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Unit 4Period 1tie If I were a boss , I would wear a shirt and tie.If you were on the ship,you would If you were the boy,you wouldIf you were in the desert,you wouldIf you were in the cage,you wouldHow much do you know about him ?If you were him,what would you do?1,000,000a million dollars If Bill Gates gave me a million dollars,I would have a million dollars.If I had a million dollars, what would I do?medical research (医学研究)医学研究)If I had a million dollars, I would give it to medical research.give it to charityIf I had a million dollars, I wouldbuy snacksIf I had a million dollars,I wouldput it in a bankIf I had a million dollars,I would Project HopeIf I had a million dollars,I wouldRed CrossIf I had a million dollars, I would Make a survey, then give a report.Make a survey, then give a report.Ask your classmates: Ask your classmates: What would you do if you had a million dollars?What would you do if you had a million dollars?Write down their answers then give us a report.Write down their answers then give us a report.Help: A: What would you do if you ? B: I would/Id if I had 43211bListen and number the pictures 1-4 in the order you hear them.Why is he very nervous these days? Because he is going to CCTV for a party show. If you were him, What would you do/wear/take? What about my friend Larry?Is he very nervous ,too?Why?Why is Larry nervous? Listen and circle the reasons. 1.Hes late for the party.2.He doesnt know what to wear.3.He doesnt know if he should bring a present.4.He cant find his shoes.5.He might not know anyone at the party. 2a_1.If I were you, Id wear a shirt and tie._2.You shouldnt worry about what other people are wearing._3.If I were you, Id be a little late._4.If I were you, Id take a small present._5.If you dont know anyone, you can talk to Tom._6.But if youre still nervous, you dont have to go.2bListen again. Check () the four things Larrys sister says to him,2cStudent A, talk about your worries. Student A, talk about your worries. Student B, give advice.Student B, give advice. Larrys worries1.Idontknowwhattowear.2.Idonthaveapresent.Whatifeveryoneelsebringsapresent?3.WhatifIdontknowanyone?Student A, talk about your own worries. Student B,C,D, give advice.A: Im going to CCTV,I dont know what to wear.B: If I were you, I d wear a dress.C: If I were you, I d wear a T-shirt and jeans.D: If you dont know what to wear, just ask your parents.概念概念: 表示与事实相反或根本不可能实现的事表示与事实相反或根本不可能实现的事.if 引导虚拟语气的条件状语从句,从句为非真实条件句,一般用过去引导虚拟语气的条件状语从句,从句为非真实条件句,一般用过去时主句用时主句用“should/ would/ could/ might动词原形动词原形”.eg: If I had time, I would go for a walk. (事实上我现在没有时间,不能去散步)事实上我现在没有时间,不能去散步) If I were invited, I would go to the dinner.(事实上没有人邀请我,我也不能去参加宴会)事实上没有人邀请我,我也不能去参加宴会) If I had a million dollars, I would put it in the bank.(事实上我没有一百万美圆,也不可能存在银行)(事实上我没有一百万美圆,也不可能存在银行)tomorrownowIf it is fine , we will go to the park.If it doesnt rain, we will go to the park.If it was fine , I would go out to play.If it wasnt raining, I would go out to play.真实条件句真实条件句非真实条件句非真实条件句1)If I _(be) a bird, I _(fly) in the blue sky.2)If I _(find) a purse, I _(give) it to the police.3)If you _(have) something important, you _( can go) now.4)If he _(have) no time, lets ask Tom instead.5)If she _(come), please tell me.6)If I _(be) you, I _(choose) this one.Put these sentences into English.1.1.如果我是你如果我是你, ,我就穿上套装我就穿上套装. .2.2.如果我有一百万美圆如果我有一百万美圆, ,我就买一栋大房子我就买一栋大房子. .3.3.我不知道是否该去参加那个聚会我不知道是否该去参加那个聚会. .4.4.如果你是我如果你是我, ,你该怎么办你该怎么办? ?5.5.如果你努力学习英语如果你努力学习英语, ,你会通过考试的你会通过考试的. .6.6.