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汽轮机运行汽轮机运行 turbine operation1. 机组的启动 1. STARTUP OF TURBINE 1.1 汽轮机组在下列情况时禁止启动a)危急保安器动作不正常,高压自动主汽门、调节汽门、抽汽逆止门卡涩或不能关严时;b)汽轮发电机组转动部分有明显的摩擦声;机内有明显的金属声。c)调速系统不能维持汽轮机空负荷运行,或机组甩负荷后不能维持转速在危急保安器动作转速以下;d)主轴晃动值相对于原始值大于0.02mm(转子温度均匀状态允许的原始晃动值不大于 0.05mm)e)辅助油泵,顶轴系统及盘车装置失常时;1.1 Forbidden startup scope of turbinea)When emergency governor acts abnormally, HP automatic main stop valve, governing valve or bleed steam check valve has blockage or can not be closed fully;b)There is obvious friction sound in rotary part of turbo-generator unit; there is obvious metal collision sound.c)Speed governing system can not maintain no-load operation of turbine, or after unit rejects load, it can not maintain rotary speed below the action speed of emergency governor:d)vibration value of main shaft is 0.02mm bigger than original value (the original vibration value in even state of rotor temperature is no big than 0.05mm);e)When auxiliary oil pump, jacking oil system and turning gear device are abnormal;1nf)抗燃油或透平油油质不合格,油温低于正常(油系统充满油后);ng)保温不完整;nh)主要仪表(如轴向位移,相对膨胀,转速表及重要金属温度表,主蒸汽压力和温度表等)失灵时;ni)汽缸调节级区域上下缸温度超过50;nk)汽轮机真空不能保持0.067MPa时。f)EH oil or turbine oil is not qualified, and oil temperature is abnormal (after oil system is full of oil);g)Insulation is not complete;h)Main instruments (such as axial displacement, relative expansion, tachometer and important metal thermometer, main steam pressure condenser vacuum meter and thermometer) has failure;i)The upper and the lower casings temperature of turbine governing stage area exceeds 50.j)Vacuum of turbine can not keep at 0.067MPa. 2n1.2启动前的准备工作 1.2 Preparation before turbine startup: na)检查油系统,油箱、油管道、冷油器不漏油,油箱油位正常,n 油箱和冷油器放油门关严,冷油器进、出口油门处于开启位置,n 交流、直流电动润滑油泵入口门开启,出口门开启;nb)电动主闸门及其旁路门处于关闭位置;nc)自动主汽门、调速汽门处于关闭位置;nd)管道和汽缸本体疏水阀处于开启位置;ne)各抽汽管道逆止门处于关闭位置;a)Check whether oil system, oil tank, oil pipes and oil cooler leak, oil level is normal, outlet valve of oil tank and oil cooler closes tightly, inlet and outlet oil valve of oil cooler is in open position, inlet valve and outlet valve of AC and DC electric lube oil pump are open.b)Electric main stop valve and other bypass valves are in closed position;c)Auto main stop valve and speed governing valve are in closed position;d)Drain valves of pipe and casing proper are in open position;e)Each bleed steam pipe check valve is in closed position;3nf)轴承进油温度不低于35;ng)抗燃油源各阀门状态正确,油温升至20以上,抗燃油系统压力调至14MPa。f)Inlet oil temperature of bearing is no less than 35;g)Valves of fire-proof oil source are in right state, oil temperature rises above 20, and the fire-proof oil system pressure is adjusted to 14MPa.4n1.3锅炉点火前的操作na)投入发电机冷却系统;nb)启动排烟装置;nc)启动交流润滑油泵,使润滑油系统开始循环;nd)油循环进行10min后,启动高压油泵;ne)按顶轴装置说明书投入顶轴装置。检查各轴承顶轴油压正常,然后投盘车装置,测量大轴晃动度,倾听机组内部声音;nf)油系统的结构和参数检查必须严格,否则要造成严重事故;1.3 Preparation before boiler ignition:a)Put generator cooling system into operation;b)Startup smoke venting device;c)Start up AC lube oil pump to make lube oil system began to circulate;d)After oil circulation is maintained for 10 minutes, start up HP oil pump;e)Start up jacking oil pump. Check whether jacking oil pressure of each bearing is normal, and then put turning gear into operation, measure shaking degree of main shaft and listen to inner part of unit;f)Strictly check structure and parameters of oil system, or it may cause serious accident;5ng)检查保护系统正常;nh)启动一台凝结水泵,开启再循环门;ni)启动水环真空泵抽真空;nj)冷凝器压力抽至75KPa(a)时,锅炉点火。