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Unit 2 There are forty students in our class.Lesson 11 库尔勒市第二小学库尔勒市第二小学 叶明霞叶明霞人教精通版三年级起始四年级下册人教精通版三年级起始四年级下册80 7 73939Guess!看谁猜的对penpencilHow many rulers?I have eleven rulers.How many pens do you have? I have 90(大于(大于60小于小于100的整数的整数) ninety pens.How many pencils do you have? I have100(20的的5倍倍)one hundred pencilsA:How many .s do you(你们)(你们)have?2539684271505490GroupworkB&C:We have _ .s.1.How many pens do they have?2.How many pencils do they have?They have.Listen and answer the questions.They have.Lets look! They need our help. Lets help children in need.让我们帮助需要帮助的孩子们!让我们帮助需要帮助的孩子们! A: Hello! Lets help children in need.We need . How many .s do you have?B.C&D.: We have _ .s. A: Thats great./ Youre so kind.Youre good students.Thank you! 1. Key words: pen, pencil, ninety and hundred. 2.Key sentences: How many pens do you have? We have ninety pens. Summary1. Listen and read the text.2. Write down new words and new sentences.3. Please help people in need.Homework
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