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PRONUNCIATION Stress in a word What is this ?What is this ?PRACTISE THIS FOLLOWING DIALOGUEAND PAY ATTENTION TO THE STRESS OF THOSE RED WORDS .A: Look ! There is a big plate in the sky . B: Yes. What is this object ?A: Is it a UFO?B: No. It must be a special plane.A: I object . I guess it may be a special plane.B: Are you sure ? I suspect what you said.A: There is a record about this kind of plane.B: Ok, lets record this big object and show the picutre to some expects . A: Look ! There is a big plate in the sky . B: Yes. What is this object ?A: Is it a UFO?B: No. It must be a special plane.A: I object . I guess it may be a special plane.B: Are you sure ? I suspect what you said.A: There is a record about this kind of plane.B: Ok, lets record this big object and show it to some expects . Correct readingCorrect reading STRESS IN A WORDobject : Tell me the name of the object in the sky .object : The man put up his hand and objected to this plan . the room.n.v.LISTEN TO PART B CAREFULLY AND READ THE WORDS OUT LOUD.summaryn nWhen the stress is on the first syllable of the word,it is being used as noun.LISTEN TO PART C CAREFULLY AND READ THE WORDS OUT LOUD. summaryn nWhen the stress is on the second syllable of the word,it is being used as verb . TASK 1: PRACTISE THE FOLLOWING WORDS AND STRESS THE RED SYLLABLES. 1.import 2.project 3.export 4.increase 5.record 6.suspect TASK 2:TELL THE FOLLOWING WORDS VERB OR NOUN.( RED PART IS STRESSED.)1.import _2.project _3.export _4.increase _5.record _6.suspect _nN.nV.nN.nV.nV.nN.HOMEWORK Practise these words after class and find more words which have different meaning when we change the stress .
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