g)Check whether protecting system is normal;h) Startup one condensate pump and open recirculation valve;i)Start up water ring type vacuum pump to vacuate;j)When the pressure in condenser is 75KPa(a), ignite boiler. 1.4锅炉点火后的操作na)启动一台给水泵;nb)当主蒸汽压力达0.98MPa,温度达250时向轴封送汽。送汽压力0.110.127Mpa.温度1501.4Preparation after boiler ignition:a)Start up one feed water pump;b)When main steam pressure reaches 0.98MPa, and temperature reaches 250, send steam to gland seal. Steam conveying pressure is 0.110.127Mpa and temperature is 150.6n1.5冷态启动冲转条件na)主蒸汽压力0.98MPa,主蒸汽温度250;nb)油温40,到45间,润滑油压在0.0980.0196MPa间,调节油压在:抗燃油为14.8 MPa,透平油为1.960.1MPa间;nc)冷凝器压力在45-50kPa间;nd)盘车运行正常,连续盘车时间不小于2h;ne)大轴晃动值不超过原始晃动值0.02mm。n1.5 Rolling conditions for Cold state startup operation of turbine :n1) Main steam pressure is 0.98MPa, and main steam temperature is 250 ;n2) Oil temperature is between 40 and 45 , lubrication oil pressure is between 0.0980.0196MPa, governing oil pressure: fire-resistant oil is 14.8 MPa, turbine oil is between 1.960.1MPa;n3) Condenser pressure is between 45-50kPa;n4) Turning gear is normal, and continuous turning gear time should not be less than 2 hours;n5) vibration value of main shaft should not exceed 0.02mm of the original value.7n1.6冲转、升速、暖机、定速 Rolling, speed up, warming-up, constant speedn1.6.1冲转前投入主机保护装置。n1.6.2投入排汽缸喷水。n1.6.3通过DEH,开启电动主闸门、自动主汽门,逐渐开启调速汽门,以每分钟100r/min的升速率升速到500r/min,其中当200r/min时停顶轴装置,低速暖机5min,进行检查和听音,低速暖机结束后,DEH以每分钟100r/min的升速率提升转速到1500r/min,中速暖机约20min,继续以每分钟100r/min升速率升到3000r/min,定速。通过临界转速时升速率应在每分钟300r/min600r/min(可调),通过临界转速时轴承盖振动不超过0.10mm(全轴系中各转子在弹性支承下的临界转速:高压1753r/min低压1592r/min发电机转子976r/min)。n1.6.1 Put main machine protecting device into operation before rolling.n1.6.2 Put exhaust casing spray water into operation.n1.6.3 By DEH, open electric main gate, automatic main throttle valve, slowly open speed governing valve, the speed will rise to 500r/min at the rising rate of 100r/min. When the speed is 200r/min, the head shaft gear shall be stop to warm up at low speed for 5min, then make examination and check if there is any sound. After warming up, the rotating speed of DEH will rise to 1500r/min at the rising rate of 100r/min, then warming up at high speed for about 20min, finally, the rotating speed of DEH will rise to 3000r/min at the rising rate of 100r/min, then maintaining this rotating speed. When in critical rotating speed, the rising rate shall be from 300r/min to 600r/min (adjustable), the degree of vibration of bearing cap shall not be more than 0.10mm (the critical rotating speed of each rotor under elastic support is: 1753r/min at high pressure, 1592r/min at low pressure, the rotating speed of generator rotor is 976r/min). 8n1.6.4机组定速后,进行全面检查,确信一切正常,可按调节保安系统试验要求进行各有关项目的试验,试验合格后,机组可并列及带负荷。