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Part Part B B 第二课时第二课时Unit 3 Look at me!PEP 三年级上册三年级上册Warm-upThis is the face.This is the ear.This is the eye.This is the mouth.This is the nose.New words胳膊胳膊This is the arm.手手Clap your hand.头头Touch your head.身体身体Shake your body.腿腿This is the leg.脚脚Stamp your foot.Lets learnhandheadbodylegfootarmThis is the arm.This is the leg.Play rolesThis is the head.This is the hand.This is the foot.This is the body.Lets doExercise 一、连线。一、连线。手臂手臂 脚脚身体身体 手手 腿腿头头 handheadarmbodyfootleg二、选出正确的英文翻译。二、选出正确的英文翻译。( )1、拍拍手。、拍拍手。 A. Clap your hands. B. Touch your hand.( )2、跺跺脚。、跺跺脚。 A. Touch your foot. B. Stamp your foot.( )3、摇摇身体。、摇摇身体。 A. Shake your body. B. Shake your legs.ABA( )4、挥挥胳膊。、挥挥胳膊。 A. Touch your arms. B. Wave your arms.( )5、摸摸头。、摸摸头。 A. Touch your hand. B. Touch your head.( )6、这是脚。、这是脚。 A. This is the leg. B. This is the foot.BBB
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