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1WhatisAprilFoolsDay?AprilFoolsDayisafor-fun-onlyobservanceinwhichsillyharmlesspranksareplayedonothers.Therearenogiftstobuyorcelebrationstogearupfor.Itsafunlittleholiday,onwhichyoumustremainonthealertoryoumaybethenextAprilFool!2April Fools Day In the 16th century, people celebrated New Years Day from March 25 to April 1. In the mid1560s King Charles IX changed it from March 25 to January 1. But some people still celebrated in on April 1, so others called them April Fools. 3April Fools Day April Fools Day is a day to play jokes on others, No one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in France. 4April Fools Day Each country celebrates April Fools Day differently. In France, people call the April Fools “April Fish”. They tape a paper fish to their friends backs to fool them. When he or she finds this , they shout “April Fish!” 5April Fools Day In England, people play jokes only in the morning. You are a “noodle” if someone fools you. In Scotland, April Fools Day is 48 hours long. They call an April Fool “April Gowk”. Gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird. 6April Fools Day In the America, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of April. They may point down to your shoe and say, “ Your shoelace is untied.” If you believe them and look down to see, you are an April Fool then. 7Somejokesinthatday.JOKE1Alittleboyaskedhisfather:Daddy,howmuchdoesitcosttogetmarried?Thefatherreplied:Idontknowson.Imstillpaying!JOKE2Wifetalkingtoherhusband(whoreadsnewspaperallday):IwishIwereanewspapersoIllbeinyourhandsallday.Husband:Iwishthattoo,soIcouldchangeyoudaily8Custom IApril Fools Day 1, it is often a family gathering, with daffodils and daisies decorated the room. Typical daffodils and daisies traditional practicesLayout of the environment is false, you can have the room decorated like Christmas. As can also be arranged like Chinese New Year, to be guests, then congratulations to them Merry Christmas or Happy New Year, it was interesting and unique.9Custom IIIn April fools party, theres a kind of false dishes customs. Someone once described a typical April fools day recipes: there was a salad, lettuce leaves scattered on the green pepper, but the leaf uncover, just the detection below is originally oyster cocktails, The second dish is roast potatoes, actually below is sweet breadcrumbs .Thereafter dish and using crab meat as the roast chicken pretending and hiding tomato salad below the raspberry ice cream. After dinner, guests can also from pill box feeding candy.10Haveyoubeentricked? Well,therearelotsofsimpletricksthatyoucanplayonyourfriends.Forexample,youcouldwearablacksweaterandpullapieceofwhitethreadthroughit,sothatpeopletrytopullitoff.Youcouldchangethetimeonsomeonesalarmclocksothattheyrelateforwork.Orglueacointothefloorandseehowmanypeopletrytopickitup.11Cruel method1你的周围有没有爱占小便宜的人,你可以把一只香烟的烟丝小心的拿出,注意不要把烟纸弄坏,再把辣椒末放入,再放上烟丝整理好,放在一个他经常去的地方让他自己拿不要管他,然后你就看好戏吧。 Around you have love to take petty advantages of person, you can put a cigar tobacco carefully take out smoke, keep it, and then put pepper paper, then add the end in tobacco finishing well, put a he often goes to the place let him take dont tube he, then youll see modernism-styled program12Cruel method2If it is on the late shift, arching over or two evening go higher floor, among the later leave the better, and will have to wait until the elevator door inside elevator, only one or two people, you and your friend say: wow, elevators so crowded, we still walk! Estimate elevator inside may be frightened face turned green, if a friend plus a word yes, too crowded, the effect will be doubled.如果是晚自习或者上晚班,两个人晚上去中间偏高的楼层,越晚离开越好,并且要等电梯,等到电梯开门里面只有一两个人的时候,就和你朋友说:“哇,电梯这么挤,我们还是走路吧。”估计电梯里面的人可能会被吓的脸都变青了,如果朋友再加一句“是啊,太挤了”,效果会加倍。 13Cruel method3Walk to a no, enter the door to door of prentend by glass hit, cover their faces, “push” open the door walk into note: still want to look behind any person, and want to let him get your distance moderate; Acting to demand higher. Unexpected consequence: you behind of person did not enter the gate of plan走到一个没有门的门口,进门的时候假装被玻璃撞到,捂着脸,走到一个没有门的门口,进门的时候假装被玻璃撞到,捂着脸,“推推”开门走进去开门走进去 注意事项:还是要看看后面有没有人,而且要让他得到你的距离适中;注意事项:还是要看看后面有没有人,而且要让他得到你的距离适中;演技要求较高演技要求较高. . 难以预料的后果:你后面的人根本就没有进这个门的打算难以预料的后果:你后面的人根本就没有进这个门的打算 14April fools day eyesight test151617TheEnd18
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