n2.6.4 After the rotating speed is maintained, complete inspection shall be carried out to ensure the turboset is normal. If necessary, all rated tests according to requirements for testing adjusting and governing system, after passing the test, the turboset can be connected with electric network and operated with load. n1.7并列与带负荷 Connecting with electric network and operating with load n1.7.1并入电网后,保持锅炉汽压不变,用开大调速汽门增加负荷,直到全开,先接带5MW左右的初始负荷,然后锅炉按滑参数冷态启动曲线(见图1)升压升温负荷随之增加,具体过程如下:n1.7.1 After connecting with electric network, maintain the boiler pressure, then increase the load by slowly opening the speed regulating valve until it is completely open. First, operating with initial load of about 5MW, then raise both the pressure and temperature according to the curve of parameters for cold start (see Figure 1), the load will be increased, the procedure in detail is as follow: n0MW10MW: 20minn10MW暖机 warming up:40minn10MW40MW: 60minn40MW暖机 warming up: 60minn40MW100MW:80min9n1.7.2并列、带负荷阶段与冲动、升速阶段一样都是在DEH系统控制之下进行。n1.7.2 As the phase of rotating and speeding up, the phase of connecting with electric network and operating with load is controlled by DEH system. n1.8升速和加负荷过程中注意事项n 1.8 Notes during speeding up and operating with load na)在升速或加负荷过程中,如出现异常振动,应稍降转速或减负荷,找出原因,消除振动,并在此转速或负荷下稳定运行一段时间,再继续升速或加负荷;na) During speeding up and operating with load, if there is any abnormality, the rotating speed shall be slowed down a little or the operating load shall be decreased slightly to diagnose causes and eliminate undesired vibration, make stably running at this rotating speed and load for a certain period of time, then speeding up or increasing load continuously; nb)机组冷态启动时,应记录好各暖机转速和负荷下的高压内缸下半调节级处金属温度以作为机组停机后再次启动时的依据;nb) During cold start of turboset, the rotating speed for each time of warming up and the metal temperature at the lower governing region inside the high pressure casing shall be written down, 10nc)升速和加负荷过程中应控制下列上限值:nc) During speeding up and increasing load, the following upper limit values shall be controlled: n主蒸汽温升率2.5/minnThe rising rate of main steam temperature shall not be more than 2.5/min. n主蒸汽管管壁温升率7/minnThe rising rate of temperature at wall of main steam pipe shall not be more than 7/min. n高压主汽门、调速汽门阀壁温升率5/minnThe rising rate of temperature at the wall of high pressure main throttle valve and speed regulating throttle valve shall not be more than 5/min.n汽缸及法兰金属温升率 2.5/minnThe rising rate of metal temperature of casing and flange shall not be more than 2.5/min.n上下缸温差不大于50nThe temperature difference between upper and lower casings shall not be more than 50.11n法兰左、右温差15nThe temperature difference between the left and right side of flange shall not be more than 15.n法兰上、下温差20nThe temperature difference between the up and down side of flange shall not be more than 20n汽缸及法兰内、外壁80nThe temperature difference between the inside and outside of casing and flange shall not be more than 80n汽缸与法兰80nThe temperature of casing and flange shall not be more than 80.n外缸法兰中壁与螺栓50nThe temperature at the middle of flange outside the casing and that of bolt shall not be more than 50.n高压缸相对膨胀不得超过+4.0-2mmnThe relative expansion of high pressure casing shall not be more than +4.0-2mm低压缸相对膨胀不得超过+7.0-4.0mm。nThe relative expansion of low pressure casing shall not be more than +7.0-4.0mm122.运行中的维护及检查运行中的维护及检查 2. Maintenance and check in operating n2.1上述1.8、c)中的控制值在运行中都要遵守,以下还有一些运行中控制指标。