他不知道是否该带礼物去他不知道是否该带礼物去. .Unit 4Period 2A: I win in a lottery . What would you do if you had 5 million money ?B: If I had 5 million money ,I A: Im going to CCTV for a party show. B: If I were you, I A: Im afraid of speaking in public.B: If I were you, IA: I argued with my best friend.B: If I were you, IA: A friend said something bad about me.B: If I were you, IA: I failed in the English test.B: If I were you, IA: My best friend didnt invite me to his party.B: If I were you, IA: I cant sleep well before I take an exam every time.B: If I were you, IA: I get nervous when I speak to a stranger each time.B: If I were you, IA: Im too shy to do anything.B: If I were you, Iab3aMatch each problem with the correct advice.3bThink of different advice for the problem in 3a. Role play conversations with your partner.A: I cant sleep the night before an exam. Then Im too tired to do well. What should I do?B: If I were you, Id NameAt homeAdviceAt schoolAdviceLilycant have a dog get a small pet like a goldfishhas few friendsbe more friendlyJimWe meet problems every day .Work in groupsto ask others problems and give advice. ThenReport the result according to your survey.4A: Im afraid of speaking in public.B: I think thats becausePre-reading Some of us are afraid of speaking in public, discuss in groups why that happens!SELFCHECK2while-readingRead the passage and answer the questions:1.Who is this e-mail from?2. Who is this e-mail to? Are you Knowledgeable?3.What s Meis problem? 4. Why do his classmates want Mei to take part in the contest?5.How can we help Mei? Its from Fran.Its to Knowledgeable. Yes/No Her classmates wants her to But she.Because sheI think if I were Mei, .Dear Konwledgeable:My best friend, Mei, has a problem. There is areally important English speech contest for ourwhole city next month. Our classmates want herto represent the class in the school contest. Everyone is sure she will win. Its probably true. Mei is very clever, and can speak English really well. In fact, she always comes top in the school exams. The problem is that shes very shy. She _英语演讲比赛英语演讲比赛英语演讲比赛英语演讲比赛_实际上实际上实际上实际上名列前茅名列前茅名列前茅名列前茅_代表代表代表代表_参加参加参加参加 Taking notes timedoesnt want to let friends down, but shes terrified of speaking in front of other people.Shes my friend, so she can tell me that shes shy. but she cant tell everyone that. I dont think they would believe her. I cant think of any good advice to give her, but you always come up with good solutions to peoples problems. What do you think I should tell Mei? What do you think I should tell the rest of the students?_不想让朋友们失望不想让朋友们失望不想让朋友们失望不想让朋友们失望_be terrified of doing sthbe terrified of doing sth. ._我想他们会不相信她我想他们会不相信她我想他们会不相信她我想他们会不相信她想出,想起想出,想起想出,想起想出,想起FranThe The restrest of the water of the water isis dirty dirty. .The The restrest of the students of the students areare doing doing homework carefully.homework carefully.He has 8 pens. He gave one to me,He has 8 pens. He gave one to me,and gave the and gave the restrest to others. to others.Only ten students attended the classOnly ten students attended the classbecause all the because all the restrest were off sick. were off sick. Post-reading 1) Discussion Discuss in groups, if you were Fran, what would you say to Mei?2) Writing If you are Knowledgeable, please write back to Fran to help Mei. For e-mail writing, we must pay For e-mail writing, we must pay attention to the following: attention to the following: 1. Keep your message short.1. Keep your message short. 2. Keep your message simple. 2. Keep your message simple. 3. Give your main idea using a few sentences 3. Give your main idea using a few sentences so people can understand you immediately.so people can understand you immediately. 