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Cultural Corner 教学内容和目标教学内容和目标1. 了解英语国家中学教育的大致情况了解英语国家中学教育的大致情况; 通过对比通过对比, ,思考我国中学教育。思考我国中学教育。2. 学习文章当中的语言点。学习文章当中的语言点。3. 通过两两对话练习谈论中外学校的通过两两对话练习谈论中外学校的教育体系教育体系, ,拓展想象力。拓展想象力。What do you know about the high school system in the US? Their classes are lively and interestingTheir after-school activities are colorful. Ninth to twelfth grades. A high diploma. Read the letter and answer the questions. How long does secondary school cover in the US? Which grades are high school? What do they need if they want to go to college?Seven years. Paragraph 1:Paragraph 2: How many semesters are there in the school year? Two . What are they? The first is September through December, and the second January through May. What is the school schedule? They start at 7:50 am and they finish at 3 pm.Paragraph 3:What is the main idea of this paragraph? The students after-school activities.Paragraph 4:What is the main idea of the paragraph? The author wants to know something about the Chinese school system.Whats similar and whats different in the Whats similar and whats different in the American and Chinese school systems?American and Chinese school systems?Read again and answer. Similarities:Differences: A school year is divided into two semesters.American schools have long vacations.Is the high school diploma useful? Why?A high school diploma is useful for the students who want to go to college.Things to compare US secondary school system Chinese secondary school system ages(fromto) School diploma First semester (time)Ages1116/18 Ages 1218 They have to get They have to get September throughDecember September through January Read again and fill in the table. Second semester (time) After-school activity January through May February through June Football basketball volleyball table tennis theater club Football basketball volleyball tennis Things to compare US secondary school systemChinese secondary school systemSummer vacation School scheduleJune through AugustJuly through August Start at 7:50 am and finish at 3 pm. Start at 8: 00 am and finish at 5:00 pm. Compulsory subject mathematics,science, art, English, social science, physical education, hygiene, safety Chinese, English,Mathematics, biology, chemistry, history, physics, biology, politics .Foreign languages to choose Chinese Spanish Russian and so on Mainly EnglishLanguage points1. cover1) 包含包含;包括包括 His report covered all aspects of the problem. 2) 走过走过/行过行过(通常不用被动语态通常不用被动语态) How far can we cover a day? 3) (钱钱)够用够用 Will 10,000 dollars cover the bill? 4) 采访采访;报导;报导 cover the Olympics(09山山 东东 )-Do you have enough to _all your daily expenses? A. cover B. spend C. fill D. offer 2. divideinto/be divided into divide the class into small groups The school year is divided into two semesters. separatefrom/be separated from When he joined the crowd, he got _ from his friends.第第第第15151515页页页页山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学以情育人以情育人以情育人以情育人 以情凝人以情凝人以情凝人以情凝人3. The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December, and the second January through May. 此句中the first of which .是一个由“序数词+ 介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,此句型可以用于指人,也可以用于指物。指人时关系代词用whom,指物时用which.此处的关系代词which不能被that代替。例如: . She has many books, one of which is interesting.她有很多书,其中只有一本有趣。 . Her sons, both of whom work abroad, ring her up every week.她的两个儿子,都在国外工作,他们每周都给她打电话。第第第第16161616页页页页山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学以情育人以情育人以情育人以情育人 以情凝人以情凝人以情凝人以情凝人There are 70 students in our class, forty of whom are boys.当堂检测: The newly-built cafe, the walls of _are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after hard work. (2010江苏)A. that B. it C. what D. which第第第第17171717页页页页山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学以情育人以情育人以情育人以情育人 以情凝人以情凝人以情凝人以情凝人4. attend/ join/ join in/ take part in join参加组织、团体;加入某人,成为其中一员join in参加某项活动。take part in 参加大型群众性或集体性活动,并在活动中有责任,起作用。attend出席会议,上课,听报告,上学或参加仪式/典礼等。第第第第18181818页页页页山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学以情育人以情育人以情育人以情育人 以情凝人以情凝人以情凝人以情凝人eg.1.My uncle joined the Communist Party of China in 1978. 我叔叔1978年加入中国共产党。2. We are going for a swim. Will you come and join us? 我们要去游泳,你要一起加入吗? 3. join sb in sth/doing sth与一起参加(正在进行的活动) He joined them in the work. 他同他们一起工作。 Will you join us in playing basketball? 你跟我们一起打篮球好吗?第第第第19191919页页页页山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学山东省招远第一中学以情育人以情育人以情育人以情育人 以情凝人以情凝人以情凝人以情凝人4. take part in 表示参加该项活动并起积极作用,常说take an active part in5. attend “出席”、 “ 参加” ,指参加会议或仪式、婚礼、葬礼、典礼、上课、上学、听报告等, 强调的是这一动作的本身,而不强调参加者在活动中起作用。 attend the meeting attend school Work in pairs. Talk about the following questions:1. Which school system is more interesting and attractive? Why?2. What do you imagine the perfect school system to be like? If you are the Minister of Education in China, do you think it is necessary to make some changes of the school system? And in what way?
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