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POMPEIILaura RagoonananChantal RaymondKevin Moore1 Eruption of August 24-25 79ADnPliny -a Roman administrator and poet, whose many vivid letters have been preservednWarning signsnPeople were unpreparednCuriosity instead of fear2Eruption of August 24-25 79ADnEruptions took 17 hrsnBig and small onenPeople that were left behind were either the old or the young. nMany died from Thermal ShocknAt least 750oF3Eruption contnLong periods of inactivity at VesuviusnFalse sense of securitynPeople were not aware of the impact of past eruptionsnWiped out previously densely populated sitesnAvellino prumice 1800 BC4Pompeii: Before the EruptionnFounded in the 18th century BC by the Oscansn6th Century BC, under Greek rulen400 BC: Conquered by Samnites n80 BC: Conquered by Rome5Pompeii: Before the EruptionnRecovering from Earthquake of 62 A.D. nMany repairs and reconstructionnTrying to Carry on with life as usualnBooming EconomynLarge Mediterranean trade pointnHoliday Villas of the Rich profitingnWells dried up 10 days beforenCows on the hills were behaving strangely6Pompeii is unique because.7ExcavationsnCity rediscovered in 1590 by workmen digging a canal, and again in 1711.nRecognized as Pompeii in 1736.nFully excavated in 1748nSkeletons found in 1982 that may have boarded ships.nAll excavations finished in 1983nCurrent restoration and conservation8POMPEIILocation9 1011POMPEIIUncovering the City12 13HOUSE OF FAUN14 1516171819HOUSE OF VETTIPompeii20 2122Beware of dog2324FORUMPompeii25 2627282930GRAFFITI31 Graffiti wallsn49323334STREETSVia dellAbbondanza35 36p513738THERMOPOLIUMPompeii39 40p5241THEATERPompeii42 4344PALAESTRAAMPHITHEATERPompeii45 4647TEMPLESPompeii48 4950BATHSPompeii51 52
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