4. Dont type all in capital letters.4. Dont type all in capital letters.Subject: Reply Subject: Reply From: Knowledgeable From: Knowledgeable DearFran,DearFran,Shynessisextremelycommon,especiallyShynessisextremelycommon,especiallyamongteens.Asshypeople,mostofusareamongteens.Asshypeople,mostofusareworryingaboutourselvesworryingaboutourselvesabouthowwelook,abouthowwelook,whatwesayandwhetherotherpeoplewilllikewhatwesayandwhetherotherpeoplewilllike usustostoptothinkaboutwhatwecandofortostoptothinkaboutwhatwecandofor otherpeople.Butreally,thatswhatbeingsocialotherpeople.Butreally,thatswhatbeingsocialisaboutisabouttheotherperson,notus.Soyoucantheotherperson,notus.Soyoucantellhertwowaystoovercomeshyness.tellhertwowaystoovercomeshyness.One sample version:One sample version: First,tellherthatsheshouldletpeopleknowFirst,tellherthatsheshouldletpeopleknowthatsheisshyincasesheismisunderstood.thatsheisshyincasesheismisunderstood.Second,tellherthatitisbettertomakethingsSecond,tellherthatitisbettertomakethingseasyfortheotherperson.Tellhertoremembereasyfortheotherperson.Tellhertorememberthatsheisthebestpersonforthejob;shecanthatsheisthebestpersonforthejob;shecanpractisepractiseinvariousways.Andtelltherestoftheinvariousways.Andtelltherestofthestudentsthatyoushouldallhelpandstudentsthatyoushouldallhelpandencouragehertoovercomeshyness.encouragehertoovercomeshyness.KnowledgeableKnowledgeable1) Oral work: Read 3a after the tape.2) Written work: Finish the letter in self check 2 Make a survey, find your classmates accidents and problemsaccidentsproblems1. 4Period 3Answer the questions and try to think what you are like.uAre you afraid to speak in public?uDo you like to meet new people?uDo you like art and music?uDo you often get nervous when you have to meet new people?uDo you often feel tired?1.1. people arent afraid to speak in public.people arent afraid to speak in public.2.2. people like to meet new people. people like to meet new people.3.3. people usually like art and music. people usually like art and music.4.4. people get nervous when they have people get nervous when they have to meet new people. to meet new people.5.5. people are hardly ever tired. people are hardly ever tired.outgoingenergetic confidentcreativeshyoutgoing energetic shy confident creative1aComplete the definitions.Who is this?Its Xie Na.What is she like?She is _. Personality:outgoing, serious, funny, smart, friendly, shy, unfriendly ,confident,creative, energeticWho is this?Its .What is he like?He is _. Personality:outgoing, serious, funny, smart, friendly, shy, unfriendly ,confident,creative, energeticWho is this?Its .What is he like?He is _. Personality:outgoing, serious, funny, smart, friendly, shy, unfriendly ,confident,creative, energeticWho is this?Its .What is he like?He is _. Personality:outgoing, serious, funny, smart, friendly, shy, unfriendly ,confident,creative, energeticWho is this?Its .What is he like?He is _. Personality:outgoing, serious, funny, smart, friendly, shy, unfriendly ,confident,creative, energeticWho is this?Its What is he like?He is _. Personality:outgoing, serious, funny, smart, friendly, shy, unfriendly ,confident,creative, energeticWho is this?Its What is he like?He is _. Personality:outgoing, serious, funny, smart, friendly, shy, unfriendly ,confident,creative, energeticWho is this?Its .What is he like?He is _. Personality:outgoing, serious, funny, smart, friendly, shy, unfriendly ,confident,creative, energeticWhich words in activity 1a describe you?Which words in activity 1a describe you?Tell your partner.Tell your partner.What are you like ?What are you like ?I think Im creative I think Im creative and outgoing.and outgoing.1b2aListen and check the questions.2bListen again and circle Bills responses.a. Id tell him to ask my permission before he borrows something next time.b. I wouldnt say anything.c. I would start borrowing his clothes without permission.a. Id introduce myself.b. Id wait for him/her to introduce himself/ herself to me.c. Id invite him/her to have dinner at my house._tell sb. to do sthtell sb. to do sthstart doing sthstart doing sth.wait for sb.to do sthwait for sb.to do sthintroduce sb.tointroduce sb.to sb. sb.invite sb.to do sthinvite sb.to do sth.Taking notes timeLook at activity 2a and write your own personality survey. Ask anyone you like.Ifafriendsaidsomethingbadaboutyou,wouldyoua.talktothefrienda.talktothefriendrightaway?rightaway?b.Saynothing?b.Saynothing?c.Thinkaboutwhatc.Thinkaboutwhatheorshesaid?heorshesaid?What