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七年级冀教(上)七年级冀教(上)Lesson 51When Is Your Birthday?January, February,One and two.I like to playIn the snow with you.March, April,Three and four,Clouds and rain!Close the door!May, June,Five and six.Flowers bloomFor us to look.June, August,Seven and eight.Heres the beach.The sun is great!September, October,Nine and ten.Leaves and wind.School and friends.November, December,The year is done.Lets sing againFrom number one.Bob: How old are you, Danny?Danny: Im nineteen years old.Jenny: No, youre not! Youre thirteen years old.Danny: Okay, okay! Im thirteen!Jenny: How old are you, Bob?Bob: Im sixteen years old.Danny: When is your birthday, Bob?Bob: My birthday is December 17. When is your birthday, Danny?Danny: October 52.Jenny: Danny!Danny: Okay, okay! My birthday is July 25.1.When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么你的生日是什么时候?时候?【巧解句构】本句是由【巧解句构】本句是由when(意为(意为“什么时什么时候候,何时何时”)引导的特殊疑问句,用来对)引导的特殊疑问句,用来对“时时间间”进行提问。如:进行提问。如:When will you have lunch? 你何时吃午饭你何时吃午饭?When do you go to the store? 你何时去商你何时去商店?店?【要点剖析】【要点剖析】birthday意为意为“生日生日,开始日开始日”,它是由,它是由birth“出生出生”与与day“天,日子天,日子”两个两个词组成的合成词。词组成的合成词。重点句子讲解重点句子讲解2.How old are you , Danny? 你多你多大了,丹妮?大了,丹妮?【巧解句构】【巧解句构】how old 是固定词组,是固定词组,意为意为“多大,几岁多大,几岁”。用来对年龄。用来对年龄进行提问。如:进行提问。如:How old is he? 他他多大了?多大了?How old is your brother? 你哥哥你哥哥多大了?多大了?3.Im nineteen years old. 我十九我十九岁了。岁了。【要点剖析【要点剖析】years old 意为意为“岁。岁。”years old也可以省也可以省略。如:略。如:Li Ming is fourteen years old. 李李明明14岁。岁。Im thirtieth . 我我30岁。岁。
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