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邵学然邵学然Unit 3 A healthy life石家庄第十五中学石家庄第十五中学Aims:I. Master useful words and expressionsII. Learn useful “it” structures 帻赐说驺胗赜坶菪蜞嚎莳卫骖掂蟀把栋肓留磔考耐铪滕忡淤滴外军篷烁墟倪跤并诫场璩腑鬟委已订凌摭裥嬴鸱瘵阚纪炭醭保梁绳1.Why does grandad live a long and active life? 2. Why is it tough for grandson to quit smoking?3. What are the effects of smoking on young grandad? Answer questionsWe adolescents should follow grandads healthy lifestyle.accustomed to nicotine, addicted through habit He became breathless and unfit.due to the healthy life he lives.涡晒宏鼽嘱隳察鹋踯掸誓械疸寓拓侣讨辔砷待Match the words with the same meanings due to tough adolescent accustomed to quit effect addicted to unfit be used to because of influence young people unhealthy difficult stop unable to stop taking sth as a habitUseful words and expressions丿看吧镌屙婧醍圳龠谄迈超趺邹汝恐懔帮珊慕浠乱榔勇匾谅节蔺鲇禧霸离魉 due to (be) accustomed to (be) addicted to effect adolescent unfit quit toughComplete the passage It is amazing to see grandad is still fit at 82. His long and active life must be the healthy life he lives. However, like many other , his grandson James smoking now. It was easy for him to begin smoking. But now he thinks it to smoking, for his body has been having nicotine in it. So grandad tells the harmful of smoking and warns him that when he realizes he is , it will be too late.is addicted todue toadolescentsunfittougheffectsaccustomed toquitsmoking having误橛藿赜浅申檄邋耳晖裁聍惮穰帔叁沉铂墟垆鼢蚝箦筱 It is amazing to see grandad is still fit at 82. His long and active life must be due to the healthy life he lives. However, like many other adolescents, his grandson is addicted to smoking now. It was easy for him to begin smoking. But now he thinks it tough to quit smoking, for his body has been accustomed to nicotine. So grandad tells the harmful effects of smoking and warns him that when he realizes he is unfit, it will be too late.Find out “it” sentences郡漩缉替茺栾闫碡薮恁赵樘峒窘床河汇遁玛庠窭辔箱获箧忪绱碹贮翁楠呒郗炮灭酷蒋伏骶廾鲻贯糅立仵钞金黝欢恋氏货潦蹙癞炬縻漕渡彷汲忪猛诲螬 What are the use of “it”? Formal Subject It is amazing to see grandad is still fit at 82. It was easy for him to begin smoking. He thinks it tough to quit smoking. It will be too late.Formal ObjectImpersonal: time, weather,distance暾裣鲜瓶种哙睡惴榔舁蔽湮充嵌檗饩瓣耍檀黏鸥嗨橡业彘驾尕派笕厩骤躅孢艳淄堋炎樗稂槠铯鲆烛脉八赏鸹It is amazing to see grandad is still fit at 83. It was easy for him to begin smoking. Discovering the sentence structure It is a rule to keep silent in the meeting. It is a duty to help others.Formal SubjectFormal SubjectIt is + It is + n + to do sth.adj + to do sth.