is your own personality survey result? Please give us a report.Ifafriendsaidsomethingbadaboutyou,wouldyouIfyouranswerwasIfyouranswerwasa a,youareprobably,youareprobablyanoutgoingperson;anoutgoingperson;b b,areashyperson;,areashyperson;c c,areaprettyconfident,areaprettyconfidentperson.person.QuestionsS1S2S31)Say something bad about you2) Give a speech3)Borrow your clothes without permission4)Ask you to be in a movie5)Want to be friends with a new studentYour own personality surveyIf you answered _ for most questions, thenyou are probably pretty confident. Social situations dont bother you in the slightest.You know what you want, and you know how to get it. Sometimes you might annoy people because youre so confident.CRead and fillRead and fillLook at activity 2a and write your own personality survey. Choose a, b, or c .3aIf you answerd _ for most questions, youare outgoing and fairly confident. You have plenty of friends, and you enjoy the companyof other people. People come to you when theywant advice. Your friends would probably saythat you are easy to get along with.aIf most of your answers were _ , you areprobably a shy person. You like talking to oneor two people rather than to a group. You would also rather stay at home and read a good bookthan go to a party. You have a small circle of very good friends. Your friends would probablysay you are a good listener.bIf you answered _ for most questions, thenyou are probably pretty confident. Social situations dont bother you in the slightest. You know how to get it. Sometimes you might annoypeople because youre so confident._be pretty confidentbe pretty confident_troubletroubleTaking notes timeIf you answer _ for most questions, youare outgoing and fairly confident. You have plenty of friends, and you enjoy the companyof other people. People come to you when theywant advice. Your friends would probably saythat you are easy to get along with._a lot ofa lot ofononIf most of your answer were _ , you areprobably a shy person. You like talking to oneor two people rather than to a group. You would also rather stay at home and read a good bookthan go to a party. You have a small circle of very good friends. Your friends would probablysay you are a good listener._rather than: rather than: 而不是而不是而不是而不是rather than: rather than: 宁愿宁愿宁愿宁愿 而不愿而不愿而不愿而不愿 _Ask students in your group the questionsAsk students in your group the questionsfrom their survey.from their survey.Example:AsforQuestion1,howmanypeoplewouldtalktothefriendrightaway?Three.Andtwopeoplewouldsaynothing.4 Discuss in groups : If you were all grow-ups now, what were you like? What personality would you like to have? Why? Then give us a report.SUMMARYNew words: pimple exam herself permission confident energeticKey sentences: What would you do if ? If I were ,Id. You should .Important phrases: without permission(未未经允允许), ask ones permission (征征询某人的允某人的允许), be confident of (对自自信信) ,give a speech (作演作演讲), get pimples (起丘疹起丘疹) ,introduce oneself to sb. (向某人介向某人介绍自己自己)1.Im really _. Ive been studying all day.2.I dont like making speeches. I feel _ talking in front of many people.3.If you were more _ to people, you would have more friends.4.My stomach feels _. I think I ate something bad at lunch time.5.Paul is a bit _ at first, but when he knows you, he talks a lot.tiredtirednervousnervousfriendlyfriendlyterribleterribleshyshySELFCHECK1Fill in the blanks.Fill in the blanks.nervous shy tired terrible friendlyWrite a short passage according to your discussion in class.If I were.IdUnit 4Period 4A: I win in a lottery . What would you do if you had RMB 5 million yuan?B: If I had RMB 5 million yuan, IA: They are in the desert.B: If I were in the desert, I wouldA: A friend said something bad about me.B: If I were you, IA: I cut my finger by accident yesterday.B: If I were you, IA: My