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Section B ReadingHometown FeelingsUnit 10 I ve had this bike for three years.Try to guess what a passage is about by usingprevious knowledge. (已有知识)Tip 1: Answering questions before we read can help us do this.Why do millions of Chinese leave the countryside every year?How often do you think these people return to their hometowns?To study? To get better education?To search for work?.A. look for B. care forWhy do they return to their hometowns?Discussing TimeNo matter how far away from your hometown, there must be many sweet memories about your hometown in your heart. delicious foodgood/terrible weatherbeautiful scenerysweet memorieshigh/a lot of hillsheavy trafficbusy/clean streettall/old/new buildingsfriendly peopleHometown feelingsEast, west, home is the best !Read and match the main ideasPara 1Para 2&3 Para 4Many soft and sweet memories inchildhood.Many Chinese leave hometowns to search for work.Changes in their hometowns.Part1Part2Part3A. Full of soft and sweet memories B. Full of great interestC. Full of shame(惭愧)Find out the suitable feeling of each partHow old is Zhong Wei?Where does he work now?How long?Read Paragraph 1 carefully and answer the questions.lived in Wen Zhou?hasn t been back home?almostWhy is he full of shame?He is too busy and he hasn t been back for 3 years.He regards it as a shame.It s a pityTip2: Talking about pictures before we read helps us do this.What has changed?Who has helped to build the new school?The government.He regards with great interesthow his hometown has changed.new buildingsnew roadspeopleteacherschildrenlarge hospitalsnew schoolsare sent from the cities to helphave learned to read and countsince the mid-20thcenturyHometown s developments .Read Paragraph 2&3 carefully and fill in the chart.changes100 years What else has the government done to help?My hometown cannot always stay the same !What things will never change?Why?1. According to Zhong Wei, some things will always change.2. In Zhong Wei s hometown, there was a big old tree next to the school.3. The tree has become a symbol of his hometown.Hometown has left in their hearts.A. unhappy memories B. soft and sweet memoriesC. nothingneveroppositeFFTRead paragraph 4 carefully and judge true or false.There s no place like hometown !Summary TimeMany Chinese people these days leave their _to work in the _. They usually _ to their hometown one or two times a _. Zhong Wei hasnt been back in close to three years. He has been working in a crayon factory in Wenzhou _the past 13 years. People like him are _ in how their hometowns are changing. Government has built new roads, schools and _. Zhong Wei thinks these _are good because things need to change in order to become better. But he also thinks some things _ change, and his hometown is still the place that holds all his childhood _.Share your soft and sweet memories togetherSharing Time Where is your hometown? Do you like your hometown? What are some of the special places in your hometown? How often do you return to your hometown? What are the changes in your hometown?Hometown is a real great placefor us. No matter where we have moved and how far away we are. we cant get away from homesickness(乡愁). We miss our hometown because there are things that we love.Write something about changes that are happening in your hometown. You can use some sentences in 2d.
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