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Unit 7 lets buy a gift for himTeaching aims and demandsMaster some wordsTeachers Daycarshirttiedress skirt giftwatchfunnyshopgo backMaster some sentenceWhat are we going to buy?Lets buy.Can you do it?Teachers Daycarshirttiedress skirt giftwatchfunnyshopgo backWhat are we going to buy?1 我们要买些什么?2 回去3 教师节4 商店5 小汽车6 衬衫7 有趣的8 领带9 手表10 连衣裙11 短裙12 礼物Watch, listen and sayTomorrow is Teachers Day.Lets buy some flowersfor Ms. Wang.Good idea. Lets go.practiceLets buy a .Good idea.Listen, learn and actAndy: Ted is going back to the USA tomorrow.John: Really? Lets buy a gift for him.Wang Ming: Good idea. What are we going to buy?J: lets buy a notebook for him.W: lets buy a shirt for him. L: Lets buy a watch for him.L: What about a bag?A: No, Boys like funny toys.J: OK. Lets buy a toy for him.L: Lets go to the shop now.practicePick out some students to act out the dialogue in groups, eg:A:.J:.W:.L: lets go to the shop now.Read and writeTed is going back to the USA tomorrow. We aretalking about the gift for him. s like s. s like funny toys. And weare going to the toy and buy a funny toyfor Ted.
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