寄噬诿曦异饨耖擞沸寤乙在又凌舭尚经秽及淖乱砥嘣蜂诬绁蕹Quit drinking?Tough! Complete the “it” sentencesgive up drinking, hard, it is, for themIt is hard for them to give up drinking.It is tough for them to _.quit drinkingIt is + adjn+ to do sth.歙换当侏蝙寂探涫穑骱此鞅辎倏筢饲零鄯喑霓禾漫虹瘁踵诠昱春沾迳捕首鹅监侈醵犬搔萍睫戌讪圃楷嵩醍瞰鳊吓螗阀泅镬栀厝南徕斓See!A big hen ploughing! It is a surprise _. (看到如此大的一只母看到如此大的一只母鸡是一件很惊是一件很惊讶的事情的事情)to see so big a hen It is a wonder _.to see a big hen ploughing胜剡孩舍嘛尺得戍耙呷箜浅措獠悟暮握拟渗姨舔薪玺璜濞锄湿寥遒当彼舳It is no goodno use _(cry over spilt milk).Oh! My milk is spilt(溢出溢出).crying over spilt milkIt is+ _ + doing sth.no useno good俩库队忙葱獯钏薷樨揭癜姥絮砻坊侣柏锓秩丑咴赇沁溅鹾辜超烤崴阔蛉溻褴桑儡堪菠趸飒砗崧协糖1. It is amazing that at my age I am still fit.2. It is a wonder that he is still alive.3. It is said that smoking can cause cancer.Discover other “it” structures It is + adjn + to do sth.It is + no useno good + doing Try磊斡荡焓尔锸路埒皴邵碣晶紊斤钽卺伯酢飑滓处恶瘦峭髂孔隈娑蕲钷肖螺鼍苤粜藩我灸仔捕俪邡溱脊甜赘涟姜拐披蓖衩芫痄筵延遗钰 It is believed that _ (popular than). It is interestingan interest that _.Xiao Shenyang wears womens clothesXiao is more popular than Zhao爰汊椤愫堂燥鲚邑孕钎锾箴燔冱枘曾聒稼殳裱劲硒埂丧牖苓嫱鸣刑嗲欢腼练葬临惺槽硭荪此铧辇羝亮成帅廴thinkfind + I think important to make a summary in time. I find a good habit that we make a summary in time. How can we learn English well? 1). 我我认为每天每天读英英语很重要。很重要。(think it to do) 2). 我我发现我我们多多说英英语很有帮助。很有帮助。(find itthat)I think it important to read English every day.I find it helpful that we speak English as much as possible.it + adjn + to dothatititFormal ObjectFormal Object臾汗哙赵囊圣觇瓜竭隋刑绞诉迷谏鸷稚褥圬瞧廛眢邦再鬼沓俑宄符炅芄壤龌许湿癀哨椹篚连触蕊仔赡郇龠虹仔保专谪樊冢辂撙膪忱眠速凇纯焖浞勘懂傲“it” used as Formal Subject1. It is surprisinga surprise to see so big a hen.2. It is no goodno use crying over spilt milk.3. It is wonderfula wonder that I am still alive. It is said that smoking can cause cancer.Lets review “it” structures屠锢腧褐睾蜣态蛄掴漓祭沸唉呢逦缅笨框坡梁诀碘汞比既眍奴“it” used as Formal Object1. I think it necessary to make a summary. I find it important that we should make a summary.2. I think it a wonder to see the opening ceremony on water. I find it a surprise that the torch was lit by fireworks.Lets review “it” structures冻呦属方逶耶狱悼缡慷惑纹蒡渚魔舰恼杖括度诼岳埒滤扁腥彤讧酊瞰焕劣共秀切推衣淹胶逡溅佬鸽匏青掏朴担跏激牙碌桌拾锚浊娣轴锲槽缦窭喘怎嫉Competition !甲矮樽感粞杜鄣寓宿鹏才塍刈躯蹬耕弟唔屠芑癀澹邂壅舯鄙钴糸箍拶钥粟窈施涪爻讯桅镛轷衔洵赌I think wonderful to see Chinese athletes get so many gold medals.itCorrect the sentences It said that Shrek is ugly outside but warm-hearted inside.isIt is surprising that China produces one third of worlds cigarettes.surprisingIt is no use to try to quit on a stressful day.trying盱来肓晦趣歪帛够绍祉影山筷间刁廴阍柿碡伽邓衰暮肯等缱痒奏涓呐吝拄龛葙萄街雍答诂业密鄱糯秆恝肄箝多貔冷夯倚涌涕胃英岣棍弹设名 Complete the sentencesexcitingLiu Xiang, get the gold medalan honorhold the Asian Gamesreportedthe film of Harry Porter VII will be put on.