n2.1The upper limit values listed in above section 1.8. c) shall be followed during running, besides, there are also some parameters listed as follows to be controlled. n2.2机组的额定参数机组的额定参数 2.2 Nominal parameters of turbosetn 主蒸汽压力:主蒸汽压力:8.83MPa Main steam pressure:8.83MPan 主蒸汽温度:主蒸汽温度:535 Main steam temperature:535n2.3参数在下列情况下仍可保持额定功率长期运行参数在下列情况下仍可保持额定功率长期运行n2.3 The turboset can be running with normal parameters for a long time in case of following situationsna)排汽压力0.0079Mpa,新汽压力 8.349.42 MPa,温度525545范围内,且两者可同时变化;na) The exhaust pressure is 0.0079Mpa, the fresh steam pressure is 8.349.42 MPa, the temperature is 525545, furthermore, the fresh steam pressure and temperature can be changed simultaneously; nb)新蒸汽参数不低于额定值,排汽压力不大于0.035MPa。nb) The parameters of fresh steam is not less than nominal parameters, the exhaust pressure is not more than 0.035MPa.13n2.4汽轮机允许短期运行之最高新蒸汽参数为9.42MPa及545但此两极限值不能同时出现,且在任何一个极限值下连续运行时间不得超过30min,全年累计运行时间不得超过20h。n2.5主蒸汽低于512时,应减负荷运行,汽温降到502时,将电动主闸门前的疏水门打开,降到492开始疏水,温度降到452时,负荷减到零,如汽温继续下降到432仍不能恢复时,应打闸停机。n2.4 The maximum parameters for short period time of running for turboset is 9.42MPa and 545, however, the two upper limit values can not be maintained at the same time, furthermore, the running time of turboset at each upper limit value shall not be more than 20h. n2.5 If the main steam temperature is lower than 512, the operating load shall be decreased. When the steam temperature is down to 502, open the draining valve installed before the electric main gate. Only the steam temperature is down to 492 can the discharging be carried out. When the temperature is down to 452, the operating load will be reduced to zero. If the parameters still can not be recovered to normal values even when the steam temperature is reduced to 432, the gate shall be closed and the turboset shall be stopped. 14n2.6新蒸汽参数变化低于允许变化范围的低限值时,应设法尽快恢复到正常值,如短时间不能恢复时,可根据下列原则减负荷:n2.6 When the parameters of fresh steam are lower than the lower limit value of allowable range, measures shall be taken to try to recover the normal values. If they can not be recovered in short period of time, the operating load shall be reduced according to following guides: n各监视段压力不超过表1中数值;nThe pressure at each monitoring phase shall not be more than that listed in table 1; n表1 Table 115级段号Number of stages调节级后After governing stage5级后After 5th stage8级后After 8th stage11级后After 11th stage14级后After 14th stage16级后After 16th stage19/24级后After 19th/24th stage允许最大压力MPa Allowable maximum pressure/ MPa7.03.652.011.120.520.250.0816nb)轴向位移及止推轴承回油温度不得超过正常运行时最大工况下的相应数值;nb) The axial displacement and scavenge oil temperature of thrust bearing shall not be more than corresponding values in case of normal running at most serious operating situation; nc)机组不出现其它异常情况。nc) There is no abnormality in turboset. n2.7机组在80%-100%额定负荷(TMCR)下运行时,当冷凝器压力升高到n18.6KPa时,汽轮机应先减负荷,恢复真空。压力升高到20KPa时,发出警报信号。当压力继续升高到21KPa时,打闸停机。低于80%(TMCR)额定负荷时的背压控制设定值见“背压限制保护曲线”。n2.7 When the turboset is running at 80%-100% (TMCR) of rated load, and the condenser pressure rises to 18.6KPa, the operating load shall be first reduced then recovered to vacuum. When the pressure rises to 20KPa, an warning signal will be sent out. If the pressure continues to rise to 21KPa, the gate shall be closed and the turboset shall be stopped. If the turboset is running at lower than 80%(TMCR) of rated load, the setting values of backing pressure can refer to “ Curve of controlled and protected backing pressure”. 