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www.wondershare.com自我介绍自我介绍Name:SweetLOGOwww.wondershare.com JUNIOR NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH 1AUnit1 Meet my familySweetNew words and Expressionsvthe 这,那这,那vfamily fmili n.家,家庭家,家庭vHello helu 你好你好vmy ma adj. 我的我的vmeet mi:t v.与与见面见面vname neim n.名名字字www.wondershare.comvis iz v.是是vthis is pron.这,这个这,这个vwife waif n.妻子妻子vHow do you do? Greeting(问候语)问候语)你好!你好! familyvFather and mother I love you . Questions vHow many people are there in the text ?vIs Lucy William Jenkins daughter?vIs Keran William Jenkins wife?vIs Robert William Jenkins nephew?vIs Paul William Jenkins son ?www.wondershare.com Unit1 Meet my familyHello! My name isWilliam Jenkins.www.wondershare.comThis is my family.www.wondershare.comThis is Karen.Karen is my wife.How do you do?www.wondershare.comWilliam: This is Lucy. Lucys my daughter.Lucy: Hello!www.wondershare.comWilliam: This is my son,Robert.Robert: Hi!www.wondershare.comHello !Nice to meet you.And this is Paul. Pauls my nephew.Notes on the texts:1.Meet the familyvWriting:大写(upper-case)和小写(lower-case)。我们在句首使用大写字母。人名,地名,包括星期、月份在内的专有名词,以及标题、题目的首字母也是大写。 人名:Sunny 地名:Alps 星期:Sunday 月份:May 国家:China The United States 标题:Meet the family www.wondershare.com2.Hello!vHello!/Hi!/Nice to meet you./How do you do? 英美人见面时的用语在熟悉和不熟悉的人之间是有区别的。偶尔碰到打声招呼,只需说:hello,hi等即可。初次见面的招呼语为How do you do? 对How do you do? 的回答要用How do you do? 而不是Very well ,thank you .www.wondershare.com3.William Jenkinsv1.英语国家的姓名(英语国家的姓名(full name)是名)是名+姓姓v2.姓:姓:surname/family name/last namev3.名:名:given name/first name/Christian namewww.wondershare.comvI am a student .vI用am vYou are a student.vYou 用arevIt is a dog .vShe is a teacher .vHe is a doctor.vIs 连着he she it 代词用法小结代词用法小结主格(做句子主语)主格(做句子主语)形容词格(后面加名词)形容词格(后面加名词)I 我myYou 你,你们yourHe 他hisShe 她herIt 它itWe 我们ourThey 她们theirwww.wondershare.com4.This is my wife.vmy我的,形容词性物主代词我的,形容词性物主代词This is my bag. your你的,形容词性物主代词你的,形容词性物主代词This is your desk. his他的,形容词性物主代词他的,形容词性物主代词That is his book.her 她的,形容词性物主代词她的,形容词性物主代词I am her friend .5.Lucys my daughter.=Lucy is my daughter. is的缩写vWhats =What is Whats this ? Its a pencil.vWhos=Who is Whos he ?Hes my grandpa.vIts =It is Its 3:00.vWheres Joey? Hes in the bathroom.vMy brothers taller than my cousin. Practice:比较下面两个 Sunnys 的区别Sunnys our English teacher.These are Sunnys comic books.www.wondershare.com5.我的要求我的要求1.Parents cooperation 每天养成一个好的学习习惯,遗弃一个坏习惯。每天读、听课文10分钟,贵在坚持课前预习、课后复习。 www.wondershare.com6.HomeworkText1.单词抄三默一2.练习册主动完成3.每周复习一次学过的内容www.wondershare.com8.上课时间:上课时间: 周五晚上:周五晚上: 4:00-6:00www.wondershare.com
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