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经经典的;第一流的典的;第一流的经经典著作典著作吹口哨;吹口哨;发发出汽笛声出汽笛声口哨声;汽笛声口哨声;汽笛声毛毛纺纺的;的;纯纯毛的毛的带带来麻来麻烦烦的;使人心的;使人心烦烦的的结结果;效果果;效果小小偷偷;贼贼手帕;手手帕;手绢绢;纸纸巾巾光光辉灿烂辉灿烂的;杰出的;才的;杰出的;才华华横溢的横溢的不同不同寻寻常的;非凡的常的;非凡的大使;使大使;使节节身份;地位;身份;地位;职职位位优优秀的;秀的;较较高的;上高的;上级级的的上上级级;长长官官啜泣;抽噎啜泣;抽噎啜泣啜泣(声声);抽噎;抽噎(声声)(使使)褪色;减弱;逐褪色;减弱;逐渐渐消失消失professorbetray wallet remark properly handful shabby overlook compromise condemn disgustingdisgust horrible horror hesitate hesitation mistaken mistake fortune fortunate fortunately robrobber robbery adaptation adapt classify classification comfort comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortably hesitate hesitationrobbed robber mistook mistaken mistakecomfortably uncomfortable in disguisepass.off as.make ones acquaintancegenerally speakingin terms of.rob sb.of sth.show.in once more fade outin need ofGenerally speakingIn terms ofmade his acquaintancefade outshowedinin need ofWhat if this problem had to be solvedWhen askedDeep in the bookwould not have been late for the meetingto givehelpinghesitationDont hesitate to ask memake a remark onremark uponhimselfbetrayedBeing betrayedwith acquaintance first made his acquaintancewas first acquainted with himto findfortunatefortunatelyUnfortunatelymaking a lot of moneymaking a fortuneits necessary to compromise with your friendsin terms of moneycome to terms within the long term/runto repeattoinaround/roundupWhat if he doesnt follow my advice?So what?tired and hungry
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