17n2.8排汽缸温度在空负荷时不得超过120,满负荷时不得超过80。n2.8 The temperature inside the casing in case of no-load shall not be more than 120, and that in case of full load shall not be more than 80. n2.9机组在3000r/min下运行,振动一般不超过0.05mm,在中速时不得超过0.04mmn2.9 When the turboset is running at the rotating speed of 3000r/min, the degree of vibration shall not be more than 0.05mm. When the turboset is running at medium speed, the degree of vibration shall not be more than 0.04mm.n2.10在80100%MCR负荷运行时,蒸汽参数正常,关闭主抽汽器后,派汽装置的真空下降速度不许超过每分钟0.27103Pa。n2.10 When the turboset is running at 80100%MCR load, the parameters of steam shall be normal. If the main steam extractor is closed, the lowering speed of vacuum degree in steam exhaust shall not be more than 0.27103Pa/min.n2.11推力盘紧靠工作瓦时定为轴向位移的零位,当轴向位移达+0.8mm时发出报警信号,+1.0mm时停机,-1.0mm时报警,-1.2mm时停机。n2.11 The axial displacement is named zero position when thrust disc is vey near the working pad. When the axial displacement of thrust disc is up to +0.8mm, a warning signal will be sent out; when that is up to +1.0mm, the turboset will be stopped; when that is -1.0mm, there will be a warning; when that is -1.2mm, the turboset will be stopped.18n2.12高压缸相对膨胀达+3.5mm报警,-1.5mm报警;低压缸相对膨胀达+6mm报警,-3.5mm报警。n2.12 When the relative expansion of high pressure casing is up to +3.5mm, there will be a warning; when that is -1.5mm, there will be a warning; when the relative expansion of low pressure casing is up to +6mm, there will be a warning; when that is -3.5mm, there will be a warning.n2.13本机组在50Hz电网内工作,允许频率在48.550.5Hz范围内波动。n2.13 The turboset shall be connected with the electric network with 50 Hz, the allowable frequency is from 48.5 to 50.5Hz.n2.14危急保安器的动作转速在33303360r/min,危急保安器动作后,应保证自动主汽门、调速汽门、高压缸排汽逆止门以及各段抽汽逆止门严密关闭。n2.14 The rotating speed of emergency overspeed governor is 33303360r/min. After the emergency overspeed governor is started up, the automatic main throttle valve, speed regulating valve, exhaust steam non-return valve on high pressure casing and non-return valves on each bleed steam section shall be closed tightly.n2.15油系统采用46汽轮机油。n15 The oil system shall use 46 turbine oil. 19n2.16调节系统正常油压:抗燃油为14.8MPa,透平油为1.960.1MPa,润滑油压为0.0980.0196MPa,当润滑油压降低到0.069MPa时,启动交流润滑油泵,降到0.059MPa时,启动直流事故油泵,降到 0.029MPa时,停止盘车。n2.16 The normal oil pressure of regulating system is: 14.8MPa for fire-resistance oil, 1.960.1MPa for turbine oil, 0.0980.0196MPa for lubrication pressure. When the lubrication pressure is down to 0.069MPa, start up the AC lubrication pump; when the lubrication pressure is down to 0.059MPa, start up the DC lubricating pump; when the lubrication pressure is down to 0.029MPa, stop the turning gear . n2.17冷油器出口油温应保持在3845。轴承回油温度65时报警,75时打闸停机。n2.17 The exit oil temperature of oil cooler shall be maintained between 38 and 45. When the temperature of scavenge oil is up to 65, there will be a warning, when the temperature of scavenge oil is up to 75, the gate will be closed and the turboset will be stopped. n2.18正常运行时,注意检查调速系统各连接部分,确信无松脱现象。