) ) 10
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