finger got burned by accident yesterday.B: If I were you, IA: A friend offered me a cigarette yesterday.B: If I were you, IA: An “ Internet friend” has asked if I could meet.B: If I were you, IPre-readingWhat would you do if accidentsproblems1. What kinds of accidents do you know of ?What problems do teenagers have these days?What is the biggest problem a teenager has?Give us a report, pleaseMartin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers. His new book, What Would You Do IfWhat Would You Do If came out last month. It gives advice on what to do in lots of different situations. If I were you, Id have a first-aid book on a nearby shelf in your home. Fast reading:What should we do if we get pimples when we are nervous?A. We should lie down to have a rest .B. We should shout loudly for help.C. First drink much water then lie down.D. We should drink more water and ask our doctors for advice.While readingRead the passage and find, what situations are mentioned ,fill in the chart below:accidentsadviceproblemsadvice1. Taking notes time1.You know more than you think.1.You know more than you think. 你知道的要比你以为的要多你知道的要比你以为的要多你知道的要比你以为的要多你知道的要比你以为的要多. .2.are faced with: be faced with2.are faced with: be faced with 面临,面对面临,面对面临,面对面临,面对3.has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers3.has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers have experience (in) doing sthhave experience (in) doing sth. . 在做某事方面有经验在做某事方面有经验在做某事方面有经验在做某事方面有经验. . deal withdeal with 对付,应付,处理,和对付,应付,处理,和对付,应付,处理,和对付,应付,处理,和 打交道打交道打交道打交道4.came out: come out4.came out: come out 出版出版出版出版5.give advice on5.give advice on: : 提出关于提出关于提出关于提出关于 的建议的建议的建议的建议?6.in lots of different situations6.in lots of different situations 在许多不同的情形中在许多不同的情形中在许多不同的情形中在许多不同的情形中7.cut yourself by accident7.cut yourself by accident 无意中划伤了自己无意中划伤了自己无意中划伤了自己无意中划伤了自己8.cover the cut with a clean cloth8.cover the cut with a clean cloth 用一块干净的布将伤口包起来用一块干净的布将伤口包起来用一块干净的布将伤口包起来用一块干净的布将伤口包起来9.two pages from the book 9.two pages from the book 书上的两页书上的两页书上的两页书上的两页10.press.hard 10.press.hard 按紧按紧按紧按紧11.fall downstairs 11.fall downstairs 从楼上摔下从楼上摔下从楼上摔下从楼上摔下 Taking notes time12.get the medical help first 12.get the medical help first 先求得医疗帮助先求得医疗帮助先求得医疗帮助先求得医疗帮助13.burn oneself 13.burn oneself 烧伤自己烧伤自己烧伤自己烧伤自己14.find out how bad it is 14.find out how bad it is 弄清伤势如何弄清伤势如何弄清伤势如何弄清伤势如何15.put sth. under sth15.put sth. under sth. . 把把把把 放在放在放在放在 下下下下16.burned area 16.burned area 烧伤部位烧伤部位烧伤部位烧伤部位17.cold running water 17.cold running water 自来水自来水自来水自来水18.injure ones knee 18.injure ones knee 伤了某人的膝盖伤了某人的膝盖伤了某人的膝盖伤了某人的膝盖19.feel some pain 19.feel some pain 感到疼痛感到疼痛感到疼痛感到疼痛 Taking notes time?20.offer sb. cigarettes 20.offer sb. cigarettes 递给某人烟递给某人烟递给某人烟递给某人烟21.the dangers of smoking 21.the dangers of smoking 吸烟的危害吸烟的危害吸烟的危害吸烟的危害22.hide sth22.hide sth. from sb. . from sb. 避开某人掩藏某物避开某人掩藏某物避开某人掩藏某物避开某人掩藏某物23.meet an internet friend alone23.meet an internet friend alone 单独见网友单独见网友单独见网友单独见网友 Taking notes time?Do a class survey on accidents and problems. Ask questions like : Have you ever had an accident? What happened? What did you do? Have you ever had a problem? Did you ask for advice? Did the advice help?Post-reading Make a survey, Then give us a report.A: Have you ever had an accident? B: Yes , I have.A: What happened? B: A: What did you do? B: I A: Have you ever had a problem? B: yes , I have.A: Did you ask for advice? B: yes, I did .A: Did the advice help?B: ReportGive us a report according your survey chart:Names accidentsadviceproblemsadvice1. example: Sam cut his finger by accident. Out of reading: Discuss in groups: If you hurt somebody badly by accident and you were in prison now, what would you do? Why? Then give us a report. 1.Read the article.2. Copy the new words.3.Write down the survey report in your composition book.4. Review the unit .
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