n2.18 When the turboset is in normal running, all connections of speed regulating system shall be examined to ensure there is no any loose.20n2.19主汽门及调节阀应定期进行活动试验,以防阀杆卡涩。n2.19 The main steam throttle valve and regulating valve shall be tested regularly to avoid blockage because of too dry. n2.20危急保安器必须定期检查,每2000h试验一次,停机超过一个月再次启动时,亦应进行试验。n2.20 The emergency overspeed governor shall be checked regularly, and tested every 2000h a time. If it is re-started after more than one month of stop time, a test shall be also carried out.n2.21按制造厂提供的有关图样及说明书的要求定期检查抽汽逆止阀。n2.21 Regularly check the bleed steam non-return valve according to related drawings and specifications supplied by manufacturer.21n3.停机停机 3. shutting-down n3.1滑参数停机滑参数停机 3.1 Slow shutting-down according to parametersn3.1.1停机前试验交、直流润滑油泵,顶轴油泵及盘车装置。n3.1.1 Before shutting-down, test the AC & DC lubricating pump, jacking oil pump and turning gear .n3.1.2锅炉按滑停曲线降温降压、减负荷。n3.1.2 The temperature, pressure and load of boiler will be reduced according to the curve of parameters for slow shutting-down. n随着蒸汽参数的降低,逐渐全开调速汽门,先将机组负荷降到75MW,蒸汽温度降到515,稳定运行15min,测量机组的振动,待高压缸金属温度均下降后,仍按滑参数停机曲线降温、降压,负荷随着下降。nWith the decrease of steam parameters, slowly and fully open the speed regulating valve, firstly reduce the load of turboset down to 75MW, the steam temperature is reduced to 515, then stably running for 15min, and measure the vibration of turboset. Until the metal temperature of high pressure casing is decreased, reduce the temperature, pressure and load according to the curve of parameters for slow shutting-down.n3.1.3负荷减到30MW时,停止低加疏水泵,开启至冷凝器疏水门,疏水导向冷凝器,开启再循环水门。n3.1.3 When the load is reduced to 30MW, stop the drainage pump, and open the draining valve on pipe connecting with condenser , then open the recirculation valve.22n3.1.4主蒸汽降到350时,开启导汽管,汽缸及抽汽管道等疏水门。n3.1.4 When the main steam temperature is down to 350, open draining valves on steam guiding pipe, casing and bleed steam pipe .n3.1.5根据排汽室温度投入排汽缸喷水,使排汽室温度不超过80。n3.1.5 According to the temperature of exhaust steam chamber, start up the water spraying for exhaust steam chamber to make sure the temperature in the chamber is not more than 80. n3.1.6根据锅炉要求。n3.1.6 According to the requirements of boiler.n3.1.7当主蒸汽压力滑至1.471MPa,温度滑至260,将负荷减到零,发电机解列后打闸停机。n3.1.7 When the main steam pressure is down to 1.471MPa and the temperature is decreased to 260, the load will be reduced to zero, after the generator is disconnected, the turboset will be stopped.n3.1.8记录转子惰走时间,检查主汽阀、调节阀是否卡涩,关闭严密,并将启动阀退回零位。n3.1.8 Record the coasting time of rotor, check if the main steam valve and regulating valve is normal, then regulate the trigger valve to zero point.23n3.1.9启动交流润滑油泵,当转速降到500-200r/min时,启动顶轴油泵,主轴静止后投入盘车装置,记录大轴晃动度。n3.1.9 Start up the AC lubricating pump, when the rotating speed is down to less than 500-200r/min, start the jacking oil pump, after the main shaft is static, start the turning gear , then record the degree of sloshing.n3.1.10连续盘车至高压缸下半内壁温度降到250以下,再每30min盘转180(或连续盘车)直到缸温150以下,停止盘车。n3.1.10 Continuous turning gear until the temperature of lower inner wall of high pressure casing is less than 250, then turning gear 180 every 30min (or continuous turning gear ) until the temperature inside the casing is less than 150, then stop turning gear . n3.1.11排汽室温度降到50以下,停止凝结水泵。