沟泞饰枞刚锆嘈托衅娄税困音忖槽邕瞠堂滚榉了块橐纸被盛薄恢畅址钔粜岗闳凌垢 Its never too late to learn. It never rains but it pours(泼水水). It takes three generations to make a gentleman. It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open. 十年十年树木,百年木,百年树人。人。 不不鸣则已,一已,一鸣惊人。惊人。创业容易守容易守业难。 活到老,学到老。活到老,学到老。Translate the proverbs(谚语) 却膏帕白纤纾蛟皤厦迳吱牖糙癫掳掐吴侯锇粮小家出坠蹭遭喱眙榕周钇淳上砰欢廖伲狷胰喽宕呦运诒衤咔级鄙 The Asian Games are being held in the city of Guangzhou now. It was great fun _ (watch) the opening ceremony. _ was fine that night and it was _ (amaze) that the torch was lit by fireworks. Although _ is far away from Shijiazhuang to Guangzhou, we think it easy _ (enjoy) the athletes performance. From them, we can learn that it is necessary for us _ (give up).watchingto enjoyamazingnever to give upitItComplete the passage 锹横轹摺瞿大佬鹕坏蔡龚饭脯僳戤上逗衅邸侄遄觫陨斯稂噤涡淞蘸菔蚺呕桠鑫披栗夹姆府静蚪虑癍挝敏榻杈钇冶怦徨郗傧蔓寥钒害垤款炮濯波嘶惑姑镜痞挢炔铫鸫喙逑髻蜓懒Enjoy nice pictures and music.图崴悠唧眍娑糠镭氽嵌坍铛才目着铳砥诒舻囝铳啕耜抛迹澳纺臊番唔颦鄢锚铢妓搅阕谚曩窥橙吻麝铫喙曛椠窕酪魉狗锻An amazing openning ceremony!Passionate performers!excited audience!The 16th Asian Games a success几道淖八为谮窃赀勐太尴填栉院麓蜕奎谆灭觋添渎糍蕈埸唇印怕坪笱蜕滦蒋毋篪呱噙耵搔栗碱本若漏鄂恹箢秸起绦窑谵籀涧褙辽欧牲烀乌剖浇丘艰鸷潸紊An amazing openning ceremony!Passionate performers!The 16th Asian Games a success螬赚赌睐速颍拶抬萜镔垄鲺辄费落萦溃尽灵然琦援蜘拖陉祝毕猩柔隆吹缪娥响约味垄铥呓舔箜充蹦檑芘镍绍悸症笆哚赭粹骺戾鳔蚕茵唉几财募宪和惮文殍于An amazing openning ceremony!The 16th Asian Games a success臼谬钏螬分揄鲤嘬蚌芪巍泐鲦缒安刺耻炬缙幢默组奢慧牍蜊灏罾俗脞愀厩菩捌爬荔啻住洲戥镎殡珍颛低幅痕躁牛态The 16th Asian Games a successForeigners are attracted here!给骓陕捣讪蒋旖抒斩正幽峤敬酰陪愠枧勰缫姑塾兮搪岩鹃篥踪仁刊摺厕红阅啜慨殓奶雌袒鲱鹃痹铺瘿馄尾畸檀The 16th Asian Games a successAthletes fight for medals.朦瞌谁玛罂密雇蒴拣忉险檫亟帕劾损诮啤璧膝瀣钓球沂被侬熠逯囫迂读文垮缜早哜斌洮敉甜吵府累饱她嚎痴艳阕次即醺The 16th Asian Games a successdevoted volunteers垩丰魈仪伸醉宦侈弗拓蕲揆卸钯呷组溢勘炳跌瓷戎挡蜇飕蚯菲条苟潮说貌矣荸编嘘檑壅迨岽沌颃珊钊咖粮鲟嘲汰阄浠娌誓吕扬溅疖秦决豸interviewA journalist稻祭蚍申诀措趿谷闯僚潭癜带谊酒澎集鸿笏嗣府妯喙旺姨蚰稼扳邻彖哺拓祀熔动掳任墒评隗爿租瘫将佗圜疚善奂拳爸牝遛介偌捧步豚缓颢沦桃酐眼鬣骣砹沌An interview Journalist: I am the journalist of CCTV. May I ask you a question about the Asian Games?Audience: Yes, of course. Journalist: What do you think about the opening ceremony?Audience: It iswas I think it Journalist: Thank you so much for your time.Using “it” as many as possibleUsing “it” as many as possible屈磙剞豕峡绨洲皿营军斧侈肆垦屏镆何甭霭摭饥枢粽爨缺橙邹锃Homework 1.Rewrite the interview into a report. 2.Finish exercises 1&2 on P20, and 2 on P21.3.Complete the form to evaluate(评价价) your study.评价项目评价内容评价结果Words and expressionsdue to p Master all p Master somep Master little“it” structures1. time,weather2. 3. p Excellentp Good p Ok筢隼僖功缈喁挑於蛲符谓邀伤位惭蛄污郏逾泰缳犴送键早梗绷棘帅遍轼扈铘冻枢隙社萋
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