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Unit 7Whats the highest mountain in the world? Section A (3a-4c) . 短短语互互译1. 吸入吸入; 吞入吞入(体内体内)_2. 面面对(问题、困、困难等等) _3. 绵延延 _ 4. even though _ 5. the forces of nature _答案答案: 1. take in2. in the face of3. run along4. 即使即使5. 自然的力量自然的力量. 句型展示句型展示1. 世界上最危世界上最危险的运的运动之一是登山。之一是登山。_ _the worlds _ _ sports is mountain climbing. 2. 第一个成功的女人是第一个成功的女人是1975年日本的田部井淳子。年日本的田部井淳子。The first woman _ _ was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975. 答案答案: 1. One of; most dangerous2. to succeed3. 我我们从不从不应该放弃尽力去放弃尽力去实现梦想。梦想。We should never to achieve our dreams. 答案答案: give up trying3. 我我们从不从不应该放弃尽力去放弃尽力去实现梦想。梦想。We should never to achieve our dreams. 答案答案: give up trying1. Of allthe mountains, Qomolangma rises the highest and is the most famous. 在所有的山峰中在所有的山峰中, 珠穆朗珠穆朗玛峰是最高最有名的。峰是最高最有名的。【自自主主领悟悟】三三者者或或三三者者以以上上进行行比比较: 最最高高级+表表示示范范围的的状状语, 其其意意义是是“某某人人、某某事事在在某某个个范范围内内最最”。使使用用这种种结构构时注注意意, 形形容容词的的最最高高级前前面面一一般般来来说要要加加定定冠冠词the。of后后接接名名词, 用用来来说明明“最最高高级的的范范围”, 其其实也也是是“比比较对象象”; 而而in直接加一个范直接加一个范围。例如例如: Mary is the smartest student in our class. 玛丽是我是我们班最班最聪明的学生。明的学生。【归纳拓展拓展】形容形容词最高最高级的不同用法的不同用法(1)“one of +the+最最高高级+名名词复复数数”表表示示“最最的的之之一一”。例例如如: Deng Jiaxian is one of the most famous Chinese scientists. 邓稼先是中国最著名的科学家之一。稼先是中国最著名的科学家之一。(2)“the+序序数数词+形形容容词最最高高级+名名词单数数”表表示示“第第几几最最的的”。例例如如: India has the second largest population in the world. 印度是世界上人口第二多的国家。印度是世界上人口第二多的国家。【活学活用活学活用】 Zhang Hua is the(tall) of all the girls. France is one of the(big) countries in Europe. Africa is the second (large) continent in the world. 答案答案: tallestbiggestlargest2. The first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975. 第一个成功的女人是第一个成功的女人是1975年日本的田部井淳子。年日本的田部井淳子。【自自主主领悟悟】succeed为动词, 意意为“成成功功”。常常见搭搭配配: succeed in(doing) sth. “成成功功做做成成某某事事”。例例如如: He succeeded in working out the problem. 他成功解决了他成功解决了这个个问题。【归纳拓展拓展】ucceed变形形记 success不可数名不可数名词, 意意为“成功成功”Success depends on our efforts. 成功取决于我成功取决于我们的的努力。努力。可数名可数名词, 意意为“成成功的人或事功的人或事”The movie was a great success. 电影很成功。影很成功。successful形容形容词, 意意为“成功成功的的”, 在句中作定在句中作定语或表或表语Jackie Chan is a successful actor. 成成龙是一名成功的是一名成功的演演员。successfully副副词, 意意为“成功地成功地”, 在句中作状在句中作状语I finished that difficult work successfully. 我成功我成功地完成了那份困地完成了那份困难的工作。的工作。【活学活用活学活用】 选词填空填空: success/successful/succeed/successfully。(A)Just as the saying goes, “Failure is the mother of_”. (B)Cheer up, Jim. I believe you can be _ in the speech. If we have no knowledge, we cannot_ _ _(成功完成成功完成)any work. 答案答案: (A)success(B)successfulsucceed in finishing3. We should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. 我我们从不从不应该放弃尽力去放弃尽力去实现梦想。梦想。【自自主主领悟悟】(1)give up“放放弃弃”, 后后常常跟跟名名词、代代词或或动词-ing形形式式作作宾语。give up是是“动词+副副词”结构构的的短短语, 宾语是是代代词时, 要要置置于于give与与up之之间。例例如如: Hold on your dreams and never give them up, children. 孩孩子子们, 一一定定要要坚持持自自己己的的梦梦想想永不放弃。永不放弃。(2)achieve是是及及物物动词, 意意为“达达到到; 完完成成; 成成功功”。主主语一一般般是是人人, 后后常常接接愿愿望望、理理想想、梦梦想想和和目目标等等。例例如如: Beckham finally achieved his dream. 贝克克汉姆最姆最终实现了他的梦想。了他的梦想。【归纳拓展拓展】常常见由由give构成的短构成的短语 【活学活用活学活用】 这是一个是一个获得教育的好机会。你不得教育的好机会。你不应该放弃它。放弃它。Its a good chance to get education. You shouldnt_ _ _. 史密斯先生下定决心要戒烟。史密斯先生下定决心要戒烟。Mr. Smith made a decision to_ _ _. 答案答案: give it upgive up smoking. 用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. Sunshine Theater is one of the (expensive) theaters in town. 2. Zhujiang River is the(long) in Guangdong Province. 3. Of all the salt lakes, the Caspian Sea is the (deep). 答案答案: 1. most expensive2. longest3. deepest4. Did you have any(difficult) learning English? 5. Mo Yan never gives up(write) articles and finally won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012. 答案答案: 4. difficulties5. writing. 完成句子完成句子1. 长城城纵贯中国北方地区。中国北方地区。The Great Wall_ _the northern part of China. 2. 这些工人因些工人因为吸入了太多灰吸入了太多灰尘生病了。生病了。These workers fell ill because they _ _ too much dust. 答案答案: 1. runs along2. took in3. 这些士兵在些士兵在敌人面前很勇敢。人面前很勇敢。These soldiers were brave_ _ _ _the enemies. 4. 每人都会每人都会实现梦想梦想, 只要他尽力。只要他尽力。Everyone can _ his _ if he tries his best. 答案答案: 3. in the face of 4. achieve; dream
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