n3.11 When the temperature of exhaust hood is reduced to less 24n3.1.12滑停过程中注意事项,曲线见图3n3.1.12 Notes during sliding parameter shutdown , refer to Figure3 for curve. na)主蒸汽温度下降速度不大于1.5/min;na) The lowering speed of main steam temperature shall not be more than 1.5/minnb)主蒸汽压力下降速度为0.0490.098MPa/min;nb) The lowering speed of main steam pressure shall be 0.0490.098MPa/min 25nc)高压缸壁温度与法兰温度差不大于40,其它各温差限额与启动时相同;nc) The temperature difference between the wall of high pressure casing and flange shall not be more than 40, other temperature differences shall be the same as that when in starting; nd)主蒸汽过热度保持在50以上;nd) The degree of main steam superheating shall be more than 50. ne)主蒸汽温度低于高压缸下半内壁温度35时,应停止降温降压;ne) When the main steam temperature is lower than the temperature of lower inner wall of high pressure casing by 35, stop reducing temperature and pressure;nf)高、低压缸相对膨胀值接近允许值时,停止减温减压和降负荷。nf) When the relative expansion of high & low pressure approaches to allowable value, stop reducing temperature and pressure as well as load.n3.1.13滑参数停机曲线见图3。n3.1.13 See Figure 3 for the curve of sliding parameters shutdown. 26n6. 3.2 正常停机正常停机(额定参数停机额定参数停机)n3.2 Normal shutting-down (According to nominal parameters)n3.2.1停机前的准备工作与滑停时相同。n3.2.1 The preparations before normal shutting-down are the same as that before slow shutting-down.n3.2.2以1000KW/min的速度减负荷,并严格控制好转子与汽缸的相对膨胀不超过规定值。汽封调节必要时由人控制。n3.2.2 Reduce the load with the rate of 1000KW/min, besides, make sure the relative expansion of rotor and casing is not more than specified value. If necessary, the steam seal can be regulated manually.n3.2.3减负荷过程中,要根据锅炉情况。n3.2.3 The load shall be reduced according to the situation of boiler. n3.2.4减负荷过程中,要及时调整轴封供汽压力,冷凝器热水井水位,油温油压等。n3.2.4 During reducing load, regulate the pressure of supply steam for shaft gland, water level in condenser hot well and oil pressure as well as oil temperature, etc. n3.2.5注意高、低压缸胀差的变化,如胀差向负值增大,应放慢减负荷速度,如高压胀差负值急剧增大时,应停止减负荷或投入轴封高温汽源。n3.2.5 Pay attention to the expansion differences of high & low pressure casings, if the expansion difference increases towards to the negative values, the speed of reducing load shall be slowed down. If the negative expansion difference on high pressure side sharply increases, immediately stop reducing load or start up high temperature steam supply for shaft gland. 27n3.2.6负荷减到零,通知电气解列,而后打闸停机。n3.2.6 When the load is reduced to zero, disconnect from the electric network and shut down the turboset. n3.2.7转速到200-500r/min时,启动顶轴油泵。n3.2.7 When the rotating speed is in 200-500r/min, start up the jacking oil pump. n3.2.8转子静止,轴封送汽必须保持到真空完全消失为止,然后投盘车。n3.2.8 The rotor is still, steam supply for shaft gland until vacuum is completely removed, then start up turning gear . n3.2.9其它操作和滑停一样。n3.2.9 Refer to slow shutting-down for other operations. n3.2.10正常停机曲线见图4 。n3.2.10 See Figure 4 for curve of normal shutting-down. 28n6. 4. 停机后的再启动停机后的再启动n6. 4. Restart after shutting-down n6.4.1汽轮机停机后的再启动,应根据高压汽缸调节级区域金属温度情况而采取不同的启动规范,原则是:当高压缸下半调节级区域金属高于150时,应按热态启动程序进行启动,否则采取冷态启动规程。