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第一部分教材知识解读必修2Unit3Computers栏目导航析考点析考点重难探究重难探究提考能提考能素养达标素养达标固考基固考基知识梳理知识梳理010203固固考考基基知知识识梳梳理理答案答案答案答案anyhow reality signal arise 答案答案答案答案character calculate goal type 答案答案答案答案arose goals to calculate 答案答案答案答案types signalled 答案答案答案答案simplify operator operation logically illogical technological solution 答案答案答案答案intelligence personally personality totally applicant application 答案答案答案答案financial explorer exploration appearance happiness 答案答案答案答案total totally solve solution personal Personally applicant apply application 答案答案答案答案intelligence intelligent appeared appearance simplify simple 答案答案答案答案总数;算术题;金额 人造的;假的 下载 病毒 可移动的;机动的 普遍的;通用的;宇宙的 答案答案答案答案网络;网状物 电子的 革命 支持的;支撑的 拖把 用拖把拖;擦 答案答案答案答案坏运气;霉运 辅导;指导 情报人员答案答案答案答案with the help of deal with as a result after all from .on in a way deal with After all As a result with the help of 答案答案答案答案watch over provide.for. have sth.in common share.with. make up share with provides have a lot in common making up 答案答案答案答案As the Internet is becoming more and more popular 答案答案答案答案so kind and considerate that 析析考考点点重重难难探探究究答案答案答案答案solvable solution 答案答案答案答案With most of the problems solved 答案答案答案答案起身 出现 起床 产生 答案答案答案答案arising from his class which arose from his class 答案答案答案答案to signals 答案答案答案答案which signalled that school was over signalling that school was over 答案答案答案答案a resulting 答案答案答案答案resulted from resulted in as a result of 答案答案答案答案a on in 答案答案答案答案In no way should you lose heart 答案答案答案答案处理 论及;涉及与打交道答案答案答案答案what to do with how to deal with 答案答案答案答案As As as 答案答案答案答案With time going by As time went by 答案答案答案答案so that 答案答案答案答案so such such 答案答案答案答案So big is the newlybuilt stadium that 提提考考能能素素养养达达标标答案答案答案答案totally solution happiness 答案答案答案答案that appearance before to explore 答案答案答案答案has been regarded will have left universal 答案答案答案答案suchso underwithsolvesolved 去掉of InAfter 答案答案答案答案simplify a to solve 答案答案答案答案large intelligence which information applications in been put
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