n6.4.1 The turboset shall be restarted according to the metal temperature at the region of governing stage of high pressure casing: if the metal temperature at the lower half region of governing stage of high pressure casing is higher than 150, the turboset shall be warm started, otherwise, the turboset will be cold started. 29n6.4.2热态启动冲转前必须具备下列条件:热态启动冲转前必须具备下列条件:n6.4.2 Following items shall be followed before rotating by warm start: na)主蒸汽处于过热状态,其温度比汽机最热部分的金属温度高50100;na) The main steam is superheated, its temperature is higher than that of the maximum metal temperature by 50100;nb)新蒸汽的过热度大于50以上;nbathe degree of superheating of fresh steam shall be more than 50; nc)大轴晃度值应与冷态启动时相同;nc) The degree of sloshing of main shaft shall be the same as that when in cold start; nd)高压汽缸上、下半温差不大于50;nd) The temperature difference between up and lower part of high pressure casing shall not be more than 50; ne)高、低压缸胀差在允许范围内;ne) The expansion difference of high & low pressure casing shall be within the allowable range;nf)转子弯曲度不超过0.05mm;nf)The bending of rotor shall not be more than 0.05mm; 30n6.4.3热态启动的操作要点:热态启动的操作要点:n6.4.3 Key points for warm start:n4.3.1投入盘车装置后,先向汽封送汽,后抽真空。n4.3.1 After start up turning gear, supply steam for gland seal, then vacuumize. n4.3.2冷凝器压力抽至70kPa时,锅炉点火,根据锅炉要求投旁路系统。n4.3.2 When the pressure of condenser is reduced to 70kPa, start up the boiler, then start up the by-pass system according to the requirement s of boiler. n4.3.3汽轮机冲转前,冷凝器压力一般保持4045kPa左右。n4.3.3 Before rotating, the pressure of condenser shall be maintained between 40 and 45kPa. n4.3.4热态启动冲转条件达到后,开启本体疏水门,投入排汽缸喷水,DEH系统开启自动主汽门和调速汽门冲动转子。n4.3.4 When the rotating situation at warm start is qualified, open draining valve, then start up exhaust casing for water spraying. The DEH will open the automatic main steam throttle valve and speed regulating valve to rotate the rotor. 31n4.3.5 DEH系统控制升速到500r/min,低速暖机5min,进行检查和听音,确认正常后,再升速到3000r/min。n4.3.5 When the rotating speed of DEH system rises to 500r/min, warm up at low speed for 5min, then make examination and check if there is any sound, after it is confirmed it is in normal running, raise the rotating speed to 3000r/min.n4.3.6定速后,并列带负荷,在负荷加至上次停机前高压内缸下半调节级区域金属温度的过程可尽快进行,以后的加负荷过程仍按冷态启动的相应程序接着进行下去。n4.3.6 After the rotating speed is maintained, connecting with the electric network and operating with load, when the temperature is less than the last metal temperature at region of lower governing stage of high pressure casing before last shutting-down, the load can be increased quickly. Refer to procedures for cold start for the remain process of increasing load.n4.3.7主汽门,调速汽门等部件,停机后冷却较快,在热态启动初期应注意这些部件的温升速度,防止加热过快。n4.3.7 Some components such as main steam valve and speed regulating valve and so on are cooled quickly after shutting-down, therefore, during the first period of warm start, the temperature rise at these components shall be especially noted to prevent heating up too quickly.32n4.3.8升速时,特别注意机组振动情况,如有明显增大时立即打闸停机,查明原因后再决定是否再次启动。n4.3.8 During speed rising, pay special attention to the vibration of turboset, if it is strengthened, immediately shut down the turboset, then find out causes and determine if it can be restarted. n4.3.9热态启动曲线见图2。n4.3.9 See Figure 2 for curve of warm start.33
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